Examples of GOP Leadership

This makes me sick
Pathetic, petty republicans, using any means possible to cement themselves into a majority they do not deserve.
Now, Nashville and Memphis, as well as Knoxville, will send the most aggressively liberal replacements that they can, and it will be open fighting in the house, as they stall everything they can stall, tip over every republican cart they can....and the republicans deserve EVERY bit of it, and much more.
this occurred to me the day this story started...
They were elected by their districts...They can and will run again...What makes the fuck nut republicans think the same people who just elected them won't send them back? Especially after the RACIST, shady, mean ass fucking shit the republicans just pulled?
OURS does. They’ve gotten better at hiding it (private) & better at trying to be accountable (public).

First time I saw people living in squalor was maybe 50 miles outside Macon. I was helping the church camp with a supply run, and along the way, we passed a field full of derelict old vehicles - dozens at least. Rusted out, missing doors, broken glass everywhere…and every single ONE a had a black *family* living in and around it. No shade, no other shelter. No water, no electricity. It had a catastrophic effect - apocalyptic - on me. I asked the pastor driving why all those people were living in such a place, under such conditions.

His response was matter-of-fact: “It’s their choice.”

The impact of these words from a man of gawd, THE most unchristian, un-Christ-like, thing I’d ever heard, sent me into orbit…but I kept it to myself. My distrust of white people on matters of race was already profound, and this clinched it. If he knew the length & breadth of my disapproval, he could have ruined me (still in high school), and my family. I kept it to myself…and I chewed on it for a long, long time.

Eventually, some things I learned bumped into something else I’d always wondered about, and *it* fell on the question of what ‘it’s their choice’ really meant…and I began to see they were all pieces of the same picture: from a particular POV, black people *aren’t* people at all, biology & reality notwithstanding; what they *are* - their ACTUAL STATE is PROPERTY. ESCAPED property. Doesn’t matter that Lincoln gave them cover under which to escape, they STILL escaped and theyre STILL property: their owners didn’t free them, they weren’t stolen away by scalawags, nobody paid for them, THEY STOLE THEMSELVES - and the LAW, THE GOVERNMENT let it happen, prevented their recapture & return to service, pretended they were due the same rights & privileges AS THEIR OWNERS…and just generally paraded around as if they HAD the right to do THAT.

Imagine the anxiety of white men with no skilled free labor to profit from - grow & harvest the crops, cut down, stripped & cooked down the sugar cane, the pine sap, make the carts and boxes and nails and charcoal and stoves and ships and lamps and hats, etc, tend to all the other farm stock, raise the children, feed, clean up after, and take care of the household, run errands….

Imagine the self-sympathy of that slaveless white man, having to shave himself; having to dress and clean himself; having to eat the cooking of a white woman who knew nothing about cooking (though she knew what her favorite dishes were); having to see the walking criminal of escaped slaves walking the streets every day; having to NOT drag his malingering escaped property by the hair back to the house & beat him until he understood his position. Imagine how many there were; imagine how many of them were veterans of the rebellion; imagine how many of them worked as police, as sheriffs, as prison guards.

Imagine how fucking angry they got every time *any* of it got stuck in their craw - with EVERY black face in view a fresh insult, a new wound to their pride & independence. Imagine how groups like the Klan, Sons of the Confedracy, White Citizens Councils came together naturally. Imagine how seamlessly the jim-crow ‘way of things’ came together, maintaining slavery in everything but name, hiding all the while behind the church, the flag(s) and their bullshit pretense that they were above racial animus, but the law is the law & must be respected and obeyed, evvybody got rights….

The roots of MAGA - and the roots of inhumanity are in the words of that preacher: it’s their choice. They could have gone back to their masters, accepted their punishment & returned to their labors, but no. THAT was not their choice: it was their choice to NOT do that, and squalor, hunger, disease, and being ‘kept where we could keep an eye on ’em’ are the hand maids of their choice. If they don’t like it, don’t want it, they can surrender & accept their state as property.

But they better not ask for - or TAKE - a single *dime* of tax money: until their owners’ descendants are PAID for on-the-hoof livestock, every dime of it would be stolen from their owners, by “the government”, to bribe the criminals (crimes walking around in daylight) to go along with their gravy train. Let ‘em suffer enough, they’ll see the light. Eventually.

