Stealing from the MAN


Well-Known Member
Or thieves :grin:

In the Inferno, thieves went to the 8th Circle of Hell, that's one away from the bottom :grin: The 9th Circle is for traitors :wink:
Dante? Oh my. I think I'm in love....

Steal from the guv'ment and we are all the victims. Of by and for the people, remember?
panhead amen...and as too youl..well then that cause then how about you walk down to your local po po station with your lights and fans and plants and turn your self in for growing..cus thats wrong as well...
Nice try, but incorrect. Growing cannabis is illegal, but not immoral. In fact, one could argue that the prohibition of cannabis is immoral.

Thievery is immoral and illegal.
You know what appart from the cost to the community for replaceing the bulb, there are also karmic issues like what happens if the light outage causes someone to get run over, or invites a burglary or robbery...?
That's a damn good point. +rep.


Well-Known Member
So your trying to tell me wikid, that everyone of our laws are right? you actually believe our government system is correct in taking our money and using it for their vacations and what not? its not stealing. its taking whats yours. end of story. -now according to the government and all of its affiliates and law makers... then yes.. its stealing.. according to a run of the mill american citizen like myself.. its not stealing-atall and If u still wanna argue with that, you need to go to lowes, by yourself some mortar, a bunch of bricks, build yourself a wall and start talking to it.


Well-Known Member
So your trying to tell me wikid, that everyone of our laws are right? you actually believe our government system is correct in taking our money and using it for their vacations and what not? its not stealing. its taking whats yours. end of story. -now according to the government and all of its affiliates and law makers... then yes.. its stealing.. according to a run of the mill american citizen like myself.. its not stealing-atall and If u still wanna argue with that, you need to go to lowes, by yourself some mortar, a bunch of bricks, build yourself a wall and start talking to it.
Where did I say that every one of our laws is right?

I said stealing is stealing. Stealing isn't just ILLEGAL, it's WRONG, as in morally.

You can keep trying to justify it however you want, tell yourself whatever makes you feel better about being a thief, but it doesn't change the facts :wink:


hes not going to listen

if his skull is too thick to get through his head that YOU SHOULD NOT STEAL

then go, go steal...get arrested

you shall have no pity for being a thief


Well-Known Member
like i said, build a brick wall.
Why would I have to do that, you keep answering me :razz:

Dude, it's ok, really, I don't care that you're a thief. I don't know you, so I don't have to worry about you stealing from me. As for you stealing from the community...well, there are lots of assholes who do that kinda shit, what's one more?


Well-Known Member
They cut off thieves hands in the middle east.Over here our insurance and taxes go up!!!Making people pay for youre mistakes is a health risk.:mrgreen::twisted::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yup, that's right, im stealing from the community, your paying for it. haha. and you cant do a damn thing about it can you? argue with that one.


New Member
The government is just a tool that is currently being used/controled by International Bankers and corporations. So if your really want to steal from the man you first gather every last penny that you own and have it within your control, like in front of you being kept after by you. Then take those reserve notes and buy metals with em. Then you have a value that will not drop. While you do this create a community currency to use for trade within your county. This will help equal out the wealth so the poorer folk can get a lil gravy too sometime. Also try and get yourself into a profession or job that has you creating something that is needed and useful towards the progression of humanity. You see when you break free of their slave notes you are essentially taking their wealth, thus 'stealing' from em, get it?


Well-Known Member
lol, no, don't kid yourself, you're stealing.

If a cop rolled up on you while you were doing it, you'd be busted for stealing. Just because you haven't been caught doesn't mean you're not stealing :razz:
Is it stealing if your meerely taking back what was "taken from you" to start with ? ,also is it stealing when what was taken from you was taken against your will to start with ?.

The county road commission wont plow my road in the winter time,i have to get a back hoe from work to clear my road if i want it plowed, yet i pay the tax & recieve zero benifit.

The roads in Michigan are some of the worst in the country,infact so bad that we rarely ever get our mustang from the garage for a weekend drive,the roads tear it all to hell, yet i pay a massive fuel tax to support road construction.

