Examples of GOP Leadership

More ugly from the Repugs.

i guess 76 is still young and vibrant?...
If the best haley can come up with is "vote for me, i'm younger than either top contender."...well, it doesn't matter, she has 0 fucking chance of ever being president of this country...and that has NOTHING to do with her age.
Here is Harry of the talking feds offering some expert opinion, using his experience as a former federal prosecutor. More could come out of it and Jack could use it as a foot in the door to get outtakes from all the shows with these people as guests. It adds to the pile of other evidence and possible witnesses. Everybody knows the republican members of congress were central to the attempt to overthrow the election, and J6 could not have happened without their participation.

Jack Smith to Receive MOST POWERFUL Evidence Yet

2,393 views Apr 27, 2023
Abby Grossberg, a former Fox News producer who has filed multiple lawsuits against the organization, confirmed that Jack Smith has requested her audio recordings as evidence in his investigation into Trump’s attempts to overturn the election. Harry discusses what this development reveals about the scope of Smith’s investigation.
Rudy Ghouliani just admitted to a civil rights crime .
(51:30 )
i watched about ten seconds of that....i can't imagine the kind of masochist you would have to be to listen to an hour and a half of that unmitigated garbage.
Isn't he already guilty of enough shit to get the equivalent of a life sentence? I mean, look at him, he might have another ten years in him...If he quits drinking, which ain't gonna happen.

Yeah, that sure sounds like an admission to at least voter fraud to me...
AP calls this winning?...Having to kiss more asses to get a single thing done, a single thing that they KNOW won't make it through the senate?
The republicans managed to get enough people together on one bill that is doomed to fail, and mccarthy had to make more promises and kiss more asses to get even this simple thing done...And this is winning the first round? It's more like showing up for a game ten seconds before the umpire calls it for the other team, and then still having to get all your players dressed and on the field...
AP calls this winning?...Having to kiss more asses to get a single thing done, a single thing that they KNOW won't make it through the senate?
The republicans managed to get enough people together on one bill that is doomed to fail, and mccarthy had to make more promises and kiss more asses to get even this simple thing done...And this is winning the first round? It's more like showing up for a game ten seconds before the umpire calls it for the other team, and then still having to get all your players dressed and on the field...
The only thing he did was give the democrats ammunition to attack them with people who still have some common sense left in their heads. Anybody who works for a living and votes republican is a fool or has been made one by foxnews.
Helping Biden? By just being herself? a delusional conspiracy theorist election result denier? Or is there some incident that i am not aware of, because i can't imagine her helping anyone who isn't a magat republican...
I listened to the first minute, all I could endure. I’m sure he’s stupid enough to incriminate himself…again.

Kari Lake is a big star in the Republican Party? Republicans love losers, don’t they? I was surprised to hear she’s helping Biden though.
the part where he openly admits to sending out cards to latinos in NY that say "make sure you bring your green cards if you vote, immigration will be there checking papers" is only about two minutes long...And he's bragging about it, like it was a brilliant tactic...
something tells me they’re a president behind when they say stuff like that.

Did the motherfucker that wrote this read his own story?...
When did mccarthy prove anyone wrong? They passed a shit bill that most of them expect to fail, but a few say they won't negotiate on anything less?
These people are so self deluded that they're patting themselves on the back for being able to tolerate each other for the time it took to write a bill that most of them realize is bound to fail...spectacularly.
The opening paragraph of the whole story is about how it taking 15 votes for him to be named speaker, with breaks for grovelling in between is a victory...That was the most pathetic display i've ever seen in my life.