Republicans Wage War on the Rule of Law

there's a
Senate Republicans are by and large not joining the House kvetchfest

ol’ Kremlin Kev really gets under my skin
There's a bunch of them that make me want to lace up the old boots and jump into the pit...The entire seditious "freedom caucus" would have been a freak show 25 years ago, run out of politics AND polite society BY polite society.
mcconnell, cruz, hawley, johnson, graham...all fucking traitorous scum too cowardly to take a public stand against trump.
With any luck, the coming republican apocalypse will annihilate the maga sector of the party, and the spineless pieces of shit will FINALLY be able to regain the control they GAVE to what they thought would be an easily controlled puppet.
Hey, bonus for law enforcement right there...They know who to keep a fucking eye on now.
I'm guessing all of these people are going to end up on a NO WEAPONS list as soon as the dust from trumps apocalyptic fall settles.
I only listened to 10 minutes of the 2 hour vid. But there was a pointed avoidance of the word, revolution at one point. Also mention of a chat that would take place later that was members only. In another vid of theirs, they did a demonstration on a gel-mannequin to show how much damage the Revolutionary war era rifles would do on a person. Many "jokes" were made about using them on FBI.

If they didn't look just like the people who attacked the Capitol Building, I'd dismiss them as INCEL losers who harmlessly fantasize about being superhero freedom fighters. But then again, Jan 6 happened. So, I posted the vid about Trump's indictment because it shows how deeply the lies made on Fox, etc., are embedded in MAGA Proud Boy culture, how they are used to justify MAGA lawlessness and how repeating those lies get them wound up. They are all wannabe fascist soldiers. Might as well get to know your enemy.
I only listened to 10 minutes of the 2 hour vid. But there was a pointed avoidance of the word, revolution at one point. Also mention of a chat that would take place later that was members only. In another vid of theirs, they did a demonstration on a gel-mannequin to show how much damage the Revolutionary war era rifles would do on a person. Many "jokes" were made about using them on FBI.

If they didn't look just like the people who attacked the Capitol Building, I'd dismiss them as INCEL losers who harmlessly fantasize about being superhero freedom fighters. But then again, Jan 6 happened. So, I posted the vid about Trump's indictment because it shows how deeply the lies made on Fox, etc., are embedded in MAGA Proud Boy culture, how they are used to justify MAGA lawlessness and how repeating those lies get them wound up. They are all wannabe fascist soldiers. Might as well get to know your enemy.
They are riddled with FBI informants and probably have a recording of the members meeting. These guys will be treated like the commies were in the 50's from here on out.
I only listened to 10 minutes of the 2 hour vid. But there was a pointed avoidance of the word, revolution at one point. Also mention of a chat that would take place later that was members only. In another vid of theirs, they did a demonstration on a gel-mannequin to show how much damage the Revolutionary war era rifles would do on a person. Many "jokes" were made about using them on FBI.

If they didn't look just like the people who attacked the Capitol Building, I'd dismiss them as INCEL losers who harmlessly fantasize about being superhero freedom fighters. But then again, Jan 6 happened. So, I posted the vid about Trump's indictment because it shows how deeply the lies made on Fox, etc., are embedded in MAGA Proud Boy culture, how they are used to justify MAGA lawlessness and how repeating those lies get them wound up. They are all wannabe fascist soldiers. Might as well get to know your enemy.
I've spent half my life living next door to the the parking lot across the street that has ten apartments, i can see 7 trump or maga stickers on vehicles...someone up the street let a "don't blame me, i voted for trump" banner rot off of his shed, clearly visible from the street...expecting him to put up a new one any day now. someone the other day asked in just random conversation "did you see that they indicted trump on 37 counts?" and i had to laugh just a little, and smile when i replied, "Yes, yes i did see that." and half the room smiled, while the other half looked like i had just told them their mothers sucked cocks in hell...
I know the motherfuckers. I'm not incredibly worried, but i know not to turn my back on the fuckers, too.
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It echoes the rhetoric during the months leading up to Jan 6.
They are on the FBI's radar, and they recently purged themselves of sympathizers, they are seen as potential domestic terrorists and 5th column for Russia. Now all ya need is an effective win in 24 and some new laws to back up the FBI and deal with the domestic threats including death threats to public officials and others for political purposes.
I think some of it has to do with they know they already are documented, recorded doing what’s wrong. they think since previous past has allowed their lies to keep em ontop but also admitting wrong would justifiably be just as bad in their eyes as being convicted. Shoot most of those dudes are so old they are hoping to be be so slow they cn also beat system like past by doing that if convicted. We need laws to not allow people in government positions like this to be able to ruin our whole system just because they wanna save their own ass. it needs to be a honorable position not a cemented position , it’s like so many government jobs they know once they get their time in there’s nothing they can fire em on, which is so enological ( go figure )

