Those who edibles do nothing to

It encapsulates the THC / Oil globule and............ Science Stuff.... LMAO
It helps your body make better use of what it has. I'm a hard to stone and it rips my head clean off every day without fail

I read that, and a few others you knew agreed haha, I hope crying uncle means what I am tryng to deacribe which means all yall suffer from not being able to take just any edibles? I hope this is finally the missing link to the best expirience I can get instead of nothing each time.

I did not come across lectin, must be a very underground. I tried hashrosin edibles, all the top tier. Not quite what you listed though, why is that, are there any health risks or unwanted effects such as weight gain? Like they use fat free or vegan ingredients often as targeted consumers.
Thanks @BrassNwood for sharing, was late, went to sleep so I am just now saying I will try your receipe some time soon. Will report how it went hoping this thread ends up sharing something not well known yet but effective.

Is this why people say firecrackers seem to hit hard as heck? Peanut butter high in lectin with kief somehow working together to hit like bricks? That makes sense why they say gummies are for dummies that baked goods hit harder.

So you’re just saying you add high amounts artificially to compensate? Just make sure its cooked safely/thouroughly?

Never made edibles, never thought I would have the gift of it being worth while. A friend made their own recently, 1st try, with success without trying. Has ability to get high on any of them. Thanks for giving me something fun to try that has good shot at working! Suspense 10/10 hehe
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most people that can't get high from edibles smoke weed already. i have never met someone that doesn't smoke/vape often that can't get super messed on edibles of normal doses <100mg. i've found that people who measure their high on a differential basis, basically they get high after getting high, have the greated difficulty feeling the edibles high, me included. taking super large doses seems to work better, but taking a small toke about an hour and a half after dropping some will likely make you feel super high. i usually smoke up after taking edible and end up way baked...alone edibles are euphoric, but not particularly special. i take 200 to 300mg (a whole gram a bud). it works ok, but it works better with a small toke or even a few tokes. i think this issue is related to tolerance. i went through a period where i couldn't get high, but later realized i wasn't realizing just how high i was. getting your mindset corrected about your high might help. if you smoke a bowl and don't feel high, you might actually be high despite your senses. Also, there are genetic tests you can get that describe how fast you metabolize certain drugs. For me, THC and cannabinoids are super slow...opiates, super fast. This is the sort of testing you might get before having a surgery so they can dose you.

i have noticed not any difference using soy lecithin at all. using less decarbed bud made for better baked edibles that had a proper high that was similar to the original bud. who wants a bunch of cbn.
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I read that, and a few others you knew agreed haha, I hope crying uncle means what I am tryng to deacribe which means all yall suffer from not being able to take just any edibles? I hope this is finally the missing link to the best expirience I can get instead of nothing each time.

I did not come across lectin, must be a very underground. I tried hashrosin edibles, all the top tier. Not quite what you listed though, why is that, are there any health risks or unwanted effects such as weight gain? Like they use fat free or vegan ingredients often as targeted consumers.

============= Web
Lecithin (/ˈlɛsɪθɪn, ˈlɛsəθ-/, from the Greek lekithos "yolk") is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues which are amphiphilic – they attract both water and fatty substances (and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic), and are used for smoothing food textures, emulsifying, homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials.[1][2]
Sold in Health food stores as a digestion aid.
Food additive[edit]
The nontoxicity of lecithin leads to its use with food, as an additive or in food preparation. It is used commercially in foods requiring a natural emulsifier or lubricant.
In confectionery, it reduces viscosity, replaces more expensive ingredients, controls sugar crystallization and the flow properties of chocolate, helps in the homogeneous mixing of ingredients, improves shelf life for some products, and can be used as a coating. In emulsions and fat spreads, such as margarines with a high fat content of more than 75%, it stabilizes emulsions, reduces spattering (splashing and scattering of oil droplets) during frying, improves texture of spreads and flavor release.[13] In doughs and baking, it reduces fat and egg requirements, helps even out distribution of ingredients in dough, stabilizes fermentation, increases volume, protects yeast cells in dough when frozen, and acts as a releasing agent to prevent sticking and simplify cleaning. It improves wetting properties of hydrophilic powders (such as low-fat proteins) and lipophilic powders (such as cocoa powder), controls dust, and helps complete dispersion in water.[14] Lecithin keeps cocoa and cocoa butter in a candy bar from separating. It can be used as a component of cooking sprays to prevent sticking and as a releasing agent.
Lecithin is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for human consumption with the status "generally recognized as safe". Lecithin is admitted by the EU as a food additive, designated as E322.[15]
Safe and used in everything from food to auto lubricants and pharma medications.
When used in high ratio with Oil and Cannabis it improves your body's ability to utilize THC much more effectively.
Doubles the strength and triples the duration and making it so highly absorbable that there is virtually no tolerance build. It hammers me silly exactly like it did the first dose 12 years and 10,000 capsules ago.
It is my pain killer and I gobble the capsules like candy when I hurt bad. The more I try and do the more it hurts and the more capsules I take and.....
Z caps and dish.jpg
A few of these convince even the most stubborn disbelievers that Yes indeed Cannabis edibles DO work on them after all.
10 at once is still the record and even I'm not that crazy.
Thanks @BrassNwood for sharing, was late, went to sleep so I am just now saying I will try your receipe some time soon. Will report how it went hoping this thread ends up sharing something not well known yet but effective.

