Examples of GOP Leadership


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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They need to have an annual or monthly award for hypocrisy like the Oscars. WTF would believe this guy other than someone who was a fucking idiot or profoundly ignorant? These guys don't give America's racists and bigots much cover, do they, Jesus Christ.

If that is mr. mccatshit's expert opinion...Why is he encouraging committees that are nothing but grievance airing sessions, to look into the nonexistent "weaponization" of the legal system? Why is he allowing them to waste time and tax payer money on investigating the FBI because the FBI didn't find what they wanted them to find? Why is he encouraging them in their real witch hunt against the Bidens?
The word "pathetic" will feature in the correct response...


Well-Known Member
it is.....i was just reading some of the things Texas is doing......and they are just as fucked up than any........think Abbott is turning Authortarian on us with his cronies

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Thursday, March 30, the Texas Senate’s State Affairs Committee advanced multiple anti-voting bills to the Senate floor. The bills impact multiple aspects of elections in the Lone Star State, including in-person voting, election irregularities and voter purges. Given Republican control of the Texas Senate, all of these bills have a good chance at advancing further in the legislative process.

Among the bills approved by the committee are

  • Senate Bill 260, which would allow the state to start the purge process for voters who have not voted in an election in the previous 25 months,
  • Senate Bill 990, which would eliminate the countywide polling program that allows voters to vote at any polling place in their county,
  • Senate Bill 1039, which would create a system for investigating alleged election irregularities and empower the secretary of state to appoint a conservator to oversee elections,
  • Senate Bill 1070, which would help pave the way for Texas to exit the voter data sharing organization ERIC,
  • Senate Bill 1807, which would create an enforcement mechanisms to punish officials who change any election procedure required by law without authorization and
  • Senate Bill 1950, which creates a new criminal penalty for election officials who suspend a statutory requirement that would require a mail ballot to be rejected.

The committee also heard testimony on several other bills that would allow the secretary of state to remove local elections officials, change election administration in the state’s largest counties, allow the secretary of state to order new elections in certain counties and establish a system of election law marshals. These bills have yet to receive a committee vote.

new voting bills


Well-Known Member
Not trying to single you out but curious how you feel about what the repubs are doing in Tennessee right now?
is that not the ultimate cancel culture crap?
to me it is the worst type of thing that can happen that undermines our democracy. Like trump did with the big election lie/jan 6.

Curious what you think about it.

Trump canceling people like Colin Kaepernick is one thing, which is no good but the GOP is now canceling elected officials?