I never willingly agreed to pay any government anything,ever,the government took it upon itself to take from my family, under the guise of my family recieving services from the government in return,i pay for police who harrass me,then steal my homes & all assets under the protection of bullshit seizure laws, then sell my property when they deem ive broken one of their laws,use the proceeds from their legal theivery to fund other areas of government that i do not agree with nor willingly support.

You might feel a bit different if you ever fall victim to one of the many seizure laws out great government has chosen to bestow on us.

I might feel different hadnt i had the privelage of donating a home,several cars,motorcycles,all bank accounts ,then have to pay over $30k in bullshit fines,all while being forced to look at a prosecutor smiling at me & gloating over his new found windfall of cash.

Im taking mine back at every turn if they leave me a window.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Please don't come in my window.I'm broke.:mrgreen:
Is it stealing if your meerely taking back what was "taken from you" to start with ? ,also is it stealing when what was taken from you was taken against your will to start with ?.

The county road commission wont plow my road in the winter time,i have to get a back hoe from work to clear my road if i want it plowed, yet i pay the tax & recieve zero benifit.

The roads in Michigan are some of the worst in the country,infact so bad that we rarely ever get our mustang from the garage for a weekend drive,the roads tear it all to hell, yet i pay a massive fuel tax to support road construction.

I never willingly agreed to pay any government anything,ever,the government took it upon itself to take from my family, under the guise of my family recieving services from the government in return,i pay for police who harrass me,then steal my homes & all assets under the protection of bullshit seizure laws, then sell my property when they deem ive broken one of their laws,use the proceeds from their legal theivery to fund other areas of government that i do not agree with nor willingly support.

You might feel a bit different if you ever fall victim to one of the many seizure laws out great government has chosen to bestow on us.

I might feel different hadnt i had the privelage of donating a home,several cars,motorcycles,all bank accounts ,then have to pay over $30k in bullshit fines,all while being forced to look at a prosecutor smiling at me & gloating over his new found windfall of cash.

Im taking mine back at every turn if they leave me a window.


Well-Known Member
Yup, that's right, im stealing from the community, your paying for it. haha. and you cant do a damn thing about it can you? argue with that one.
What's there to argue? Who's been disagreeing with you? I've just been saying that you're a thief, and you've been agreeing with me :lol:

Is it stealing if your meerely taking back what was "taken from you" to start with ? ,also is it stealing when what was taken from you was taken against your will to start with ?.

The county road commission wont plow my road in the winter time,i have to get a back hoe from work to clear my road if i want it plowed, yet i pay the tax & recieve zero benifit.

The roads in Michigan are some of the worst in the country,infact so bad that we rarely ever get our mustang from the garage for a weekend drive,the roads tear it all to hell, yet i pay a massive fuel tax to support road construction.

I never willingly agreed to pay any government anything,ever,the government took it upon itself to take from my family, under the guise of my family recieving services from the government in return,i pay for police who harrass me,then steal my homes & all assets under the protection of bullshit seizure laws, then sell my property when they deem ive broken one of their laws,use the proceeds from their legal theivery to fund other areas of government that i do not agree with nor willingly support.

You might feel a bit different if you ever fall victim to one of the many seizure laws out great government has chosen to bestow on us.

I might feel different hadnt i had the privelage of donating a home,several cars,motorcycles,all bank accounts ,then have to pay over $30k in bullshit fines,all while being forced to look at a prosecutor smiling at me & gloating over his new found windfall of cash.

Im taking mine back at every turn if they leave me a window.
No offense panhead, but you don't know me. You don't know what I've been through, or what I've lost thanks to our government. My whole LIFE was turned upside down thanks to bullshit with the government. So please don't act like the only reason I'm disagreeing here is cuz I don't know what it's like to "fall victim to" the government.