Is this why people say firecrackers seem to hit hard as heck? Peanut butter high in lectin with kief somehow working together to hit like bricks? That makes sense why they say gummies are for dummies that baked goods hit harder.

So you’re just saying you add high amounts artificially to compensate? Just make sure its cooked safely/thouroughly?

Never made edibles, never thought I would have the gift of it being worth while. A friend made their own recently, 1st try, with success without trying. Has ability to get high on any of them. Thanks for giving me something fun to try that has good shot at working! Suspense 10/10 hehe
I have a little different process than but have tried BNS’s recipe and it works.

Do hIs recipe.You’ll be surprised how potent it is.
most people that can't get high from edibles smoke weed already. i have never met someone that doesn't smoke/vape often that can't get super messed on edibles of normal doses <100mg. i've found that people who measure their high on a differential basis, basically they get high after getting high, have the greated difficulty feeling the edibles high, me included. taking super large doses seems to work better, but taking a small toke about an hour and a half after dropping some will likely make you feel super high. i usually smoke up after taking edible and end up way baked...alone edibles are euphoric, but not particularly special. i take 200 to 300mg (a whole gram a bud). it works ok, but it works better with a small toke or even a few tokes. i think this issue is related to tolerance. i went through a period where i couldn't get high, but later realized i wasn't realizing just how high i was. getting your mindset corrected about your high might help. if you smoke a bowl and don't feel high, you might actually be high despite your senses. Also, there are genetic tests you can get that describe how fast you metabolize certain drugs. For me, THC and cannabinoids are super slow...opiates, super fast. This is the sort of testing you might get before having a surgery so they can dose you.

i have noticed not any difference using soy lecithin at all. using less decarbed bud made for better baked edibles that had a proper high that was similar to the original bud. who wants a bunch of cbn.

Glad you mention, so this thread can clarify.

True to some extent but I am referring to stories of eating a whole batch of pot cookies or brownies etc and just having a story you wouldn’t believe but mine include people who aren’t timid with weed to say the least hehe. Heavy use.

I get that effect with smoking in general when I hit a strain with chemotypes that smoothen out the rough effects I seek, but I am aware Im doped out my gourd even when I claim not to be, just not the way I desire or sometimes can ever get with some strains.

I have struggled with this by force all my life. No choice but to say trust me, they never hit to where something is wrong. I tried no smoking and that just added up to hours spent for nothing, like dropping a dud tab all over again. Except I am the dud hehe.

Smoking won’t even bring the effects out. Some times it helps make the onset stronger, some times it steals from it and makes me not feel the edible at all.

edible high scale 1-10 I would say considering what I saw heavy users feel and heard stories of being a 10 I would say I only get to a 1 or 2. Always, ALWAYS gone by the time it claims to kick in.

I could try it on a low tolerance and I would have just sacrificed weeks of good smoke sessions.

Bottom line, tolerance is not my issue, I have control over it with seemingly no discipline, possible due to high motabolism. Simple trick is bouncing between “desired effects” and “ getting as stoned as possible.”

Tolerance therefore never is an issue. Just strains or oils from strains not hitting right due to chemotypes. (Im convinced theres goods within the plant matter itself) Just keep strains you know will get you right and a few new testers.
to clarify, I seen light users as some showed here, get ZOOTED off 20mg even with high use and I personally seen people handle 100mg or less with ease as heavy users but over 100 it seems like every mg added, one of which breaks the camels back at some point quickly.

Such an informal thread already as one shared, theres more to the enzyme process that goes from me all the way down to people having that same effect at less, its a even LESS understood molecule than thc lol.

Hell, the person sharing cannot exactly explain, “just gets me stoned, whats there more to know, try it!” hehe.