It is “grievance culture” in its very essence; no wonder Trump swept up so many of them with an anti-millennial zeal & ‘a righteous cause’: if they lose the stranglehold they’ve maintained on power since 1865, then they’ll NEVER get the reparations they believe THEY deserve, never get the respect they feel their ‘natural nobility’ is due (“Slavery ENNOBLES *every* white man!” proclaimed an anti-abolition pamphlet popular in the antebellum south (antebellum: “before the fight”)), never see the white people reclaim their exclusive grip on the top of the food chain.

It’s not exhaustive by any means, but that frame (or something much like it) is the only ‘scenario’ I’ve found that could actually seed & feed the enduring rage & jealousy, the paranoid vendetta mentality that we see & hear in so many perfectly ordinary people, the sense of standing on bedrock’ they’re able to maintain - & maybe account for / propel many (most? some?) of the scattered threads of derangement we now see gathered together in the House, among other places. Weird to think they’re nearer to winning NOW than they were in 1865…but then they’ve had a long time to practice the pseudo-legal slavery, their high-sounding & fake-principled justifications, cover stories, professions of patriotism & True Americanhood…and the rest of have had our eyes closed ALMOST ALL THAT TIME.

We believed them. Took them at their word. Took their ‘culture’ seriously, made real effort to compromise, repeatedly overlooked, even made excuses for in the name of unity & bipartisanship.

THEY have been at war with us ever since they were forced to admit that ARMS IN THE FIELD WOULD NOT WIN THE FIGHT. They have hidden among us, their unAmerican peculiarities shrugged off, their protestations acknowledged, their good faith assumed, just good Christian gawd-fearing’ folks, who want what’s best for us all, just like the rest of us.

We were wrong. Their idea was - IS - as different from mainstream American culture TODAY as Hitler’s idea (Confederate-style slavery w/ Jews, not Africans, because, well, there WERE Jews in Europe (…Africans = hard to come by)) was from the arc of European life, law, & civilization was in the ‘30s. We’re not on the same side: they want their property, their payment - or both - and if they can GET control & KEEP it, they’ll take it without a second thought.

Oh, almost forgot: one more thing they very much want: to punish the race traitors who let/made all this happen: Republicans then, Democrats now. The EEVILLE liberals and their big ideas about getting along & letting bygones be bygones & working together for the common welfare and defense & fulfilling the promise of America…. Imagine how “rolling coal”, “pwning the libs”, constant lies, libelous accusations, and an entirely fraudulent information chain (brainwashing) improves the chances that ‘patriots’ will cheer the most unpatriotic slogans, policies & people, double down on every dangerously insane slander or paranoid fantasy, and draw ever closer to destroying the nation itself in a pyhrric display of “destroying the village to save it”.

…sorry. Kinda went off-road: point was, how governments can accept citizens in squalor. I wonder what scripture the Hindus use to maintain the caste system

I've already reported here that inside the concrete jungle and hi-rises of Ft. Lauderdale, hidden in almost a circular fashion so that tourism doesn't end up there by accident, are Section 8 duplexes; dirt roads and no laundry facility. I found them through Lyft and took them to laundry. They asked me if it would be okay..I guess they've gotten driver cancels. I wasn't going to be that person.
The world is crazy...being sane in a crazy world doesn't get you anywhere.
how does sanity compete with
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You haven't even posted the best. You've got the guy who can't hold his head up..the guy who pounds the desk in The House. I think next time we're in Session we should all start clicking our pens but not at the same time. Maybe learn a song to pen clicking..one of Trumps faves- YMCA!

It is not beneath us to fight fire with fire when appropriate.
Clarence Thomas says he ‘was advised’ he didn’t have to disclose trips paid for by GOP donor
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Friday said he “was advised” that he did not have to disclose a series of trips reportedly paid for by a Republican mega-donor.

The trips, which were revealed on Thursday by a ProPublica investigation, led to outrage from Democrats and judicial watchdog groups.

“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable. I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines,” Thomas said in a statement, his first public comments since the report.

ProPublica reported on Thursday that Harlan Crow, a Dallas-based real estate developer who has donated millions to conservative causes, paid for Thomas to join multiple vacations, including trips on Harlan’s private jet and 162-foot yacht.

Supreme Court justices are required to file annual financial disclosures, and the federal judiciary’s policy-making body last month quietly adopted stricter gift reporting requirements that clarified the “personal hospitality” exception does not apply to gifts at commercial properties and only spans certain gifts from someone with a personal relationship with the justice in a nonbusiness context.

