Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Except the assumption they are pussies is a false characterization. I've seen Proud Boys in action. Yes, some are pussies but some were scary dudes. Antifa were skinny young men and women who were brave to stand up to them without support from Portland's so-called finest who just stood there behind their armor and shields. Proud Boys and cops all stank of toxic masculinity.

I told this recent story in case you missed it..Voodoo Ranger nearly ran me over on a scooter on the we all are aware, scooter are not allowed on sidewalk for just this reason- new freshman aren't they cute..they have been provided a very nice bike lane here in bike city. Walk up to him, he knew why. The fun ensued; told me he was going to hit me as his right fist palpitate..his friend 'don't do it'..then I stepped into his personal space..told him to listen to his friend because I have a friend with me too. I pointed at my spray and they both dropped their heads same time. He said he'll be looking for me and stepped out of the circle.

Two enter the circle; only one remains.
I told this recent story in case you missed it..Voodoo Ranger nearly ran me over on a scooter on the we all are aware, scooter are not allowed on sidewalk for just this reason- new freshman aren't they cute..they have been provided a very nice bike lane here in bike city. Walk up to him, he knew why. The fun ensued; told me he was going to hit me as his right fist palpitate..his friend 'don't do it'..then I stepped into his personal space..told him to listen to his friend because I have a friend with me too. I pointed at my spray and they both dropped their heads same time. He said he'll be looking for me and stepped out of the circle.

Two enter the circle; only one remains.
one who now has a mean spirited asshole looking for them...keep your eyes and ears open....and something better than that spray near to hand.
i've been an asshole who won't eat shit my whole life, and it's gotten me into a lot of fights...people DO sometimes look for you, don't assume he was a loudmouthed little fuck who won't do shit.
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one who now has a mean spirited asshole looking for them...keep your eyes and ears open....and something better than that spray near to hand.
i've been an asshole who won't eat shit my whole life, and it's gotten me into a lot of fights...people DO sometimes look for you, don't assume he was a loudmouthed little fuck who won't do shit.

He's not looking for me because I was right there..all he had to do was apologize..but he wouldn't; I called him on it which is my right as a citizen.

The constant opening and closing of his right fist- a nice touch.

See what Gen Z is? They seem to be angry and act as if they're entitled..they're contrarian and lying is a skillset- I'm here to remind that child he is not anything special and he needs to follow the rules or CSU will send him packing back home. They're not allowed to rile up the locals in their natural habitat. It's rule #1 here..don't fuck with us. His friend reminded him of just that.
We have a culture of toxic masculinity too, however no guns. It’s much worse if you allow misogyny a machine gun (or whatever euphemism you use to describe them).
Yes, I'm willing to concede that there are plenty of assholes to be found in every nation.

It could be that guns are the only difference in homicide rates between UK and US. I'm not willing to stake anything on my theory that the US is worse off. However, we just had half the nation vote for Trump and they are willing to destroy our democracy in order to get him back. The worst you had was Boris.

Whatever it is, toxic masculinity or poor education system or white fragility. I think there is something in the mix that leads to gun violence in the US that you don't have in the same abundance. Maybe its the guns that make people crazy? Anybody who owns one is thinking about killing somebody. So maybe it's the mental conditioning that guns cause an owner to go through. All I know is, you have to be an asshole to draw a gun and shoot somebody just because they scared you or made you mad.
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He's not looking for me because I was right there..all he had to do was apologize..but he wouldn't; I called him on it which is my right as a citizen.

The constant opening and closing of his right fist- a nice touch.

See what Gen Z is? They seem to be angry and act as if they're entitled..they're contrarian and lying is a skillset- I'm here to remind that child he is not anything special and he needs to follow the rules or CSU will send him packing back home. They're not allowed to rile up the locals in their natural habitat. It's rule #1 here..don't fuck with us. His friend reminded him of just that.
So, let me get this straight. You were just walking on the sidewalk and somebody nearly ran you over on is electric(?) scooter and he was angry at you for saying something to him? And then he threatened you because you wouldn't just go away?

Like I said, something is off in this country that is more than just guns.
Yes, I'm willing to concede that there are plenty of assholes to be found in every nation.

It could be that guns are the only difference in homicide rates between UK and US. I'm not willing to stake anything on my theory that the US is worse off. However, we just had half the nation vote for Trump and they are willing to destroy our democracy in order to get him back. The worst you had was Boris.

Whatever it is, toxic masculinity or poor education system or white fragility. I think there is something in the mix that leads to gun violence in the US that you don't have in the same abundance. Maybe its the guns that make people crazy? Anybody who owns one is thinking about killing somebody. So maybe it's the mental conditioning that guns cause an owner to go through. All I know is, you have to be an asshole to draw a gun and shoot somebody just because they scared you or made you mad.
Sharia countries have their distinctive problems with toxic masculinity, whose extreme tends to run to bladed weapons and loud vests.
Sharia countries have their distinctive problems with toxic masculinity, whose extreme tends to run to bladed weapons and loud vests.