This talk will increase especially if new products for us all can be made out of this, considering the range of how this actually effects us all. New products marketed to have warning labels all over it.

“Warning, you might meet santa clause.”
to clarify, I seen light users as some showed here, get ZOOTED off 20mg even with high use and I personally seen people handle 100mg or less with ease as heavy users but over 100 it seems like every mg added, one of which breaks the camels back at some point quickly.

Such an informal thread already as one shared, theres more to the enzyme process that goes from me all the way down to people having that same effect at less, its a even LESS understood molecule than thc lol.

Hell, the person sharing cannot exactly explain, “just gets me stoned, whats there more to know, try it!” hehe.

This talk will increase especially if new products for us all can be made out of this, considering the range of how this actually effects us all. New products marketed to have warning labels all over it.

“Warning, you might meet santa clause.”

This information is out there but it's piecemeal with scraps hidden here and some over there. I tried Kats Oil, Liked it and was an instant convert. That was 12 years ago and I still have trouble explaining what I know intuitively but can't articulate.
"Liposomal Encapsulation" will get a range of search results.
"Lecithin Encapsulation Technology" (LET) will find another range to explore.
While your reading order some Lecithin.
This information is out there but it's piecemeal with scraps hidden here and some over there. I tried Kats Oil, Liked it and was an instant convert. That was 12 years ago and I still have trouble explaining what I know intuitively but can't articulate.
"Liposomal Encapsulation" will get a range of search results.
"Lecithin Encapsulation Technology" (LET) will find another range to explore.
While your reading order some Lecithin.

It gave me a lot to start reading that I was blinded to all these years, bad key words. Still no real direct answer, a few enzymes responsible for converting it, saturated with lipids mixed with thc will …. in laymens terms…. to people with enzymes that are genetically programed to not make that conversion, but render thc inactive in larger amounts than inhalation or even sublingual intake will make it to your brain … that is where i blank out.

I wish I could skip the science and just take a receipe that does the trick, 3 or 4 hours long of pretty much a unique weed trip and THEN start to notice effects taper. Something that makes me think “shit, handle with caution next time.” Just like the pethetic labels say on the regular edibles.

Only time I caution is if I had not smoked in a few weeks. I cannot imagine having a cannabis product that can do that at any time.

Is this thc or 11ohthc? I think you catch my drift when I say I am after the strongest possible. I know the carbon chain length like thcp is what makes it applicable/effective. You are saying intaking regular thc can do this? Like dropping a bomb you cannot possibly inhale? haha.

I dont think you directly said if you even believe in the 11ohthc hype, that there is a difference in high? I know however much times stronger doesn’t always mean literally. But does it with 11ohthc?
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It just doesn’t make sense why I could do a whole rso syringe sublingually for an hour or two and just have unwanted effects, no psycoactive activity that surpasses smoking. But do feel like going to sleep half the time. Like cbn or something, or melatonin. So this effect or trick may help actually absorb the thc rather than the liver enzymes render it inactive? Will keep studying till I know more.
It gave me a lot to start reading that I was blinded to all these years, bad key words. Still no real direct answer, a few enzymes responsible for converting it, saturated with lipids mixed with thc will …. in laymens terms…. to people with enzymes that are genetically programed to not make that conversion, but render thc inactive in larger amounts than inhalation or even sublingual intake will make it to your brain … that is where i blank out.

I wish I could skip the science and just take a receipe that does the trick, 3 or 4 hours long of pretty much a unique weed trip and THEN start to notice effects taper. Something that makes me think “shit, handle with caution next time.” Just like the pethetic labels say on the regular edibles.

Only time I caution is if I had not smoked in a few weeks. I cannot imagine having a cannabis product that can do that at any time.

Is this thc or 11ohthc? I think you catch my drift when I say I am after the strongest possible. I know the carbon chain length like thcp is what makes it applicable/effective. You are saying intaking regular thc can do this? Like dropping a bomb you cannot possibly inhale? haha.

I dont think you directly said if you even believe in the 11ohthc hype, that there is a difference in high? I know however much times stronger doesn’t always mean literally. But does it with 11ohthc?

I do believe the Science is correct. Delta-9-THC is the Smoked, Alcohol Tincture. Transdermal patch and sublingual oral. These all enter the blood stream as Delta-9. Fast acting, Short lived and limited in effects.
11-Hydroxy-THC is the degraded but far stronger Metabolite. Made by the Liver as part of the breakdown process. This is the stuff dreams and nightmares are made from.

