How do you outdoor growers do it?

Have been growing outdoor since mid 80s Tried bud washing 2 yrs ago I was shocked how much crap comes off. Tons of pollen an bugs see if i can dig up a old pic.This is after the first rinse about a lb It was crystal clear when i started.View attachment 5302003
Can you identify these bugs keep landing on my outdoor plants and don't seem to be causing any damage sorry for the blurry quality


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Can you identify these bugs keep landing on my outdoor plants and don't seem to be causing any damage sorry for the blurry quality

Those are leafhoppers. A few of them generally won’t cause issues but they are known to carry some viruses that can affect weed. In big numbers they can do some damage. Sticky traps are a good and cheap method of control.
Those are leafhoppers. A few of them generally won’t cause issues but they are known to carry some viruses that can affect weed. In big numbers they can do some damage. Sticky traps are a good and cheap method of control.
I just got my sticky traps in the mail...turns out they are the kind that stand up In the soil so I've just got them laying at an angle but the bottom half of sticky traps are directly on the soil..could a problem come from that ? Part of the The sticky directly on the soil ?
I just got my sticky traps in the mail...turns out they are the kind that stand up In the soil so I've just got them laying at an angle but the bottom half of sticky traps are directly on the soil..could a problem come from that ? Part of the The sticky directly on the soil ?

I can’t imagine how it would cause any issues…but also not sure how effective they will be for leafhoppers when the traps are sitting on the soil. Typically, you’d have them attached to the plant in various spots so the leafhoppers will land on them when they’re jumping around.
Outdoor = dust, bugs, hairs, everything.
Yah. Just like lettuces and spinish that grow right down at the ground where the farmer has spread last year manure for fertilizer. You know? Just the nitrogen you put on your plants come from chicken manure, mostly. You do foliar and spray that stuff into the leafs and bud and I've been hearing that indoor growers don't wash their bud. If that stuff is on your bud when you go to smoke it you are literately smoking chicken shit.
I grew outdoors for 30+ years and never washed one bud . Not saying don't do it but my customers never complained and came back every year .

That said , I never foliar fed and any buds that had anything I didn't like about them went in the trash . We tried to plant more than we could handle and just take the best . Often enough there was plenty left out there to die on the stalk .
I grew outdoors for 30+ years and never washed one bud . Not saying don't do it but my customers never complained and came back every year .

That said , I never foliar fed and any buds that had anything I didn't like about them went in the trash . We tried to plant more than we could handle and just take the best . Often enough there was plenty left out there to die on the stalk .
I'm a 30+ yr. outdoor guy also,never wash bud it can cause mold issues drying if any dampness remains,instead I use a compressor w/a air blower attached and blow the plants off,does a good job and is quick and easy,removes any detrious and many yellow shade leaves blow off also.
I thought I was on candid camera first time I bud washed my outdoor crop. you sit there all year an try and keep the plants dry…then at the end you dunk them in a tote of water?…on purpose? I’m all ya okay. Then I tried it and saw the amount of dirt and crap that comes off them. I do it every year now even if I’m just gonna cook with it.
I thought I was on candid camera first time I bud washed my outdoor crop. you sit there all year an try and keep the plants dry…then at the end you dunk them in a tote of water?…on purpose? I’m all ya okay. Then I tried it and saw the amount of dirt and crap that comes off them. I do it every year now even if I’m just gonna cook with it.

I tried washing mine. Didn't get much off. like I said before I hose mine off for about a week before harvest WHEN THERE IS ALREADY DEW on the plants. I've never had a moldy bud. I keep the worms out with BT so there is no worm shit. That also reduces the bud rot by not allowing the damage to the buds. Other pests are controlled with DE and soapy water.

One thing I've learned in Oklahoma you don't go for huge buds. I've seen what was in them even after being washed. If you only wash a harvest then there is probably crud inside the bud. I only mentioned hosing at harvest but I overhead water any time I can. That would be in early morning while there is still dew. The dew has softened any crud that might have accumulated since the last watering. The water rinses it off. Use a blower if it's not going to dry quickly.

I'll tell you what, Here's a challenge. I'll compare my hosed off bud to your washed bud. Mine will win because nothing has has a chance to become encapsulated in the bud because of being grown over. Mine is cleaned from deep inside as it grows, not just the surface at harvest.
BTW, Hosing the plants is just a very light misting, just enough to cause drips but not enough to over watering. I always try to wait a few days after a watering before misting, otherwise the leafs start to drupe over watering.
Under normal circumstances there is no reason to wash buds, plus you risk mold/rot. To quote danceswithweeds above:

"Just like lettuces and spinach that grow right down at the ground where the farmer has spread last year manure for fertilizer. You know? Just the nitrogen you put on your plants come from chicken manure, mostly. You do foliar and spray that stuff into the leafs and bud and I've been hearing that indoor growers don't wash their bud. If that stuff is on your bud when you go to smoke it you are literately smoking chicken shit."

Plus when you eat most produce, hot dogs, a lot of different foods you're eating bugs, shit, rat hair etc. Unless a bird shit on your buds there is no reason to wash them
True. but that's different, it's food.
I should have said:
True, but that's only food, so who cares? The pot has to be sterile, right?

I'm a farmer, among other things. I live on a farm that we bought in 1977. I've seen how food is produced, handled, and shipped. That's why we have a large garden. I'll guarantee that city people really don't want to know what's in their food. But, they want clean smoke. I don't blame them. I want clean smoke, too.

Wheat is probably as dirty as it gets. The dust around the combines gets so thick you can hardly see them. I don't think there is any way you can clean it. Maybe blow some dust off. But they really can't even do that because of danger of explosion. It goes right straight to the mill and ground to flower, dust and all.