Hi everyone, thanks in advanced for the help given. To describe my problem i'll start from the begining to the date as detailed as possible.
On May/01 i planted my 4 seedlings each in a 20L pot, they are 3 London Cheese and 1 Lemon Haze from BSF Psycho Auto Mix.
At about week 3 the plants started to show some yellowing in some leaves, at the time i attempted to fix it by adding a little extra food in the week schedule which btw started on week 2. (Photo of the leaves) *the shining slots in the leaf is residual from an organic pesticide named VAMP*

On week 4 the yellowing didn't get better it actually had gotten worse and some other symptoms came up, this was what i believe was Calcium and Magnesium deficiency. Up to this point the plant was the first 2 weeks just eating the soil with nothing added to it, on week 3 i started feeding with Powder Feeding from Green House and some extra Trichoderma once a week and 2 times a week only PH 6.1 - 6.3 water, and planted some Trifolium Repens (White Clover) on each pot. (Photo of deficiency)

At this point (end of week 4) i decided to measure runoff PH after giving it its water dose, all the plants had a runoff PH of 4.3, 4.7, 5.0, 4.9 which i tried fixing by giving them twice de amount of water with PH at around 8.3 with the resulting runoff still being in the same range as before (around 4.5).
I panicked and proceeded to do root washing with a product that works by dissolving salts and other debris in the soil, in the measures told by the product (1ml per 1L of water for mixing and 1L of mixed product per 2L of soil); after washing, i added some organic fertilizer (9-4-8 instead of continuing with salts (powder feeding) at 6.2 PH and to my surprise, the runoff was now in the 4.6-5.0 range. so i decided to let the soil dry out a little before trying another root wash. (photo of the plants at end of week 4)

Now at the beginning of week 5 i got desperate and added some earthworm humus and some Dolomite Lime to the soil (1gr per 1L of soil) and covered it with some extra soil; most Trifolium Repens died but some survived. Runoff water still in under 5.0 PH range when giving it at 6.2 PH, only water.
Seeing no change i decided to try a more in depth root wash 2 days ago since it did show some change the first time. This time i used a 200L per hour water bomb during 1 full hour per plant, of course letting it drain every 20 minutes until it stopped dripping; and just to make sure i also did a 10L wash per plant with the root washing product used before at PH 9.0 and measured the runoff. It now was in the 4.6 - 5.5 PH range.
I think i hit a wall, the plants are twice the size the pot now and i'm slowly loosing hope, they are still not in flowering tho.
i'll hear everything that might help my baby's get better, Thanks again and have some nice smokes.
Edit: For those wondering the soil came in 5.8 - 6.2 PH range and contains Perlite, Trichoderma, bark, Peat, Yeast, Yucca, Zeolite, Azospirillum, and Bone Meal.
Edit 2: Just finished giving the plants some 9-4-8 Fertilizer. Some extra info taken. June/10:
Tap Water:
PPM 150 - EC 300
PH 7.5
Fertilized Water:
PPM 600 - EC 1500
PH 6.6 (PH up to 11, little change in PPM/EC values)
Water given to plant:
PPM 642 - EC 1590
PH 10.92
Runoff Water:
PPM 170- EC 340
PH 6.5
On May/01 i planted my 4 seedlings each in a 20L pot, they are 3 London Cheese and 1 Lemon Haze from BSF Psycho Auto Mix.
At about week 3 the plants started to show some yellowing in some leaves, at the time i attempted to fix it by adding a little extra food in the week schedule which btw started on week 2. (Photo of the leaves) *the shining slots in the leaf is residual from an organic pesticide named VAMP*

On week 4 the yellowing didn't get better it actually had gotten worse and some other symptoms came up, this was what i believe was Calcium and Magnesium deficiency. Up to this point the plant was the first 2 weeks just eating the soil with nothing added to it, on week 3 i started feeding with Powder Feeding from Green House and some extra Trichoderma once a week and 2 times a week only PH 6.1 - 6.3 water, and planted some Trifolium Repens (White Clover) on each pot. (Photo of deficiency)

At this point (end of week 4) i decided to measure runoff PH after giving it its water dose, all the plants had a runoff PH of 4.3, 4.7, 5.0, 4.9 which i tried fixing by giving them twice de amount of water with PH at around 8.3 with the resulting runoff still being in the same range as before (around 4.5).
I panicked and proceeded to do root washing with a product that works by dissolving salts and other debris in the soil, in the measures told by the product (1ml per 1L of water for mixing and 1L of mixed product per 2L of soil); after washing, i added some organic fertilizer (9-4-8 instead of continuing with salts (powder feeding) at 6.2 PH and to my surprise, the runoff was now in the 4.6-5.0 range. so i decided to let the soil dry out a little before trying another root wash. (photo of the plants at end of week 4)

Now at the beginning of week 5 i got desperate and added some earthworm humus and some Dolomite Lime to the soil (1gr per 1L of soil) and covered it with some extra soil; most Trifolium Repens died but some survived. Runoff water still in under 5.0 PH range when giving it at 6.2 PH, only water.
Seeing no change i decided to try a more in depth root wash 2 days ago since it did show some change the first time. This time i used a 200L per hour water bomb during 1 full hour per plant, of course letting it drain every 20 minutes until it stopped dripping; and just to make sure i also did a 10L wash per plant with the root washing product used before at PH 9.0 and measured the runoff. It now was in the 4.6 - 5.5 PH range.
I think i hit a wall, the plants are twice the size the pot now and i'm slowly loosing hope, they are still not in flowering tho.
i'll hear everything that might help my baby's get better, Thanks again and have some nice smokes.
Edit: For those wondering the soil came in 5.8 - 6.2 PH range and contains Perlite, Trichoderma, bark, Peat, Yeast, Yucca, Zeolite, Azospirillum, and Bone Meal.
Edit 2: Just finished giving the plants some 9-4-8 Fertilizer. Some extra info taken. June/10:
Tap Water:
PPM 150 - EC 300
PH 7.5
Fertilized Water:
PPM 600 - EC 1500
PH 6.6 (PH up to 11, little change in PPM/EC values)
Water given to plant:
PPM 642 - EC 1590
PH 10.92
Runoff Water:
PPM 170- EC 340
PH 6.5
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