Even the smoked Delta-9 is eventually converted into 11-hydroxy by the liver and contributes to your overall stone. Eaten the Delta-9 arrives in the small intestine and then moves to the Portal Vein that dumps directly into the Liver. This is when the large load of THC is dropped at the Livers front door
Converted Delta-9 as 11-hydroxy is then sent to the Heart and general circulation. This is well established and accepted as fact.
It just doesn’t make sense why I could do a whole rso syringe sublingually for an hour or two and just have unwanted effects, no psycoactive activity that surpasses smoking. But do feel like going to sleep half the time. Like cbn or something, or melatonin. So this effect or trick may help actually absorb the thc rather than the liver enzymes render it inactive? Will keep studying till I know more.

I make RSO from the bud scraps left after power shaking the Kief off. The raw tar while active as the Bud was Decarbed before washing with 190 proof is very weak and carries little punch in that form. Mixed with Coconut oil and Lecithin it is now something to be feared as it will make you run crying for your momma.

When I first figured out how well cannabis shut the pain in my belly off I was smoking the Kief every 45 minutes. Up a half dozen times a night for a toke and pissing off the wife with the smoke. A nasty lung infection left me unable to smoke for nearly a month. This was when I made the big leap to edibles.

Being a compulsive reader I'd read Kats threads years before knew the basics and did a dirty single serve with a thumb of Bud and butter. Not great but I wasn't in pain for the moment. The next one was Kief and Coconut oil. I bought my first can of Lecithin granules at the local Vitamin shop that afternoon and I was on my way and never looked back.
I do believe the Science is correct. Delta-9-THC is the Smoked, Alcohol Tincture. Transdermal patch and sublingual oral. These all enter the blood stream as Delta-9. Fast acting, Short lived and limited in effects.
11-Hydroxy-THC is the degraded but far stronger Metabolite. Made by the Liver as part of the breakdown process. This is the stuff dreams and nightmares are made from.

Even the smoked Delta-9 is eventually converted into 11-hydroxy by the liver and contributes to your overall stone. Eaten the Delta-9 arrives in the small intestine and then moves to the Portal Vein that dumps directly into the Liver. This is when the large load of THC is dropped at the Livers front door
Converted Delta-9 as 11-hydroxy is then sent to the Heart and general circulation. This is well established and accepted as fact.

I am no longer sceptical. I tried researching basically what happens period and this is the most laymens way to put it in less than 2 paragraphs.

You are the GOAT for this, major respect for helping those in extra need. I say respect because I should of been ran into someone or a provisionist that could of taught me this long, long ago.

Or a simple search, what comes up is just diluted info when it is as simple as the title of this thread, your cooking instructions and this comment.
I am no longer sceptical. I tried researching basically what happens period and this is the most laymens way to put it in less than 2 paragraphs.

You are the GOAT for this, major respect for helping those in extra need. I say respect because I should of been ran into someone or a provisionist that could of taught me this long, long ago.

Or a simple search, what comes up is just diluted info when it is as simple as the title of this thread, your cooking instructions and this comment.

I've been teaching this over at Grass City for most of the last decade.
I started the Hash Capsule thread in 2016 but I was well versed in making them by then. I'd have to dig in my main thread to see just when I made the first batch.

First Hash / Kief run back in early 2013. I think my first Oil run was near the end of that year.
I am a bit late but just got some lecitin powder from soy. About to try this with weed or wax, I cannot get kief. I guess just decarb the weed and mix 20% by volume. Would have to reread that but I read somewhere else to mix the lechtin and coco first then add the decarbed weed. Let me know if I have to do anything different if I use wax. I am just going to wing it.
I am a bit late but just got some lecitin powder from soy. About to try this with weed or wax, I cannot get kief. I guess just decarb the weed and mix 20% by volume. Would have to reread that but I read somewhere else to mix the lechtin and coco first then add the decarbed weed. Let me know if I have to do anything different if I use wax. I am just going to wing it.
If you use Buds Infuse with Oil alone first, Strain then add the Lecithin and reprocess 220 F for 20 minutes. THis gets more of the oil off the weed.
Wax and other high end concentrates need no straining.
Here is my primary thread on making the Capsules. Part way through a batch right now.

  1. #8167 BrassNwood, Apr 25, 2023 at 5:54 PM
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2023 at 6:16 PM


    15 grams per side



    An eyeball puddle of Lecithin 1.teaspoon and 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil.


    220 micron Kief after decarb.


    I stirred this all up and it got 20 minutes at 220 F and then tossed in the freezer. Good place to stop.
