PETA The Discussion


Active Member
Alright just hit some super sweet Blueberry Skunk... Couldn't help thinking about PETA and the amount of bullshit and blind faith that the member are full of...
I just want to hear everyone's thoughts and hell lets have a debate!

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
PEOPLE for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has urged US ice cream makers Ben & Jerry's Homemade to replace cow's milk in ice cream products with breast milk.
"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 per cent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the animal rights group said

PETA officials say a move to breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their calves on factory farms and benefit human health.

"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," PETA spokeswoman Tracy Reiman said.

"Everyone knows that the breast is best, so, Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favour by making the switch to breast milk."

Ben & Jerry's said: "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."


Well-Known Member
PETA can kiss my ass... With the amount of time they spend suing people for killing animals, and bitching at the world for utilizing a natural food source. They could have saved every animal twice.

I get food from the earth, as have my forefathers. If anyone, thinks that eating meat is cruel, then they have been brainwashed, by someone who is smarter than they are.

Someone should starve the founders of PETA, and then throw them a cute little bunny rabbit. and let them make the choice.... Survival, or Death.

If you choose not to eat meat... then thats one thing. But when you try to convince everyone around you to not eat meat. There is a problem.


Active Member
Yeah I actually went online and just searched around and well... You all need to take a look at the Bullshit with Ben and Teller show episode on PETA!
For an organization that supports domestic vandalism and dare I say terrorism the most pathetic thing is that they actually euthanize thousands of *Rescued* animals every year.
Besides most people join PETA because of the social appeal. The whole hippie idea of picketing and protesting hopeless and unreasonable causes to feel fucking special...
My view is:
I'm a firm believer in Evolution as well as Darwinism *The Strong Survive*.
We're on the top of the food chain and I believe we should consume animals to survive. On the other hand I am also against unnecessary torture and tormenting of animals but I am completely for a humane way of killing them for food.
Fuck PETA. Get a Life. Stop wasting your breath!

Bartleby Jones

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna' eat Tracy Reiman's dog right in front of her. :twisted:
Oh, that's right PETA freaks don't even think you should own pets...Does anyone really take these assholes seriously? I'm against cruelty to animals but come the fuck on! The only way I'm having breast milk is from the tap....if she's hot.....OK even that's kinda sick. I guess what I'm saying is fuck PETA and I wanna' lick some titties.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
PETA can kiss my ass... With the amount of time they spend suing people for killing animals, and bitching at the world for utilizing a natural food source. They could have saved every animal twice.

I get food from the earth, as have my forefathers. If anyone, thinks that eating meat is cruel, then they have been brainwashed, by someone who is smarter than they are.

Someone should starve the founders of PETA, and then throw them a cute little bunny rabbit. and let them make the choice.... Survival, or Death.

If you choose not to eat meat... then thats one thing. But when you try to convince everyone around you to not eat meat. There is a problem.
I know where their coming from---those factory farms aren't pretty, but theres no way around it, and the killing part---pretty bad. Some things shouldn't be thought about.


Active Member
Yeah Son of Man its true the factory farms are disturbing... Then again that is the most efficient way to produce meat. In the end its an economic world run by the "Man" the most cost effective slaughter techniques will be chosen over the most "Humane"


Well-Known Member
Fuck peta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I know you all are gonna HATE hearing this, but I've been dating a vegan for over 3 years, she's a PETA activist, and she has A LOT of good points.

I eat meat, love it, will always eat it. The way production animals are treated is absolutely inhuman though. A lot needs to be changed. God did put all of the animals on earth, and I think we should treat them with more respect.

I still think we should eat them, as do many PETA members. Many have no problem eating meat, as long as it was raised and killed in an human fashion.

I love milk, but my girlfriend showed me an article about dairy cows and I haven't drank milk since. I still love it and would love to drink it, just not from a dairy farm. I won't say what the fact is unless you want to hear it. I promise, many of you will probably never drink milk again if you only knew.

Ignorance is bliss.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I know you all are gonna HATE hearing this, but I've been dating a vegan for over 3 years, she's a PETA activist, and she has A LOT of good points.

I eat meat, love it, will always eat it. The way production animals are treated is absolutely inhuman though. A lot needs to be changed. God did put all of the animals on earth, and I think we should treat them with more respect.

I still think we should eat them, as do many PETA members. Many have no problem eating meat, as long as it was raised and killed in an human fashion.

I love milk, but my girlfriend showed me an article about dairy cows and I haven't drank milk since. I still love it and would love to drink it, just not from a dairy farm. I won't say what the fact is unless you want to hear it. I promise, many of you will probably never drink milk again if you only knew.

How do you feel about breast milk?


Well-Known Member
I would sooner drink it than milk from a dairy farm. I would like a picture of the donor on the carton though. ;)


New Member
PETA makes the classic error of judging one life form over another.

Plants don't scream, they can't run away and escape the scythe of farmer Ted either.
Who is to say that the acre of wheat deserves death anymore than a pig? Not to worry, Al Gore is said to be working on this very problem.

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I believe in the ethical treatment of animals, but PETA is a bit extreme for me.I prefer to have an animal killed in a humane way,and none of the parts wasted.I worked at Tyson foods for a while.I had to shave the meat off of the back of hog's decapitated heads on the kill floor.I never saw them actually get killed.One thing I did notice was that pigs all have different colors of eyes, just like humans.That kinda got to me, along with the extreme frigging heat in the summer.Needless to say, I don't work there.