Mary Chiva's Papaya Aurora Indica Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I know I know...I'm posting like mad. Lots of upcoming changes.

I've been doing some thinking today about when to start my 32 hour dark period and then 12/12 (It's supposed to be 36, but I'm doing 32 because of when I want the lights to go on). I'll be leaving for a trip in March for a week and won't be around, so, I want to make sure harvest and curing is done before March.

Keeping this in mind, I'm deciding to start the 32 hour dark period this upcoming Friday starting at 12PM when the plants' normal 4 hour dark period starts. I'll change the timer in the AM on Friday to be dark from 12PM-11:59AM. Then on Saturday, I'll have until 11:59AM to change the timer and set it to 8PM-8AM lights on. So, on Saturday 12/13 @ 8PM lights will come on for the first 12 hour period, ending the 32 hour dark period.

When I start the dark period, the oldest papaya's will be 32 days old and the youngest plant (a papaya) will be 23 days old (younger than I'd like, but that's alright). I'd say an average of the collective plant age would be something like 30 days from cracking soil. I'm REALLY hoping most plants are about 12 inches by next Friday. Regardless, I'm switching the light schedule and the bulb to HPS.

If things go as planned, and I don't have problems initiating flowering, then harvest should be somewhere around February 11th, 2009 (a few days past 8 weeks from the first 12/12...few days allowance to account for the beginning of the flowering stage).

Also, I am going to do one watering before the dark period with just plain water and WITHOUT Grow Big. No one has suggested I do this, and I haven't read about it. I just figure it would be good to have a 'clean slate' before I start with Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Anyone have thought on this?


Well-Known Member
if you follow fox farms directions sometime late in flower they advise a dose or two of grow big. not much though.

your plants look super healthy and with giving grow big every watering i'm sure there isn't any shortage of the stuff. i would say your allright to do either- i would most likely include it.

from what i have seen the smaller plants take a bit longer to start to flower. as if they say, i wasn't done growing yet! for this reason, i'm wondering when that seedling will start to flower as it went into flower at its first leaves.

any signs of presex yet??

32 hours will be just as good... so about a week and then its on to a new type of life.


Well-Known Member
Pimp thanks for the tips on the flowering and grow big. No, no signs of sex yet, but I have my suspicions.

Da Kine Thanks for the pic of the meter. I actually have one of the 3 in 1 kind...moisture/PH/lumens. It works pretty good, but I haven't been using it.

I bought reflectix today and went crazy installing it. I got sick of frost and snow melting on the REALLY fixed it this time. It looks SOOOOO nice too! PLUS, the heater hardly runs at all now. I was there tonight smoking a bowl with my babies, and the heater only ran for about 5 minutes and then would be off for about 10 minutes before coming on again. The temps stay mostly around 71-75.

Here's a couple pics to hold you all over until this coming Tuesday's "weekly pic update". I wanted to show you all the reflectix, but figure I'd throw in some groups shots just for fun. They are growing FAST! Again...papaya's are the left 5 pots and the aurora's are the 3 pots on the right.



Well-Known Member
BTW, we're already up to 11 blade fan leaves. These 2 strains make me wanna do the jig. :: does the jig ::

Both are said to be great for sea of green scenario's because both strains start flowering early (esp the papaya) and finish quickly. Plus, both of them are short plants making it easier for me to initiate flowering the end of next week when they are all about 12 inches.

Here's a couple links to the Nirvana site to read about Papaya and Aurora Indica...

A.I. >>

Papaya >>


Well-Known Member
if you follow fox farms directions sometime late in flower they advise a dose or two of grow big. not much though.

from what i have seen the smaller plants take a bit longer to start to flower. as if they say, i wasn't done growing yet! for this reason, i'm wondering when that seedling will start to flower as it went into flower at its first leaves.
Now that I think about it, adding the grow big late in flower is probably just to give the plants a good shot of nitrogen. I suppose they probably use up quite a lot of nutrients by the time harvest nears. Hopefully my regular feeding schedule helps them through this.

I've heard the same thing about smaller plants taking longer to flower. I hope the 32 hour dark period well help jump start things.

