Broke two big branches


Well-Known Member
I'm currently in the middle of a slight rainstorm maybe two days. Dealing with outdoor plants. I had two branches split down the stem due to wait I guess. I can't use the tape because it's raining. So I managed to rig up, a system. Hopefully bringing Branch to stem. Is this all I need to ensure. Curious what the tape does,


Well-Known Member
Can wrap with soft plant tie wire, pipe cleaners, or whatever you have on hand. I got a huge split at one of the first top sites on a big plant. The plant didn't seem to notice it. I pulled together best I could and wrapped with pipe cleaners. I don't think it hurts them noticeably but suppose the site would offer an entry path for pathogens.


Well-Known Member
I lost one of the two branches, the big one is growing no different than it was attached. Unfortunately I'm not coming into flower and it's mid August. Been outside since first of June. Just noticed lady next to me has a light on near my plant. So I need to force it into flower then protect it from the window of light. Any advice for a shield. And a reasonable workable tent for 45 to 50 cm wide plant just that would be the circumference. LOL don't know. Just measured for this out to nearest to me.



Well-Known Member
I have good luck with zip ties. One to compress the torn stalk and another above it for support.View attachment 5316750
Didn't use zip ties but I agree this is a great method. I use dental floss to tie it tight. Then I also use dental floss to make a sling from Main Branch to bottom branch. Along with clamping clothes pins, underneath for support.


Well-Known Member
Ive always had great luck placing them back on indoor and taping them back together like surgery. That is if it happens within an hour of the mess up. Otherwise move on