their supporters are idiots and don’t watch facts and even if presented they still don’t care and support this bs, i have no respect for people like that and at least I have a reason. Everyone should
They are on the FBI's radar, and they recently purged themselves of sympathizers, they are seen as potential domestic terrorists and 5th column for Russia. Now all ya need is an effective win in 24 and some new laws to back up the FBI and deal with the domestic threats including death threats to public officials and others for political purposes.
Yeah. "all ya need is an effective win in '24".

I think the threat will last beyond that. Things are better now but the threat comes from a wealthy class that is relatively unaffected by what the FBI has done. Changes in campaign finance laws, tax laws and labor laws also need to take place, as well as a house cleaning of SCOTUS are needed. Unless we reverse the trend toward greater financial inequality that gives the .001% so much wealth and power, it won't be over. It's going to take a while.
Yeah. "all ya need is an effective win in '24".

I think the threat will last beyond that. Things are better now but the threat comes from a wealthy class that is relatively unaffected by what the FBI has done. Changes in campaign finance laws, tax laws and labor laws also need to take place, as well as a house cleaning of SCOTUS are needed. Unless we reverse the trend toward greater financial inequality that gives the .001% so much wealth and power, it won't be over. It's going to take a while.
This. “Follow the dark money.”
Yeah. "all ya need is an effective win in '24".

I think the threat will last beyond that. Things are better now but the threat comes from a wealthy class that is relatively unaffected by what the FBI has done. Changes in campaign finance laws, tax laws and labor laws also need to take place, as well as a house cleaning of SCOTUS are needed. Unless we reverse the trend toward greater financial inequality that gives the .001% so much wealth and power, it won't be over. It's going to take a while.
You won't do anything strategic until you remove the republicans from the levers of power, wealth inequality is the heart of the issue and addressing the social issues will get you there. We pretty well know where Biden stands on these issues and he reflects the democratic party consensus, minus a couple of senators. We also know where the republicans stand on these issues too and the social, culture war means they are employing to achieve their goals. You need to win in 24 to level the playing field and set the stage, as soon as Trump is gone the GOP will embark on a big PR and reimaging campaign. However, they are stuck with the base that Trump helped to create and will be stuck with the candidates they vomit up. They will also be stuck with Trump and the aftermath until well after the 24 election.

A dangerous moment for the GOP and America

79,221 views Jun 11, 2023 #Trump #GOP #Indictment
In the wake of his second indictment, former President Trump has done what he does best: echo right-wing attacks and conspiracy theories to undermine the justice system and the rule of law. Even more worrying are high-ranking Republicans falling in line and defending Trump at all costs. Media Matters President Angelo Carusone and Country Over Party Founder Matt Dowd unpack these developments with American Voices host Alicia Menendez.
Which is why I responded to your claim that "all ya need is an effective win in '24" with "the threat will last beyond that". Even the best possible result for Democrats in '24 will not yield a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. So, Republicans will still be around in large enough numbers that they can impede progress if not reverse it.

Just winning isn't enough either. Steve Schmidt rightly points out that most in the media are not representative of the lower economic half of this country. He pointed out that 40% of the people in this country do not have much in the way of savings. Something like less than 400 bucks in savings. The median wage earner makes around $35,000 per year, which is not enough to pay for essentials for a family of four, much less accumulate a robust nest egg. So, Democrats have won or done very well in the last 3 election cycles. A win in '24 makes if four in a row. But all we've done economically is tread water for the lower half of wage earners in the US. The message has been "anybody but Republicans", which has been successful in a mediocre way. Most voters understand a vote for Republicans is a vote against US Democracy. But eventually voters will need to see improvement in their status or else they will reconsider how bad Republicans are when their vote for a Democrat has produced squat for their self.
The problem here is attention span. Two of the three issues that have been a drag on Biden’s numbers are a hangover from that man’s tenure (inflation, economy) and one is not (his being perceived as too old). Folks are a bit too much in the right now.

So if their situation improves, I give even chances that they will credit the wrong thing for it.
The problem here is attention span. Two of the three issues that have been a drag on Biden’s numbers are a hangover from that man’s tenure (inflation, economy) and one is not (his being perceived as too old). Folks are a bit too much in the right now.

