Examples of GOP Leadership

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
yes, this goes here. He’s a DINO.

manchin is a fucking disgrace, he's as bad as clarence thomas as far as conflicts of interest go...sitting on the energy and natural resources committee while running a company that sells the most polluting kind of trash coal to ONE power plant he keeps open for that one purpose...


Well-Known Member
Mike … you idiot.

In a decision dated Wednesday, the panel found software developer Robert Zeidman had won Lindell’s 2021 contest challenging experts to prove that data he had was not from the 2020 election, and directed the MyPillow founder to pay him the reward money he'd promised in the next 30 days.

Lindell told NBC News on Thursday that the ruling was “a horrible, wrong decision.”

“It’s all going to end up in court,” he said.

The contest took place in August 2021 at a cyber symposium that Lindell — an outspoken election denier and conspiracy theorist — was hosting in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

As part of the symposium, Lindell announced a contest called the "Prove Mike Wrong Challenge" in which participants were asked to find proof that his cyber data was not valid data from the November election, the ruling said. The announcement said: "For the people who find the evidence, 5 million is their reward.”

At a hearing in January, Lindell testified that the cyber experts he hired had convinced him that he "could not lose the contest because the data he had been provided was genuine election data," according to the ruling, which was first reported by The Washington Post.



Ursus marijanus
No, have you?

If so, how was it? On a scale of 4 to 20.
I’ve blo n stuff up in the days before homeland security, and pillows don’t blow up. They get tattered and stuff, but they are the ultimate passive-aggressive explosive targets. “That all you got!” It’s like trying to fell a tree with a gun. Unless you have several belts of ammo laid out for the job (Jersey accent) fuhgeddaboudit!

on a scale of 4 to 20 it was oregano.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
That smile on her face when she says "and everyone knows it."...is actually an example of just how ignorant and oblivious she is.
Smiling in malicious glee because you get to rub someone's face in something that you yourself are guilty of multiple times, means you do not comprehend that it will reflect badly upon your own character as well. And that means you are stupid.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm about over these fucking white supremacist hillbilly fascist fucks....I flatly refuse to honor this "holiday" and intend to tell anyone who mentions it to get fucked.

That's ok, as the article demonstrates, it just ends up spreading the truth. Blacks and liberals will have their own un whitewashed history and counter events whenever they hold one honoring treason. Every time it is brought up is an opportunity to educate kids with the truth, every time they speak in public, speak too and protest, target the kids with education they are an easy sell.