There is also advice that you should not start 12/12 until a plant starts 'alternating nodes'. Basically, it's when the plant doesn't create a new node of branches/fan leaves that are parallel - or right next to - each other. Instead a new node will start, then the stalk will grow a little, and then another node will start on the other side of the stalk. This doesn't happen until later in the veg stage. They say this is really the earliest 'best time' to start trying to flower a plant with 12/12.

In my case...I want things done quickly and I know people are very very very very very successful doing the sea of green. Plus, this will show me what kind of yield I will get doing a sea of green. My next grow will be full sized plants and I can compare yields.


Well-Known Member
damn i wish i started my gro the same time you did.. lol plants look great!! =]
You'll get there soon ;-). I'm actually surprised myself how well these plants are growing. I think I may indeed have a green thumb! That, or, Fox Farm is just the best thing since sliced bread... Top dressing with earthworm castings also helps ;-)

Thanks dude!

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
looking good mary , its all about having the green thumb lol, just updated my journal wid bud picks if ya wana browse :P
happy growing and good luck


Well-Known Member
looking good mary , its all about having the green thumb lol, just updated my journal wid bud picks if ya wana browse :P
happy growing and good luck
Thank you very much :). I sure hope everything keeps going good. I'm going to try hard.

Is there a Dr. Green Thumb in the house? Paging Dr. Green Thumb. haha

Checkin out your journal now.


Active Member
mary looking real nice funny i just ordered the ai and p seeds but mine came crushed but we are gowing in the same kinda space mine over garage using same lights i am running two 400 htg lamps have 270 cfm exhaust but no intake few fans and space heater currently have 10 ladys in mine all clones from locals have 2 cheese 2 confidential 2 sharks breath 2 sativas of unknown but the look like twins 2 of a local breed ww6 be careful of sweating when u put up the panda so far only prob we have had caused bad mold on the walls tore out panda sealed all the closet in and out insulated and put panda back came out great also we had no exhaust at the time either adding the exhaust was the ticket had 12 ladys pulled two last week gottem sweetening up as we speak good luck with the grow plus rep to you


Well-Known Member
mary looking real nice funny i just ordered the ai and p seeds but mine came crushed but we are gowing in the same kinda space mine over garage using same lights i am running two 400 htg lamps have 270 cfm exhaust but no intake few fans and space heater currently have 10 ladys in mine all clones from locals have 2 cheese 2 confidential 2 sharks breath 2 sativas of unknown but the look like twins 2 of a local breed ww6 be careful of sweating when u put up the panda so far only prob we have had caused bad mold on the walls tore out panda sealed all the closet in and out insulated and put panda back came out great also we had no exhaust at the time either adding the exhaust was the ticket had 12 ladys pulled two last week gottem sweetening up as we speak good luck with the grow plus rep to you
Right on man. Thanks for the tips on the plastic, good stuff to keep in mind.

Good growin to ya!


Well-Known Member
Well, a couple of AI's are almost 12 inches and the tallest Papaya is 10 inches. I plan to start the 32 hour dark period on Thursday @ 12PM and then lights come on for 12/12 Friday @ 8PM. This is a day earlier then I planned since I won't be in town Saturday and part of Sunday. Hopefully alot of them will be close to 12 inches...the majority of papaya's will probably be about 10 inches.

All the pics are in the same order as the last weekly pic update (a few pages back).

BTW, next time...the max plants I'm growing using this 400w light will be 6. The 2 papaya's on the far left are growing decently, but one side droops a little since it's furthest from the light....(I rotated them today). Oh well.

Enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
looking awsome, (calling thumb,,,,, can dr, green thumb smoke on this please) puff puff pass >>>>:joint:
Thanks man. I'm happy so far. :: takes a big ol' rip ::

Have any clues to which will be male and females??
I have some sneaking suspicions, but I don't want to say anything and jinx myself :). We'll find out soon, hopefully we'll start being able to tell by the end of next week.


Well-Known Member
I have some sneaking suspicions, but I don't want to say anything and jinx myself :). We'll find out soon, hopefully we'll start being able to tell by the end of next week.
Yeah man i wouldnt want you to jinx yourself haha. Keep me updated bro.