Lol, I agree with that weirdo but sure am not gonna defend it. My gun views are weird nonsense.
Well just slightly, from an argumentative perspective.
So yeah of course the military/government has superior firepower. You aren't throwing equal sides against each other though, there are a shitload more citizens than military in terms of sheer numbers. Weapons serve as a multiplier of force, if you multiply by zero you have zero. Think those colonial African wars where 5 dudes with a gatling gun mowed down a tribe, tribe would have stood a better chance if they at least had muskets, still going to face massive losses but its greater than zero. *...and that's where my weird view that you should be able to own any crazy weapon you want, but have it be wildly illegal to take anything at all in public fits.
The more reasonable argument is that it wouldn't be sending in the troops or whatever against people, so no major heavy weapons, but rather something at the local level to be protecting yourself against. I think most would agree it's necessary for police to have guns, crime and violence being what they are and the fact that so many are in circulation. Its great that some counties can have unarmed cops, but that isn't feasible here. So the proposal to ban guns from citizens puts these incredibly powerful tools in the hands of a few people. Have you met cops? They aren't great as a whole, not exactly known as a benevolent force of good. Tend to have some troubling associations, for example
Or the classic southern thing with the sheriff and the Klan.
Anywho, let's say the political unrest gets worse and comes to the point of violence. The only people with guns are pretty clear what side they wind up on. That silly example above comes into play here, one side having some sidearms vs the other not having any, not going to go great for one of them. There are quite a few scenarios I could see playing out where it would create an unequal power structure in these small interactions.
The shortcoming of that argument as an argument being that the prevelence of guns that requires armed police also means that both "sides" would be able to get them in that political violence/dystopian situation.
Edit: also...I don't own guns, don't think you should have guns in your house if you have kids. So muahahaha not a gun weirdo.