Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Mrs bursto got a new deepfryer the other day now every other day or so she making tempura this and that im gonna get fat

this morning i just wanted toast got deepfried veggie pattie things they nice but anything deepfried tastes good

pretty sure battered anything is a stoners kryptonite
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Well-Known Member
Just is a relative term :lol: and it took me 2 years to find that one so I'm not letting moss grow under my toes this time, 2-4 years is my new replacement window ;D
I have moss growing on my one jeep......great camo :eyesmoke:

I've never been a passenger....always been the driver. That was different lol Just after I took this pic it rained hard...really really hard. Awesome day! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
... Back when I was heating with wood (11 cords a year) ...
We will go through ~1 bush cord between the period late October and late March - but we don't burn the whole day. That entity we call Natures Big Grow Light also heats our place during the day thanks to a shitload of large windows on the main floor.

But I can't fathom harvesting 11 cords per year. From Mrs. S and I, a standing ovation for that level of commitment.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member

80° sunny and humid. Beautiful Sunday morning :blsmoke:

How's everyone doing today?
Good morning !:hug:
Doing well. Thanks. It’s sunny and going to get hot. Trying to get motivated to go on a hike before it gets too hot. After yesterdays run and having terrible tight muscular groin pain from it, I am feeling better. Due to a pending drug test I have to abstain for a while so that SUCKS!!!. Hope you have a great day! Take care.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Beautiful sunny morning day. Supposed to rain, but not yet.

Been dabbing and sleeping :weed: :sleep:

Grabbed a couple nice Delmonico steaks for dinner.

Listening to the crows argue about something. I wish they had Google translate for animals. Probably some day.

I can speak a goodly amount of raven. Suffice to say it mostly consists of:
1. Fuck you,
2. Mine,
3. Fuck you, it's mine,
4. Hey baby

That's pretty much it.