GMO on discord is someone i recommend. He will do things right and always help someone if needed. Just don’t take advantage! I got cuts from him and scoped like crazy. Tested everything with tumi root scoped again. And again. All good.
Cool man. What cuts did you end up getting?
hey im looking for a cut of rs11 and a few people have it listed. can savage novelties or prestige clones be trusted?
Heads up! Seems Prestige Clones and Savage Novelties is the same person, which is super sketchy. Their profile pages contain the same exact verbiage, they post the same exact type of auctions with identical titles: "mixed bag of # clones" and they leave feedback for each other! Be careful out there, pay attention!
Can I please get a link to the Cut Hut or Clearwater discord channels? The one from earlier in the thread is expired. It seems like GMO, FarmerJoe420, or Clearwater Genetics would be good choices if I order from discord, which would you buy from? Or if strainly is just as good, any strainly seller suggestions would be appreciated, I used to buy from Dookie but I'd like something new. Thanks
Can I please get a link to the Cut Hut or Clearwater discord channels? The one from earlier in the thread is expired. It seems like GMO, FarmerJoe420, or Clearwater Genetics would be good choices if I order from discord, which would you buy from? Or if strainly is just as good, any strainly seller suggestions would be appreciated, I used to buy from Dookie but I'd like something new. Thanks
GMO and farmerjoe are both solid vendors that test their cuts and have fair prices. I’ve ordered from both of them.
303 seeds.seeds.
I just took a gander at Strainly looking for some old 303 seeds. Decided to see whats up in the clone section and WOW....the duds!!

If anyone is ever wondering what full blown dudded plants look like, look no further than the first page. There's half dozen or so listings from the same seller....and no, that is NOT typical "OG viney growth".

Stay safe out there

If you could find 303 seeds I'll be your best friend!!!
Heads up! Seems Prestige Clones and Savage Novelties is the same person, which is super sketchy. Their profile pages contain the same exact verbiage, they post the same exact type of auctions with identical titles: "mixed bag of # clones" and they leave feedback for each other! Be careful out there, pay attention!
Dude I've said this for awhile there some vendors the have multiple different clone vendors names that are the same person/biz's pretty obvious when you read the reviews and take a hard look at that site....some vendors that have great reviews and their cuts are a joke...For example-pigtails gardens is just a small tent grower, she has a shitload of positive reviews- go look at her pics of her clones, they look fucking horrid, I'm sorry if you can't even take a good pic of your own clones, your cuts are probably not healthy and are most definitely not worth buying. Pig's cut pics that look decent well I think I know her trick...she takes a pic of a unrooted clone she just snipped and stuck into whatever medium she's using, lots of the pics she doesn't show the bottom roots...the one she does have weird looking wiry roots not those supple fat donger white roots us rollitupers For real though these are some of her clones pics and to me they look haggard and just really unhealthy, you could see deficiencies everywhere. Just try not to buy clones from growers who just grow to sell clones.

1.Some strawnana cut looking like shit all for $250 I'm sure this will get to your house 3000miles away looking like absolute shit or dead.

2.Pineapples in space looking awful, they won't even post a full pic of it- $200

3.Apples & bananas looking sad- $200

4.5.6.and 7. Some stringy soma nyc diesel cut all for the low cost of $500... got a bonus with this one don't know if this is a joke but she threw in some flower pics of the nyc d...take a look and judge for yourself. Her way too long and over the top write up about soma's nyc d his hilarious, she writes books for each of her clones, lol.

8. Some awful looking jokerz 31 cut for the low price of $666...real edgy # you got there...smh

9.'s the plusher cut yo- $250




Pay some astronomically high price for a clone of a weed plant that will most likely bring HpLVD into your garden- no thanks be careful out there fellow growers.
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