So if their situation improves, I give even chances that they will credit the wrong thing for it.
I deleted that post where I said the "average workers can't make ends meet" because some of my numbers were way off. Median income per wage earner is $52k/yr, average cost of living is $38k/yr, numbers vary wildly depending on where you live. Cost of living for four person household is $85k/yr. If both parents work and make a median income, there is less surplus per person but still a surplus. I'm not sure how well the complaint that average wage earners are "just getting by" holds up to scrutiny. Clearly most can make ends meet, maybe without much surplus but the numbers say they can (though certainly the lower third of wage earners are hurting and more). So, there is a difference between perception and reality in terms of how people feel about their prospects and their prosperity.

Maybe I'm overthinking this but I can't help but wonder what's driving so much negativity about our economy. It's not the economy.
I deleted that post where I said the "average workers can't make ends meet" because some of my numbers were way off. Median income per wage earner is $52k/yr, average cost of living is $38k/yr, numbers vary wildly depending on where you live. I'm not sure how well the complaint that average wage earners are "just getting by" holds up to scrutiny. Clearly most can make ends meet, maybe without much surplus but the numbers say they can (though certainly the lower third of wage earners are hurting and more). So, there is a difference between perception and reality in terms of how people feel about their prospects and their prosperity.

Maybe I'm overthinking this but I can't help but wonder what's driving so much negativity about our economy. It's not the economy.
Housing prices and rents along with the cost of food, that is what appears to be fueling it here, everybody including the government is hurting except the rich, they are making money hand over fist and taxed at an average of 8%, meanwhile what does the average wage earner pay in income tax? The age of the American auto fleet is increasing for a reason, as new cars are unaffordable for many. Housing costs drive homelessness in many cities.
I deleted that post where I said the "average workers can't make ends meet" because some of my numbers were way off. Median income per wage earner is $52k/yr, average cost of living is $38k/yr, numbers vary wildly depending on where you live. Cost of living for four person household is $85k/yr. If both parents work and make a median income, there is less surplus per person but still a surplus. I'm not sure how well the complaint that average wage earners are "just getting by" holds up to scrutiny. Clearly most can make ends meet, maybe without much surplus but the numbers say they can (though certainly the lower third of wage earners are hurting and more). So, there is a difference between perception and reality in terms of how people feel about their prospects and their prosperity.

Maybe I'm overthinking this but I can't help but wonder what's driving so much negativity about our economy. It's not the economy.
This is blue-sky thinking on my part, but I suspect that much of the mismatch between wage and cost took time to become apparent, especially with Covid as a sort of delaying action.

It’s hard for me to speak for many, because I’m on a de facto fixed income in a “cheap area in a very expensive region”. My response has been to brutally trim what I pay for. I went the winter without running the heater once, and am bracing to do the summer without running the a/c. So I’m not representative.

So far the weather has been cooler than average. That won’t keep.
This is blue-sky thinking on my part, but I suspect that much of the mismatch between wage and cost took time to become apparent, especially with Covid as a sort of delaying action.

It’s hard for me to speak for many, because I’m on a de facto fixed income in a “cheap area in a very expensive region”. My response has been to brutally trim what I pay for. I went the winter without running the heater once, and am bracing to do the summer without running the a/c. So I’m not representative.

So far the weather has been cooler than average. That won’t keep.
I'm riffing from what Steve Schmidt said in this interview. The link starts when Steve makes some assumptions about why perception of the economy is so low:

To a question regarding why the numbers for this economy look OK or maybe good yet people in this country are negative about Biden's performance on the economy. Schmidt says there are people, especially in the military who are food insecure and about 40% of people in this country don't have even $400 in reserve. He then moves to how badly Biden is communicating the condition in this country and then ties it to MAGA not being crushed politically.

Regarding your own economic stress. You don't tie it to Biden, you don't blame him. Maybe you don't even blame Trump. You aren't alone in your situation and most people who live on a low income vote for Democrats, so it seems that most who are dealing with stress due to an income that doesn't cover the cost of living aren't angry at Democrats. On the reverse side, people with an income greater than $50k/yr favor Republicans and 63% of those earning >$200k/yr vote Republican. Certainly they aren't dealing with stress due to an inability to cover the cost of living.

This, I find very confusing. Biden is being blamed for a poor economy but the overall status of the US economy is OK and maybe can be called good. This is touted as a reason for Biden to worry. And yet, people who are dealing with economic stress are probably going to vote for Biden. People who have no reason to be stressed about their ability to cover their bills are more likely to vote for Trump.
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