Stealing is wrong. Stealing from PEOPLE is just LOW. Just because some people are thieves doesn't mean I want to be a scumbag too :razz:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
WIKIDBCHOFTHEWST is god himself, he is the absolute moral standard, the idea of him commiting an act that was anything other then moral perfection is inconceivable. If not then he wouldn't be arguing that stealing 0.000000000000000001 of a penny from a lot of people is the same as taking someones wallet, "stealing is stealing is stealing", just because two things can be classed as stealing doesn't make them equivelently bad. Anybody who says they are too good a person to steal any amount of money however small and off however many people is a hypocrit, there are people starving to death in other parts of the world while us in the west spend our money on weed and shoes and whatever, don't you think that is moraly worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000001 pence of someone? So don't give us this "stealing is wrong, I'm not a scumbag, I'm too good a person to steal so shame on you for being such a revolting theif" If you don't want to be a hipocrit then either give all your money away or shut the fuck up.:-P


Well-Known Member
WIKIDBCHOFTHEWST is god himself, he is the absolute moral standard, the idea of him commiting an act that was anything other then moral perfection is inconceivable. If not then he wouldn't be arguing that stealing 0.000000000000000001 of a penny from a lot of people is the same as taking someones wallet, "stealing is stealing is stealing", just because two things can be classed as stealing doesn't make them equivelently bad. Anybody who says they are too good a person to steal any amount of money however small and off however many people is a hypocrit, there are people starving to death in other parts of the world while us in the west spend our money on weed and shoes and whatever, don't you think that is moraly worse then stealing 0.0000000000000000001 pence of someone? So don't give us this "stealing is wrong, I'm not a scumbag, I'm too good a person to steal so shame on you for being such a revolting theif" If you don't want to be a hipocrit then either give all your money away or shut the fuck up.:-P
Ok, FIRST of all, I'm a WOMAN, you fucking moron. Wikidbchofthewst = Wikid Bitch of the West :razz:

Secondly, what do people starving around the world have to do with stealing? I can spend my money on whatever the fuck I want, it's my money, I earn it. I don't owe shit to anyone else. I am not a slave to others because they are needy. If that's how YOU want to be, that's fine, but don't try to tell me I'm obligated to do anything for anyone else. Your life is YOURS to live as you choose, if you choose to live for others, that's your business :wink:

Thirdly, stealing IS stealing. Doesn't matter what you steal, you're still stealing. If you steal from a community, you're stealing from a whole LOT of people at once. If you steal, that makes you a thief. That's just pure FACT.

Don't want to be called a thief? Don't go bragging about stealing. Want to brag about stealing? Be prepared to be called a thief, it's a simple as that.

And finally, you don't know shit about me, as is made obvious by the fact that you spent your last post referring to me as a man. So speak on what you know, or kindly shut the fuck up :grin:

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Ooohhhh... your a woman, that explains it. Anyway, how am I supposed to know your a woman? Just because I'm called armadillo slim doesn't mean that i'm an armadillo. And you started the stupid patronising smiley faces so don't load your post with them like your making fun of my post when I only put it there to take the piss out of yours. And your the "fucking moron", either that or you can't read properly, I'm not some hippie saying that we should all send our money to africa, I'm saying that if you can get so outraged and up your own arse about somebody stealing a street light when there are much worse things going on that you don't give a shit about then you are a complete fucking tosspot. And apparantly you are.


Well-Known Member
No offense panhead, but you don't know me. You don't know what I've been through, or what I've lost thanks to our government. My whole LIFE was turned upside down thanks to bullshit with the government. So please don't act like the only reason I'm disagreeing here is cuz I don't know what it's like to "fall victim to" the government.

Stealing is wrong. Stealing from PEOPLE is just LOW. Just because some people are thieves doesn't mean I want to be a scumbag too :razz:
Howdy wikid,i forgot about this thread for a few days but im back now.

I wasnt meaning to imply that you've never been fuked over by uncle sam ,more like explaining why i feel the way i do about our government,my list is long as ive been gang raped by uncle sam,the older i get & the more income i generate the more i feel like the governments sugar daddy who pays for everything,yet gets nothing in return.

