Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
NYC is a lot friendlier than it gets credit for.

Even the subways are pretty safe and friendly, from my limited experience on them.

I'm sure if you get in the wrong neighborhood at the wrong time things can go bad, but every place is like that.

Have fun!!
I had absolutely zero problems with any New Yorker, of which I saw two types, service & entertainment professionals who were awesome, and very busy people going to work whom I left alone, pretty much everyone else was an obvious tourist. Traffic rules or their attempt at trying to have them was a bit terrifying, thankfully I wasn't driving. Beyond that I found it to be very friendly. I went for a walk around 1am through Times Square our first night, that's when I scored that joint. Had some great conversations with people in the weed shops, walked around and snuffed my joint in the convenient glass tube it came in, and checked out a shop, then walk and repeat. It was a really nice way to get to know the city.

I had one a-hole international tourist get up in my face, but that had nothing to do with New Yorkers. Other than being exhausted, it was a great trip. Got to see a Broadway show all dressed up with my daughter, go for a walk around Time Square with her clinging onto my arm for dear life, as she said, "So, Many, People!! Dad, Arm!" It was sweet and adorable.

We had a street dealer try and sell us weed and other things, my little teen didn't even glance at him and retorted, "My dad's set." and we kept on walking, took everything I had not to spit my soda all over 7th from giggling.

I still don't think I could live there, unless I was REALLY wealthy. I have gone from "nope that's for other people" and shifted to, "That was fun and we should do it again." There are things I'd really like to do that just weren't going to happen with our group and schedule, so my kid and I are planning a possible high school graduation trip to NYC so we can be bad kids and not follow the rules. There are three historic pool halls we want to play at of which at least one is 18+ only, and all the night jazz clubs we couldn't do because she had 7am schedule every morning.