Trump To Turn Himself In

Ummm, I actually DIDN't fall for it, hence my "told yall --- nothin" comment.

Thanks for playing though.
His lie worked perfectly on you. It was Trump who said he'd be arrested on Tuesday. "We" didn't believe Trump was going to be arrested on Tuesday as you claim. Trump triggered you. What's it like to have Trump pulling your strings.
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Weird how any thought not a echo HAS to be a bot or a possible way half the country disagrees with your take.
No possible way all these threads about how we got him now,how you KNOW he's guilty,how all the fan fiction could just be..............wrong.
Also noticed never see any Maga peope ever espousing the more popular fantasies you seem to hold so dearly in any of these threads.
Just the Biden supporters mass projecting their perverse world fantasy onto others.
actually i'm sure it's at least half, but that doesn't mean half agrees with magat bullshit...right wing radical conservatives, magats, are maybe 30 % of the country total, and there are varying degrees of mag-atude...some of them are already questioning their commitment to people who are now being exposed as liars, and who aren't being given what they were promised for their really, it's probably somewhere between 20-25%.
I see magats espousing insane theories and fantasies every time i see magats...that's part of what they do.
republicans still fantasize about putting Hillary Clinton in jail, after the FBI AND the CIA both investigated her and found nothing worth charging her with, but that isn't acceptable, so there has to be weaponization of the government against the republicans, and magats in particular. There has to be pointless investigations into Hunter Biden's laptop, even though a thorough investigation by republicans already turned up dick...Hunter's dick, to be precise, and they sure seem captivated by it.
Name a liberal "left wing" news organization that is facing multiple multi BILLION dollar law suits for lying through their teeth to their audience?....¿
Name democratic house reps and senators that are sweating indictments for sedition?
actually i'm sure it's at least half, but that doesn't mean half agrees with magat bullshit...right wing radical conservatives, magats, are maybe 30 % of the country total, and there are varying degrees of mag-atude...some of them are already questioning their commitment to people who are now being exposed as liars, and who aren't being given what they were promised for their really, it's probably somewhere between 20-25%.
I see magats espousing insane theories and fantasies every time i see magats...that's part of what they do.
republicans still fantasize about putting Hillary Clinton in jail, after the FBI AND the CIA both investigated her and found nothing worth charging her with, but that isn't acceptable, so there has to be weaponization of the government against the republicans, and magats in particular. There has to be pointless investigations into Hunter Biden's laptop, even though a thorough investigation by republicans already turned up dick...Hunter's dick, to be precise, and they sure seem captivated by it.
Name a liberal "left wing" news organization that is facing multiple multi BILLION dollar law suits for lying through their teeth to their audience?....¿
Name democratic house reps and senators that are sweating indictments for sedition?

Gym Jordan loves boy butt.

Isn't that obstruction? But dear, many more inquiries? Is there nothing Trump can be charged with NY, GA, DC?

It boggles the mind..Edit: ah, yes..this too:

Another anonymous jury, so jurors can feel free to serve.
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Let's go retro to 2019.

And 2020.

And 2022.


View attachment 5274000
Thanks for providing this perspective.

The blockhead cynics who would let democracy die because they didn't "see" the wolf, never mind that they didn't look carefully enough for one, won't understand your message.