“These guidelines are now being changed, as the committee of the Judicial Conference responsible for financial disclosure for the entire federal judiciary just this past month announced new guidance. And, it is, of course, my intent to follow this guidance in the future,” Thomas said.

The ProPublica investigation detailed a series of purported trips Thomas took at Crow’s expense that stretch back years, from Indonesia to the Bohemian Grove in California to the Adirondacks.

“Harlan and Kathy Crow are among our dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years. As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them,” Thomas said Friday.

It’s not the first time Thomas has come under scrutiny for judicial ethics. He faced calls to recuse himself from cases involving the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack after it surfaced that his wife, conservative activist Ginni Thomas, was involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

ProPublica’s investigation quickly led to condemnation of Thomas from those who have advocated for stronger ethics rules at the Supreme Court and who have previously raised concerns about reported efforts to wine-and-dine the justices to gain influence and the extraordinary leak of the court’s draft majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Thursday called for Thomas’s impeachment, while Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said his committee “will act.”

A group of Democrats in February reintroduced a bill to implement a binding code of ethics for the justices, like the one in place for lower federal judges, although some legal observers suggest such a proposal could create separation-of-powers issues.

In his 2011 year-end report on the federal judiciary, Chief Justice John Roberts said the justices consult the code of conduct in place for other federal judges but also look to a “wide variety of other authorities” to resolve ethical issues.

“They may turn to judicial opinions, treatises, scholarly articles, and disciplinary decisions,” Roberts wrote. “They may also seek advice from the Court’s Legal Office, from the Judicial Conference’s Committee on Codes of Conduct, and from their colleagues.”

“For that reason, the Court has had no reason to adopt the Code of Conduct as its definitive source of ethical guidance. But as a practical matter, the Code remains the starting point and a key source of guidance for the Justices as well as their lower court colleagues,” he added.
Clarence Thomas says he ‘was advised’ he didn’t have to disclose trips paid for by GOP donor
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Friday said he “was advised” that he did not have to disclose a series of trips reportedly paid for by a Republican mega-donor.

The trips, which were revealed on Thursday by a ProPublica investigation, led to outrage from Democrats and judicial watchdog groups.

“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable. I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines,” Thomas said in a statement, his first public comments since the report.

ProPublica reported on Thursday that Harlan Crow, a Dallas-based real estate developer who has donated millions to conservative causes, paid for Thomas to join multiple vacations, including trips on Harlan’s private jet and 162-foot yacht.

Supreme Court justices are required to file annual financial disclosures, and the federal judiciary’s policy-making body last month quietly adopted stricter gift reporting requirements that clarified the “personal hospitality” exception does not apply to gifts at commercial properties and only spans certain gifts from someone with a personal relationship with the justice in a nonbusiness context.

“These guidelines are now being changed, as the committee of the Judicial Conference responsible for financial disclosure for the entire federal judiciary just this past month announced new guidance. And, it is, of course, my intent to follow this guidance in the future,” Thomas said.

The ProPublica investigation detailed a series of purported trips Thomas took at Crow’s expense that stretch back years, from Indonesia to the Bohemian Grove in California to the Adirondacks.

“Harlan and Kathy Crow are among our dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years. As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them,” Thomas said Friday.

It’s not the first time Thomas has come under scrutiny for judicial ethics. He faced calls to recuse himself from cases involving the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack after it surfaced that his wife, conservative activist Ginni Thomas, was involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

ProPublica’s investigation quickly led to condemnation of Thomas from those who have advocated for stronger ethics rules at the Supreme Court and who have previously raised concerns about reported efforts to wine-and-dine the justices to gain influence and the extraordinary leak of the court’s draft majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Thursday called for Thomas’s impeachment, while Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said his committee “will act.”

A group of Democrats in February reintroduced a bill to implement a binding code of ethics for the justices, like the one in place for lower federal judges, although some legal observers suggest such a proposal could create separation-of-powers issues.

In his 2011 year-end report on the federal judiciary, Chief Justice John Roberts said the justices consult the code of conduct in place for other federal judges but also look to a “wide variety of other authorities” to resolve ethical issues.

“They may turn to judicial opinions, treatises, scholarly articles, and disciplinary decisions,” Roberts wrote. “They may also seek advice from the Court’s Legal Office, from the Judicial Conference’s Committee on Codes of Conduct, and from their colleagues.”

