

Well-Known Member
i imagine she fucked her way through high school, trading her disgusting "favors" for a passing grade...it's how she acted while married with kids...
and it's the only way i can imagine her passing any classes.
Then again, she did go to school in Georgia...where she is probably about average...which is fucking depressing, a whole state where she is just the average...maybe there is some merit to this "national divorce"...as long as we're the ones getting the alimony.
could be, i caught the fake hair woman, calling for Biden's impeachment for giving money to Ukraine....right after i read that, i shut my tablet off, went in to the kitchen, and opened me a beer...and went WTF!!! to the top of my lungs.....


Well-Known Member
What old RC hobbyists and newly trained army drone pilots are contributing to the Ukrainian war effort. There has been a big drive on in the drone and RC hobbyist world, headed up by Mark Hammel, to supply small drones and very useful RC planes in large numbers that can fly waypoint missions for hours on photo reconnaissance. These things have come into their own during this war, but it might be short lived as counter measures become common, these things are very useful on the battlefield for a variety of roles and very dangerous to the enemy on several levels.

How Ukrainian drone pilots are changing the course of the war against Russia

12,757 views Feb 20, 2023
This week marks one year since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In the eastern part of the country, frontline units are working to modernize a war that has often seemed an echo from last century. Nick Schifrin and videographer Eric O’Connor traveled to the Donetsk Province and report on Ukrainian soldiers using drones in the hunt for Russian troops.


Well-Known Member
Not much incentive to attack when they are killing so many Russians at so little cost to themselves. When they are ready in the spring the Russians will be pretty well depleted, if this craziness keeps up. It's trench warfare in many places now, the artillery fire has been reduced and there is no airpower to speak of for either side, trench warfare gives a big advantage to the defender with muddy ground, artillery and Javelins for armor defense. The Russians continue to attack with unequipped and untrained troops that have no leadership, and they are paying for it in blood, they are also losing guns ammo and equipment with those men, and they don't have any to spare. China could help with a million AKs, ammo, uniforms and other things, but that would put them in the sanction's shithouse with Russia and Iran. Even if they did help them with weapons, it won't help them with corruption, incompetence, poor military organization, moral and lack of leadership.

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Well-Known Member
DeSantis says Biden ‘neglecting’ domestic problems with Ukraine trip

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday said that President Biden is neglecting domestic problems by making an international trip this week that included a surprise trip to Kyiv to show support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

“We have a lot of problems accumulating here in our own country that he is neglecting,” DeSantis said in an appearance on Fox News after news of Biden’s surprise trip to visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.



Well-Known Member
The Ukrainians have been talking about a short offensive this winter, perhaps they think the Russian army is close to collapse in some sectors and a small push could have big results and set them up for spring. There might be a surprise for the Russians in some places if the ground if frozen and the Russians there are not ready. If the Russians are breaking down in some sectors, the Ukrainians don't want to wait and give them time to get their shit together.

20 Feb: Russians OPERATION IS ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE | War in Ukraine Explained


Well-Known Member
DeSantis says Biden ‘neglecting’ domestic problems with Ukraine trip

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday said that President Biden is neglecting domestic problems by making an international trip this week that included a surprise trip to Kyiv to show support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

“We have a lot of problems accumulating here in our own country that he is neglecting,” DeSantis said in an appearance on Fox News after news of Biden’s surprise trip to visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

While he was in NY talking about crime.


Well-Known Member
DeSantis says Biden ‘neglecting’ domestic problems with Ukraine trip

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday said that President Biden is neglecting domestic problems by making an international trip this week that included a surprise trip to Kyiv to show support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

“We have a lot of problems accumulating here in our own country that he is neglecting,” DeSantis said in an appearance on Fox News after news of Biden’s surprise trip to visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Unlike Trump, Joe can walk and chew gum at the same time, these assholes have been stabbing the POTUS in the back over foreign affairs all day. Joe had a major diplomatic victory and raised the moral of the whole Ukrainian nation. It's something that never happened in the past, part of a party and a cable news network in open treason and supporting Russia in their war of imperial aggression. Who else has hundreds of nukes pointed at America? China might have a few which is enough, but Russia has a lot more, you would think patriotic Americans would be hostile to a country that acts like an asshole and has hundreds of nukes pointed at them, a country America spent trillions of dollars to defend against for decades and a traditional authoritarian enemy. This shit would have been unthinkable in such a situation a decade ago when the POTUS was outside the country confronting a mortal enemy of America.


Well-Known Member
Unlike Trump, Joe can walk and chew gum at the same time, these assholes have been stabbing the POTUS in the back over foreign affairs all day. Joe had a major diplomatic victory and raised the moral of the whole Ukrainian nation. It's something that never happened in the past, part of a party and a cable news network in open treason and supporting Russia in their war of imperial aggression. Who else has hundreds of nukes pointed at America? China might have a few which is enough, but Russia has a lot more, you would think patriotic Americans would be hostile to a country that acts like an asshole and has hundreds of nukes pointed at them, a country America spent trillions of dollars to defend against for decades and a traditional authoritarian enemy. This shit would have been unthinkable in such a situation a decade ago when the POTUS was outside the country confronting a mortal enemy of America.
But can Joe ride a bike and chew gum at the same time?