Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I was under the impression the laws were comparable....and/or that gun ownership was pretty common. Hunting seems common so I would imagine it isnt that hard to obtain a Shotgun or deer rifle.

Uhhh, while typing this I realized my impression regarding Canada and people killing gun (handguns/not deer rifles) was pretty heavily influenced by trailer park boys. Just handguns in random drawers or stuck in the couch, like here. Between that and the part in bowling for columbine where he goes to Canada and they all have guns but nobody locks their doors, I have no idea what's going on. bongsmilie
We restrict handguns quite a bit, long guns not so much, you need an FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) to buy any gun or ammo. Long gun mag sizes are restricted to 5 rounds and military style semiautomatics with detachable mags are banned and recently sales of new handguns have been banned and to own a handgun requires additional registration and licensing. Self-defense is not a valid reason for owning a gun in Canada, indeed, it would probably get you banned from owning one. Up until the 1970's, gun ownership rates in Canada and America were comparable, but since then we got sensible, and America went nuts. It's not the ones hunting in the woods who are a concern, it's the ones hunting on the streets and in the schools who are the concern.

Imagine an insane person able to walk in off the street and buy and AR15 with no restrictions of any kind, all that is required is cash or a credit card. I can see why you'll need lots of thoughts and prayers. The fact is only domestic terrorists or those who support them oppose gun laws, they are republicans, and they support and protect domestic terrorists, lax or no gun laws are just enabling domestic terrorism. Why do they show up at legislatures in body armor dressed like soldiers and carrying AR15s if not as an act of terrorism, mixing threats of violence with politics, both are linked.
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I live in a country, where you can:

-have a magazine with more than 6 rounds (i actually have some)
-do relading in your home, no problem to own gunpowder ( i actually have some)
-sell to another person (I bought two shotguns this way)
-you can carry wherever you want, except some prohibited places, like banks, parliament, minsters office,...(no problem to take gun to school)

You have to have a licence to own guns and they are registrated.

No mass shooting here. Gun violence very exceptional.

What you demand will not work.
east enough to say, explain why not.
It's all messed up. Idk, I just don't see any viable solutions, however that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. My kid was critiquing his schools active shooter plan, and it's bonkers they have to have more drills for that than we did tornados growing up.

It's sad and not going to get better until everyone is on board, at the moment it's a culture war issue.

What do we demand?

Why do you speak as if you're afraid of getting caught at something nefarious, Swiss Miss/Mister?
I´m not from Switzerland but Czech republic.

I´m not afraid beeing caught at something nefarious (had to find the word, thanks google trans.), just my level of English is crap.

All I want to say is I just don´t understand why this happens in America. I like your country, been in Chichago and Florida, but this is just so scary, I feel with the victims.

You have to have licence here, which requires a paper from your doctor that you are not inmate. If he has some doubts, then sends you to psychotest. This can sort most of idiots who shouldn´t handle guns. Not all of them.

EU commision is trying to restrict guns the same way mr. Shrubber wants. In my opinion, It´s not gona work and for me, why change something that works good. Whole EU should have Czech gun laws:).
I´m not from Switzerland but Czech republic.

I´m not afraid beeing caught at something nefarious (had to find the word, thanks google trans.), just my level of English is crap.

All I want to say is I just don´t understand why this happens in America. I like your country, been in Chichago and Florida, but this is just so scary, I feel with the victims.

You have to have licence here, which requires a paper from your doctor that you are not inmate. If he has some doubts, then sends you to psychotest. This can sort most of idiots who shouldn´t handle guns. Not all of them.

EU commision is trying to restrict guns the same way mr. Shrubber wants. In my opinion, It´s not gona work and for me, why change something that works good. Whole EU should have Czech gun laws:).
Your idea won't work in America, because we have a bunch of nefarious motherfuckers...and most of them are in congress, sitting on the republican side of the room. If you could get them to pass such legislation, it would certainly help, but these people are invested in their careers, and bought and paid for with russian money through the NRA. They have cultivated a base that is mostly made up of people with deep self worth and social interaction issues, who freak the fuck out if you suggest anything of the kind, and the republicans aren't going to commit political suicide pissing them kids get to get really dead, to keep their sick, pathetic careers alive.
I´m not from Switzerland but Czech republic.

I´m not afraid beeing caught at something nefarious (had to find the word, thanks google trans.), just my level of English is crap.

All I want to say is I just don´t understand why this happens in America. I like your country, been in Chichago and Florida, but this is just so scary, I feel with the victims.

You have to have licence here, which requires a paper from your doctor that you are not inmate. If he has some doubts, then sends you to psychotest. This can sort most of idiots who shouldn´t handle guns. Not all of them.

