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A good rule of thumb would be to water every four or five days. You also need to use a pot that provides good drainage, as your coco coir requires air as well as moisture to promote healthy plant growth. If there's too much moisture inside, there won't be enough air.

that’s just of 1 seedbank. @TCH how often do u water/feed?

edit…. This was a copied article, I don’t agree with the 4-5 days at all
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A good rule of thumb would be to water every four or five days. You also need to use a pot that provides good drainage, as your coco coir requires air as well as moisture to promote healthy plant growth. If there's too much moisture inside, there won't be enough air.

that’s just of 1 seedbank. @TCH how often do u water/feed?
You never let coco dry out. I appreciate you are trying to help me but you are giving out false information. Coco is a hydroponic medium and you should water/feed it daily. When you water coco daily it brings in fresh oxygen to the medium. It's not soil and it shouldn't be treated as such.

Have a read mate. In all honesty I think a daily watering is stumping your ladies.
I appreciate you are trying to help me but you are wrong. Coco should be watered until run off daily. You should never let coco dry out for 4 or 5 days like you claimed. It's not soil

I didn’t claim 4-5 days it was an article

also your in plastic pots not airpots/fabric pots it will take longer to dry out especially when your ladies aren’t drinking the amount u put in

Have a read mate. In all honesty I think a daily watering is stumping your ladies.
So @MickFoster is lying to me about watering until run off daily?
I didn’t say that at all!

at no stage did I involve anyone else or say anyone was lying. I’m telling u what I know and have read.
But you told me I shouldn't be watering daily until run off and that's what is stumping my plants which goes against what other users here on the site have told me. So now I'm getting mixed information again which is confusing me. I'm about to give up and just totally stop growing all together.
the article you sent over.
But you told me I shouldn't be watering daily until run off and that's what is stumping my plants which goes against what other users here on the site have told me. So now I'm getting mixed information again which is confusing me.

Ok, I wasn’t trying to confuse u.
I’m only going by my own experience
I have overwatered many of times and stumped my ladies… in soil and coco

And if u notice the article goes on about not letting it dry out and nothing about the medium still being too wet

also I didn’t say not watering daily until run off. I said that “early” when your ladies are bigger then u will probably water more then once in a day
the article you sent over.

Ok, I wasn’t trying to confuse u.
I’m only going by my own experience
I have overwatered many of times and stumped my ladies… in soil and coco

And if u notice the article goes on about not letting it dry out and nothing about the medium still being too wet
So ignore @MickFoster's advice and don't water my ladies until run off daily?
people love to argue on here lol

at the end of the day u have a $2,500 setup yet your ladies are stumped? Clearly something isn’t right for them?

could u shed some light? Maybe I am wrong.

From what I just read on this post about watering, if it is coco and pearlite or coco in general, you for sure want to feed it daily with feeding solution and then double down or more in flower or else the dry back will kill all the leaves.

Look up chop journal and see how dryback screwed me over within 30 days. Not sure how people get away with twice a day in flower but I was feeding 5x a day.

Also why I am an advocate for not over crowding as that journal showed what rot/mold can do to a over crowded plant and high RH% conditions. Coco should stay wet. The h202 or pool shock is more to keep resivoir clean for longer with the bonus being your medium stays sterile and clean of algae and etc.
Precharged with nutrients. I haven't used this brand of coco before and I didn't know it was precharged until I overfed them about a week or so ago. I'm watering daily until run off
Just out of curiousity, what brand is this? I have never heard of such a thing, and a Google search came up with nada.

Usually stuff grows really fast in coco.

Have a read mate. In all honesty I think a daily watering is stumping your ladies.

I'm feeding mine 4 times a day and I can assure you it's not stunting their growth. But I'm in flower and at that stage once a day woukd suffice.

I think maybe the only time you might be able to over water them is as a seedling, for like the first week.