Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
But you have spiedies (sp)
Yes, and it's time for the annual spiedie festival...



Well-Known Member
@DarkWeb how did the tang work out in your rub? Your idea?
It was very good, everyone liked it and commented that it was good. I have this book
And there was a rub that calls for a lime koolaid pack......for the lime and citric acid powder. I didn't make that rub but I thought the tang might pop a little. And it was really good.

I didn't add alot maybe 2tsp maybe a little more. But it was in 2 total cups of all ingredients.


Well-Known Member
Did you cook the blueberry first before add to the base sauce or is an all in one deal?
It was garlic and onions sautéed in a little olive oil.
Then deglazed with a little apple cider vinegar.
Whole blueberries went in and softend up a bit.
Screenshot_20230729_135102_Gallery.jpgThen added garlic and onion powder, black pepper, salt, sugar and my rub I made. I used the stick blender and cooked that down a bit till it was thick.
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