EU commision is trying to restrict guns the same way mr. Shrubber wants. In my opinion, It´s not gona work and for me, why change something that works good. Whole EU should have Czech gun laws:).

I'm 50% Czech my grandparents from Prague..they came to America. Something about Russians they didn't like.

We restrict handguns quite a bit, long guns not so much, you need an FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) to buy any gun or ammo. Long gun mag sizes are restricted to 5 rounds and military style semiautomatics with detachable mags are banned and recently sales of new handguns have been banned and to own a handgun requires additional registration and licensing. Self-defense is not a valid reason for owning a gun in Canada, indeed, it would probably get you banned from owning one. Up until the 1970's, gun ownership rates in Canada and America were comparable, but since then we got sensible, and America went nuts. It not the ones hunting in the woods who are a concern, it's the ones hunting on the streets and in the schools who are the concern.

Imagine an insane person able to walk in off the street and buy and AR15 with no restrictions of any kind, all that is required is cash or a credit card. I can see why you'll need lots of thoughts and prayers. The fact is only domestic terrorists or those who support them oppose gun laws, they are republicans, and they support and protect domestic terrorists, lax or no gun laws are just enabling domestic terrorism. Why do they show up at legislatures in body armor dressed like soldiers and carrying AR15s if not as an act of terrorism, mixing threats of violence with politics, both are linked.

Christmas cards did not look like this when I was a kid.

Your idea won't work in America, because we have a bunch of nefarious motherfuckers...and most of them are in congress, sitting on the republican side of the room. If you could get them to pass such legislation, it would certainly help, but these people are invested in their careers, and bought and paid for with russian money through the NRA. They have cultivated a base that is mostly made up of people with deep self worth and social interaction issues, who freak the fuck out if you suggest anything of the kind, and the republicans aren't going to commit political suicide pissing them kids get to get really dead, to keep their sick, pathetic careers alive. i don't usually join in the political discussions, but people actually think that Russia, or any country for that matter, wants individuals in the US to have guns? that seems quite counter to any strategy they might have against the US. disarming a population would be a great strategy to make any nation more vulnerable to attack. just having dealt with my schizo brother, i can see how a human can just make up stuff to make themselves feel what they want. still, that doesn't make it make any logical sense independently. not saying it's right or not, it's just that claiming Russia wants us to have guns doesn't make sense. They don't. What they would really love is us to put our weapons down and let them take armed citizenry might cause a few problems for them as we are seeing in Ukraine as we speak. better yet, have internal conflict within ourselves.
@husita What have you been hearing from Bucharest Nine Resistance?
Nothing, you are the first one I´v heard talking about it. CZ alrady is in "Visegrad 4", with Poland, Slovakia and Magyars. I´m a fan of it, but it doesn´t work at all, 4 small countriues with the same interests but cant cooperate anyway.

"Something about Russians they didn't like. "-russians occupid this country for 20 years, and even here you can find people supporting them figting on Ukraine. Just don´t understand it, there are idiots everywhere...
but people actually think that Russia, or any country for that matter, wants individuals in the US to have guns?
no, and i in no way suggested anything of the sort...i stated as a fact that russia uses the NRA as a money laundering tool, and that the NRA then passes that money along to their chosen political pawns, who are then beholden to them, and through that obligation, they are also beholden to the russians, whether they know it or not...

^ just so you don't accuse me of making shit up. i don't usually join in the political discussions, but people actually think that Russia, or any country for that matter, wants individuals in the US to have guns? that seems quite counter to any strategy they might have against the US. disarming a population would be a great strategy to make any nation more vulnerable to attack. just having dealt with my schizo brother, i can see how a human can just make up stuff to make themselves feel what they want. still, that doesn't make it make any logical sense independently. not saying it's right or not, it's just that claiming Russia wants us to have guns doesn't make sense. They don't. What they would really love is us to put our weapons down and let them take armed citizenry might cause a few problems for them as we are seeing in Ukraine as we speak. better yet, have internal conflict within ourselves.
You just feel a lot and know very little...get back to me when you successfully reverse that trend. No value in discussing your "feels".
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no, and i in no way suggested anything of the sort...i stated as a fact that russia uses the NRA as a money laundering tool, and that the NRA then passes that money along to their chosen political pawns, who are then beholden to them, and through that obligation, they are also beholden to the russians, whether they know it or not...

^ just so you don't accuse me of making shit up.
All I can say is -Things are going to get worse - who knows when these things going to stop _ Guess what - IT ISN'T - the answer is ???