Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
I read my daughter Hitchhikers at bed time when she was 6. She kept my book and has finished Restaurant at the end of the Universe on her own. She's now 12.

A few months ago I was helping her pack her back pack for her all-state choir concert, at the bottom of her bag was a bath towel in the way. I pulled it out, "No wonder your damned bag is always so heavy, you're carrying a full bath towel."

She looked at me in complete dismay, "DAD! REALLY!? I can't, sheesh! You KNOW that a hitchhiker only-always needs their towel!" I inspected the towel and she'd used fabric paint to put the the guides logo in one corner, 42 in the opposite corner, and "Don't Panic" in the middle of it.

She grabbed it out of m hands and shoved it in her bag with a huff. My wife later informed me she did it in her art class when they did a fabric art project. She hadn't said a single word about it to me.

Little shit fired that perspective gun right at me.
Ended up buying a box of books at a sale for 3 dollars. Really good selection but the Douglas adams leatherbound ultimate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is my trophy. It has all the stories