That's kind of what I'm getting at. There is a thought process that leads up to these tragedies. It's not as if Canada doesn't have assholes living there too. But they don't act out like assholes in the US seem to me to be doing more often than they do there.

Neuroplasticity -- brains are dynamic and change due to outside influences but also by dwelling on a subject. Just putting it out there for discussion. Can owning, maintaining and training with a gun or other weapon make a person more likely to harm others? Handguns aren't particularly useful for anything other than shooting people. So, whenever that gun is being handled, that thought must be going through the person's brain.

There is a strong mind-body feedback loop in that what we focus on results in feelings in our body. For instance, daydreaming about something positive might make you feel calm, optimistic, or motivated. Similarly, daydreaming about eating your favourite food might make you salivate. This is because there is a strong relationship between how we think and what we feel. Thoughts are simply propositions (or ‘invitations’) that our brains can utilise to stimulate physiological processes that result in emotions and motivations to act on our thoughts. However, this can work against us when our minds think up negative, frightening, or painful thoughts / situations (!) and this can interfere with – or stop you from – going after your goals and your heart’s deepest desires (!).

I told this recent story in case you missed it..Voodoo Ranger nearly ran me over on a scooter on the we all are aware, scooter are not allowed on sidewalk for just this reason- new freshman aren't they cute..they have been provided a very nice bike lane here in bike city. Walk up to him, he knew why. The fun ensued; told me he was going to hit me as his right fist palpitate..his friend 'don't do it'..then I stepped into his personal space..told him to listen to his friend because I have a friend with me too. I pointed at my spray and they both dropped their heads same time. He said he'll be looking for me and stepped out of the circle.

Two enter the circle; only one remains.
Are you William Burroughs in female?
Yes, I'm willing to concede that there are plenty of assholes to be found in every nation.

It could be that guns are the only difference in homicide rates between UK and US. I'm not willing to stake anything on my theory that the US is worse off. However, we just had half the nation vote for Trump and they are willing to destroy our democracy in order to get him back. The worst you had was Boris.

Whatever it is, toxic masculinity or poor education system or white fragility. I think there is something in the mix that leads to gun violence in the US that you don't have in the same abundance. Maybe its the guns that make people crazy? Anybody who owns one is thinking about killing somebody. So maybe it's the mental conditioning that guns cause an owner to go through. All I know is, you have to be an asshole to draw a gun and shoot somebody just because they scared you or made you mad.
Regarding the enthusiasm some have for guns it is probably worthwhile to consider the most basic Freudian psychology, that thankfully doesn’t apply to anyone who can think clearly, in that it’s a phallas ejaculating a bullet, therefore conflating in their limited and confused minds the idea of biological success with death, notwithstanding the irony
This pretty much aligns with what Zedd is getting at:

Other countries have toxic masculinity, George Pyle writes, but only the U.S. pairs it with gun culture
Recent tragedies in Utah have demonstrated, again, that the uniquely American worship of firearms does more to kill innocent people than anything else.

Unless, that is, we would find that the United States is the only nation on earth that has people with mental health issues. The only culture where toxic masculinity leaves jilted males full of rage toward the women who defy them.

right at this very moment, there is a man in Helsinki who is consumed by anger at a former girlfriend. In Glasgow, there is a man whose entire self-concept has been wrecked by the divorce petition he just received. In Auckland, there is a man who is coming completely unhinged for reasons that nobody else may ever understand. In Venice, there is a man whose religious beliefs cannot abide the idea that he is not the master of is family.
Each of these poor souls may or may not seek, or be ordered to receive, mental health treatment.

But the possibility that any of them will murder one or more people is a fraction of that found in the United States, where guns rule and people are statistics.

“If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one, it should be fired. Otherwise, don’t put it there.”

Anton Chekhov, Russian playwright, 1860-1904

It's just an opinion piece but what he says is nonetheless true.
I told this recent story in case you missed it..Voodoo Ranger nearly ran me over on a scooter on the we all are aware, scooter are not allowed on sidewalk for just this reason- new freshman aren't they cute..they have been provided a very nice bike lane here in bike city. Walk up to him, he knew why. The fun ensued; told me he was going to hit me as his right fist palpitate..his friend 'don't do it'..then I stepped into his personal space..told him to listen to his friend because I have a friend with me too. I pointed at my spray and they both dropped their heads same time. He said he'll be looking for me and stepped out of the circle.

Two enter the circle; only one remains.
Scooters. On sidewalks? No. Old ladies. Danger. Scooters belong on roads. Not sidewalks. Sidewalks for walking. Old ladies vulnerable. Scooters fast. Crash possible. No scooter on sidewalk. Protect old ladies
Am I in the ballpark of your reality?