Blaze & Daze

Everyone cure's different .I just hang up. Y'all got a better way than old school? Dixie
I trim it all fresh and spread it out on a herb drying rack in a cool dark place with some circulation. Then I put it in large jars with a humidity meter. Keep it steady low 60s humidity and take it out and spread it a couple times a day, trying to dry it slow so it doesn't turn to hay. Smoke it when it burns nice.
Everyone cure's different .I just hang up. Y'all got a better way than old school? Dixie
My cure is sticking them in a Mason jar and ignoring them until I remember I want to smoke some LOL. I'm in the Mojave with less than 20% humidity they get too dry too fast so I put them in a jar and don't look back. I've thought about buying bags but I have had canning jars since I was young and my family canned everything. This year however I'm running a dehumidifier 24/7! So I don't know what to think AND it was unseasonably cool too. I'm not complaining.
So you stick in jar wet? I always just let it dry til it will smoke in a cool dry place.But that is how i all way's done it so Just checking to see if any way new Thank's Y'all . Cafe Racer's Done Dixie
Malawi cure. Fermented, so it smells a bit like apples, reeks like a cigar when you burn it.
Usally hang a few days, vac pac it at 80% rh, hot water bath 24+ hrs, vac pac it again, keep in a warm place for a month or 3.
It's different, if you're bored.

So you stick in jar wet? I always just let it dry til it will smoke in a cool dry place.But that is how i all way's done it so Just checking to see if any way new Thank's Y'all . Cafe Racer's Done Dixie
Me? No, I wet trim and into a Koolatron it goes to dry to 60%. Then into a canning jar where it finishes up and cure/ages a bit. I use it during this time.