Trump To Turn Himself In

Information regarding lucrative business deals the Biden family has had with Chinese companies that are controlled by the CCP, is beginning to clarify the fact that they enriched themselves to the point that they've been compromised in every way imaginable. Millions of dollars being doled out to Biden family members and there's cold, hard proof - certified banking records behind every transaction. You keep those war drums alive, Trump's an island unto himself who should be denied by the American people because he has proven that a toxic loser driven by a narcissistic personality disorder can bring shame upon this country by sowing seeds of division through a repertoire of tweets and interviews. We shouldnt hide in our respective camps. This is the time to stand up and agree to get rid of people who cannot see beyond their noses or the polls, get rid of the embedded ticks that attach themselves to our necks and begin to feed...sometimes as long as 40 and 50 years! Recraft a government that's dedicated to ensuring that every one of its citizens has multiple opportunities to thrive, beginning with the best education on planet earth. That's a project that could right the course of this ship by ensuring that dead-ends in life are wiped out - permanently. So that's going to take some doing. Let's start with term limits - so the people we elect understand that business as usual is dead and their entire focus must be on the well being of every one of their constituents, not their own pockets.

Sounds great, we should prosecute fully if the evidence is there. All of them.

Can't lie, just so this doesn't come across as pandering, but those claims have been made about biden since he took on trump. Same as the Clinton's. If the evidence is there then great, let's string the fuckers up, but it never is and the claims wind up being disingenuous as hell, tainting future discussions because people recall the last time.

The claims you started with showed enough bias in the motivation that I can't take your claims of needing to root out division or career politicians seriously.
Sounds great, we should prosecute fully if the evidence is there. All of them.

Can't lie, just so this doesn't come across as pandering, but those claims have been made about biden since he took on trump. Same as the Clinton's. If the evidence is there then great, let's string the fuckers up, but it never is and the claims wind up being disingenuous as hell, tainting future discussions because people recall the last time.

The claims you started with showed enough bias in the motivation that I can't take your claims of needing to root out division or career politicians seriously.
Fortunatley, with Trump, his cronies and minions they were lazy and stupid, discussing treason, insurrection and stealing elections on email, WH documents and text messages. It's because Trump is an idiot that they will be able to prove everything against him and others he led over the cliff and into the abyss. Arrogance and hubris along with laziness and stupidity would bring them down, if they had brains none of this would be happened or if it did, it couldn't be proved. Here they have receipts, witnesses and I'm sure, no shortage of rats needing a deal before it's all over. This shit is just beginning and one thing will lead to another and this will go on for years.

When they cut a deal with Jack, they must confess to all of their crimes, even ones not charged, and they have to tell of any crimes by others that they have knowledge of. Bear in mind these are republicans and there is no shortage of crooks and con artists among them, and morals are noticeably lacking. Most of them would cut their own mother's throats for a day off their sentences.
Thanks for providing this perspective.

The blockhead cynics who would let democracy die because they didn't "see" the wolf, never mind that they didn't look carefully enough for one, won't understand your message.
It also puts paid to the myth of his peaceable foreign policy. A war with Iran would have been messy, tragic and stupid, and made his already disastrous budget worse.
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Fortunatley, with Trump, his cronies and minions they were lazy and stupid, discussing treason, insurrection and stealing elections on email, WH documents and text messages. It's because Trump is an idiot that they will be able to prove everything against him and others he led over the cliff and into the abyss. Arrogance and hubris along with laziness and stupidity would bring them down, if they had brains none of this would be happened or if it did, it couldn't be proved. Here they have receipts, witnesses and I'm sure, no shortage of rats needing a deal before it's all over. This shit is just beginning and one thing will lead to another and this will go on for years.

When they cut a deal with Jack, they must confess to all of their crimes, even ones not charged, and they have to tell of any crimes by others that they have knowledge of. Bear in mind these are republicans and there is no shortage of crooks and con artists among them, and morals are noticeably lacking. Most of them would cut their own mother's throats for a day off their sentences.

Trump just chummed his own waters; Jack's circling.
I notice the traitors have America flags plastered on their names, as if that somehow made them patriots. This guy needs to tell it to a fucking judge, preferably under oath. Jack Smith thinks differently, and a jury will agree with him. This guy reminds me of Trump hugging the flag on stage. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and they always wrap themselves in the flag, while betraying the constitution or using the pole they carried it on as weapons to attack the capitol and their own government. They did it over transparent lies that even a child could see through, only an idiot or a traitor would have believed Trump, evil and stupid are the only options and that was demonstrated and proved to them in court.

I notice the traitors have America flags plastered on their names, as if that somehow made them patriots. This guy needs to tell it to a fucking judge, preferably under oath. Jack Smith thinks differently, and a jury will agree with him. This guy reminds me of Trump hugging the flag on stage. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and they always wrap themselves in the flag, while betraying the constitution or using the pole they carried it on as weapons to attack the capitol and their own government. They did it over transparent lies that even a child could see through, only an idiot or a traitor would have believed Trump, evil and stupid are the only options and that was demonstrated and proved to them in court.

this guy is an idiot.....
Jack is a fucking bulldog and Glenn Kerschner must be his biggest fan right about now, Jack doesn't fuck around, appointed 4 months ago he's got Trump on the ropes over both cases and filling his depends in panic. If Donald isn't scared shitless of this guy, he's even dumber than I think he is, which is pretty fucking dumb. Everyone around Trump fears Jack, because he had or will have every one of them on the grand jury hotseat after interviews by the FBI. He just got a ruling from the appellate court about Trump's lawyer testifying that happened at legal light speed, the courts have had enough of Donald's delays and have got to know him and his methods quite well and are adapting to them. He is damaging the courts by his existence and illustrates the glaring flaws and injustices in the system perfectly.

Jack served on the court in the Hague during the Trump years and everyday was a national humiliation for him and other patriotic Americans as the Trump national humiliation continued daily and ended in the mass deaths of a more than a million Americans. Jack reads the news and knows who is responsible for that fiasco too, Jack knows exactly who Donald Trump is and more importantly he knows what he is. Jack's hobby is Iron man competitions, a contest of, endurance, grit and determination, that should tell you all you need to know about Jack, Jack is a warrior.

Jack is a fucking bulldog and Glenn Kerschner must be his biggest fan right about now, Jack doesn't fuck around, appointed 4 months ago he's got Trump on the ropes over both cases and filling his depends in panic. If Donald isn't scared shitless of this guy, he's even dumber than I think he is, which is pretty fucking dumb. Everyone around Trump fears Jack, because he had or will have every one of them on the grand jury hotseat after interviews by the FBI. He just got a ruling from the appellate court about Trump's lawyer testifying that happened at legal light speed, the courts have had enough of Donald's delays and have got to know him and his methods quite well and are adapting to them. He is damaging the courts by his existence and illustrates the glaring flaws and injustices in the system perfectly.

Jack served on the court in the Hague during the Trump years and everyday was a national humiliation for him and other patriotic Americans as the Trump national humiliation continued daily and ended in the mass deaths of a more than a million Americans. Jack reads the news and knows who is responsible for that fiasco too, Jack knows exactly who Donald Trump is and more importantly he knows what he is. Jack's hobby is Iron man competitions, a contest of, endurance, grit and determination, that should tell you all you need to know about Jack, Jack is a warrior.

If we had a drinking game that required us to take a shot every time you typed “Jack”, nobody is finishing the second paragraph of this post.