Where i live in the economy is devastated,every branch of government is struggeling to fund its employee base,they have found ways to fund their budget by cutting services like plowing/salting roads,road repair,street cleaning ect yet they raise my taxes constantly & never cut the employee base to match the services being provided.

I pay a ridiculous amount in tax'es,allmost $1,000 dollars each week to pay for city services & this is not even counting my property tax'es,we have a garbage dept that gets paid for an entire 8 hour work day as soon as they finish their route,if they finish the route in 2 hours they are free to leave with 8 hours pay,or they can stay working & move on to another route,at that time they go into overtime,if the 2nd garbage route takes them 3 hours to complete they are again free to leave, only this time around they recieve another 8 hours pay at time & a half,they can even stay & do a 3rd route should they choose all at time & a half pay,a gargabe collector in my town can & often does recieve 32 hours pay for working a single 8 hour shift :o,i never agreed to have my tax dollars spent in such a foolish manner :cuss:

The town i live in has its own water treatment operation where they take water from the river & turn it into drinking water,this operation & its employees cost multi millions of tax dollars each year to operate,normally the burden of tax payer cost would be offset by the income generated by the monthly water bills of its customers,not in my town,all the millions of gallons of water treated each day are dumped directly back into the river,we have a contract to buy our drinking water from another town so they cant use the water they treat but we still have to fund the operation. :cuss:

The entire state employee base recieves more paid sick days than any normally healthy person could ever use & they have a built in scam there as well,each time an employee calls in sick they recieve 8 hours pay but are only deducted one half day against their sick days:confused:,they call sick days a "sick occasion":rolleyes: & a sick occasion is 16 hours pay.:cuss:

My state is rife with this type pork barrel spending,entire buildings full of employees who were the mayors appointee's who he created jobs for because they were his friends,or to repay a favor,entire floors filled with employees who are in charge of paper clip counting,entire staffs that are supplied state owned cars to drive to & from work,ect ect ect.

This type spending cannot be stopped,its institutionalized nation wide,this is exactly why i feel im free to take what i please from a government that offers my family substandard services at premium cost, with no fear of retribution, & from a government that has taken 6 years of my freedom,then made me pay for the years they had me locked away after they took all i had,took everything my wife owned,then released me with $250 to my name,homeless,over $30,00 in debt with fines i still owed them & divorced because they legal system destroyed my marrige.

If i can get it im taking it,if there is a shortcut that saves me tax dollars im taking it,if there's a way i can get out of paying a fee im taking it,if theres a way i can play the government to my own benifit im exploiting the loophole to its maximum potential.

I could go on for days but mostly what im trying to convey is this,we as a community of tax payers have no obligation to hold any form of the value system afforded twords decent people & apply its concept twords our government,a government that is not answerable to its constituents nor carring of its constituents needs,a government who holds no value or respect as to how they spend the hard earnd tax dollars being spoon fed to them daily .

I never meant to imply that you have not took your share of ass reamings from uncle sam only that ive taken too many & cant stand any more,my ass hurts as it is :cuss:.


Ooohhhh... your a woman, that explains it. Anyway, how am I supposed to know your a woman? Just because I'm called armadillo slim doesn't mean that i'm an armadillo. And you started the stupid patronising smiley faces so don't load your post with them like your making fun of my post when I only put it there to take the piss out of yours. And your the "fucking moron", either that or you can't read properly, I'm not some hippie saying that we should all send our money to africa, I'm saying that if you can get so outraged and up your own arse about somebody stealing a street light when there are much worse things going on that you don't give a shit about then you are a complete fucking tosspot. And apparantly you are.
stealing is wrong

deal with it

your trying to justify by calling a respected member of the riu community stupid because she is standing up for what is morally right

you are an ignorant fool....stealing is morally wrong.... you are taking something that some one else (or many other people) paid for

meaning some one put in work so that item you are about to steal could be there

taking something that you have not earned, paid for, worked for, and isnt yours to begin with is ingorant, selfish,

you lack empathy and i shall have no pity on you if you steal from me and i shoot you in the leg and you bleed to death on my front lawn