“For that reason, the Court has had no reason to adopt the Code of Conduct as its definitive source of ethical guidance. But as a practical matter, the Code remains the starting point and a key source of guidance for the Justices as well as their lower court colleagues,” he added.
The old "appeal to authority" logical fallacy.

"I asked about it with other judges and they said it's OK. So, blame it on them. If taking free trips, vacations and meals from a Billionaire who has benefitted from some of my rulings regarding taxes, labor, free speech and on political issues in ways that he favors gives the appearance of corruption, take my word for it. it wasn't. I asked about it with other judges and they said it's OK. Refute that."

Slimy as a hagfish.
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House Oversight Democrats say Chairman Comer held back evidence, misled on witnesses
House Oversight Democrats on Thursday accused Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) of withholding evidence or misleading the public about the witnesses Republicans have spoken with in their investigation into President Biden’s family.

Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said in a letter to Comer that he was troubled by the chairman’s recent claims that Republicans had spoken with four witnesses in the Biden family investigation.

“Your repeated statements about ‘four people’ suggest that either you have intentionally misrepresented the Committee’s investigative progress to your conservative audience or that key investigative steps have been deliberately withheld from Committee Democrats,” Raskin said in Thursday’s letter.

“In either case, this failure to act transparently and candidly, and to provide the Minority with equal access to Committee information, undermines your pledge to pursue ‘a credible investigation based on facts that is fair and balanced,’” he added.

Raskin claimed that Democratic staff had asked Comer’s staff about any new witness information following the first media appearance in which he claimed Republicans had spoken with “four different people.”

However, Comer’s staff reportedly said there was no new witness information and suggested that the chairman’s comment referred to two witnesses, Eric Schwerin and Kathy Chung, about whom Democrats had already been informed.

Comer reiterated the claims earlier this week, telling Fox Business that he was “in communication with four former Biden family business associates” who are cooperating with the investigation.

Raskin also slammed Comer’s refusal to share a copy of the hard drive reportedly obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop with Oversight Democrats.

“Indeed, your misrepresentations and refusal to disclose relevant information to the Committee call into serious question your investigative techniques, the ‘facts’ you have uncovered, and the narratives you appear intent on composing,” Raskin added.

Comer hit back at the ranking member in a statement on Thursday, accusing him of lodging “baseless accusations.” However, the chairman did not respond to Raskin’s specific concerns.

“Multiple individuals have approached the Oversight Committee as whistleblowers with a desire to share information confidentially. It should be no surprise that whistleblowers do not trust Ranking Member Raskin,” Comer said, without specifying whether such information had been shared with Oversight Democrats.
North Dakota senators vote to boost their own meal reimbursements after rejecting free school lunch bill
Thirteen Republican senators voted to increase meal reimbursements for state employees after voting against a bill to expand free school lunches for low-income students.
I've already reported here that inside the concrete jungle and hi-rises of Ft. Lauderdale, hidden in almost a circular fashion so that tourism doesn't end up there by accident, are Section 8 duplexes; dirt roads and no laundry facility. I found them through Lyft and took them to laundry. They asked me if it would be okay..I guess they've gotten driver cancels. I wasn't going to be that person.
BINGO! that was one of those things I referred to that went into my riff/rant: when I was a kid growing up in the piney-woods south, there’d be tracks, like a dirt driveway where there were no houses, just pines, blackberries & kudzu with a break in the trees, wandering out of sight. Eventually, I went exploring…and I found black people living - in cabins, shacks, lean-tos…. Over time I learned that no one would sell land to black people (even then, when that was in the process of becoming formally outlawed) - but that some white landowners would allow blacks to live on their property, provided they caused no trouble, drew no attention, and didn’t ask for anything.

Generally, they were as comfortable as they could make themselves, but of course they had no water, no plumbing, no sewage, no electric or gas. Those are services. To access services, you need an address. To get a driver’s license, you need an address. To get a job, you need an address. Need a phone? A bank account? An ambulance? Want to vote? Want to stay out of jail? At the very least, you need a picture ID, and you need an address. No census. Except for the landowner, no one knows you’re there - and that’s the safest you can be…even though the pay will suck your entire life, and every injury, every illness will mean less money and the chance of a shorter life.

No existence as people. Alone and endangered in ways they don’t teach us about, ever.

‘Woke’ is the enemy because once you wake up, you have to deal with being awake: same for every one of us, every day we wake up.

ok, I’ll stop now