How is it hard to find the people making threats? they can track any cellphone on the planet, they can track ip addresses...start offering BIG rewards for people to turn them in. Then crucify them, make examples out of them that WILL discourage others.
The democrats winning and new laws, the feds can regulate phones. Every sim card requires ID and particularly burner phones, the retailer must take a pic of the customer and his ID with any old cellphone and retain it, or they might be liable for their crimes. People who receive death threats or expect to for political reasons should be given special equipment by the FBI to record the threat or even an answering machine or cellphone can be used these days. Most cellphones have much higher sound quality than phones used to so when they make a voice threat, obtain a voice sample. They have software that can do voice recognition like facial recognition in comparing two samples. Next collect a really big suspect list of wingnuts and have a robot call them up, spoofing them to get a voice sample, it works automatically going through the big list obtaining and storing samples and making matches. If you catch one using one platform, they probably use others too, so taking them down removes multiple threats. I'm sure some of these terrorists make dozens of calls a week threatening death on public officials for whatever reason. Laws that will deter them and they will have a voice sample of everybody on the domestic terrorist watch list. Maybe a voice sample is not enough to convict them, but it is enough to identify them.
Do you suppose he has a secretary? That would be a fucking horrible job, and Smith would have already subpoenaed the shit out of them...I guess he does have to keep up with shit on his own. Wonder how that's going for him? He's 20 years older than me, gets no exercise beyond walking from a golf cart to a ball and back, and I already walk into the kitchen and then stand there, wondering why the fuck i came to the kitchen....
I was talking about Joe keeping it together Rog,Trump can have a aneurism for all I care,preferably after he dooms all R chances in 24.
I was talking about Joe keeping it together Rog,Trump can have a aneurism for all I care,preferably after he dooms all R chances in 24.
Joe seems to be doing just fine...most people that are going to experience cognitive decline are already well into it by the time they turn 80...he doesn't have Alzheimers, and it doesn't look like he's going to.
My Ukrainian-born grandmother (rest her soul) would have had something unprintable to say to that.
It looked like a photo from Ukraine up near the front. People only dress up like that if they are at war, or under siege, at least psychologically, think about the subconscious forces (feelings) causing them to be at war in the middle of a peaceful paradise with no apparent enemy in sight.
The democrats winning and new laws, the feds can regulate phones. Every sim card requires ID and particularly burner phones, the retailer must take a pic of the customer and his ID with any old cellphone and retain it, or they might be liable for their crimes. People who receive death threats or expect to for political reasons should be given special equipment by the FBI to record the threat or even an answering machine or cellphone can be used these days. Most cellphones have much higher sound quality than phones used to so when they make a voice threat, obtain a voice sample. They have software that can do voice recognition like facial recognition in comparing two samples. Next collect a really big suspect list of wingnuts and have a robot call them up, spoofing them to get a voice sample, it works automatically going through the big list obtaining and storing samples and making matches. If you catch one using one platform, they probably use others too, so taking them down removes multiple threats. I'm sure some of these terrorists make dozens of calls a week threatening death on public officials for whatever reason. Laws that will deter them and they will have a voice sample of everybody on the domestic terrorist watch list. Maybe a voice sample is not enough to convict them, but it is enough to identify them.

Burner phones have to be activated by a regular cell or landline. I don't believe you need ID to buy them or they would never get bought. I was carded the other day for CBD, though:lol:
Mark Meadows is in the news as Jack begins the process of squeezing his nuts until he squeals. Rat Trump out, cut a deal, or go down with him.

Court of Appeals Deals MASSIVE BLOW to Trump in Latest Order

11,135 views Apr 7, 2023
A judge has denied appeals from Mark Meadows, Ken Cuccinelli, John Ratcliffe and other key Trump aides to avoid testifying in Jack Smith’s investigation into January 6th. Harry explains why this testimony may be the most important yet, and the various tools the Department of Justice has at their disposal to force Meadows’ hand.
Burner phones have to be activated by a regular cell or landline. I don't believe you need ID to buy them or they would never get bought.
You can require positive ID when someone buys one, just like a land line and internet connection. The idea most of the time is to reduce the volume, not stamp it out. Reduce the volume and it makes it easier to catch the serial ones who do it constantly and probably most of these calls come from a small percentage of people. If someone makes a phone threat, you can use technology to match their voice to one found by a robot who calls up suspects and tricks a voice sample out of them. Once you have a big database of assholes, you probably need look no further. Call the program and database that collects the samples Assholebase.
Mark Meadows is in the news as Jack begins the process of squeezing his nuts until he squeals. Rat Trump out, cut a deal, or go down with him.

Court of Appeals Deals MASSIVE BLOW to Trump in Latest Order

11,135 views Apr 7, 2023
A judge has denied appeals from Mark Meadows, Ken Cuccinelli, John Ratcliffe and other key Trump aides to avoid testifying in Jack Smith’s investigation into January 6th. Harry explains why this testimony may be the most important yet, and the various tools the Department of Justice has at their disposal to force Meadows’ hand.

They need to get him in 'The Box' and show Meadows, Christmas Future in prison..a tour of some sort. Jack isn't going to let Club Fed enter into easy out. I'm thinking these guys are so dangerous they need a SuperMax ADX Florence CO. All the greats are here.
You can require positive ID when someone buys one, just like a land line and internet connection. The idea most of the time is to reduce the volume, not stamp it out. Reduce the volume and it makes it easier to catch the serial ones who do it constantly and probably most of these calls come from a small percentage of people. If someone makes a phone threat, you can use technology to match their voice to one found by a robot who calls up suspects and tricks a voice sample out of them. Once you have a big database of assholes, you probably need look no further. Call the program and database that collects the samples Assholebase.

You can but they won't.

Mob bosses go after other bosses citation: grew up in NJ. Those that go after prosecutor, judge are usually crazy one offs. Have they in the past? Sure. But in reality, they all owned waste management companies. And if you wanted to disappear someone? The accounting firm I worked for had ties and I used to *type (can you believe? It was 1979) on an IBM Selectric, their financial statements.

If anything, they're more witness tampering.
It can predict eclipses and other astronomical events among other things. Tells you how fast you will hit the ground after jumping off a high place too. Science and it's language mathematics have the power of prophesy, something sought by the religious.
It can predict eclipses and other astronomical events among other things. Tells you how fast you will hit the ground after jumping off a high place too. Science and it's language mathematics have the power of prophesy, something sought by the religious.
Completely different thing. Almost all pure math is timeless.