The roulette/casino thread for losers

Exactly, people think casinos are the worst people ever and just there to rob you blind, this is so wrong.

Don't even get me started on magnets :/
the %'s are slight for the house but when you talk about a million people gambling a year (with some even worse odds on other games), the profits add up quickly
i'm a blackjack guy but if i do play the wheel, i bet a piece of pie (5 bets) centered around my lucky # 17. so 20, 32, 5 and 22
I don't play blackjack, not enough odds to play with, I guessing a good way to do is watch a table until the dealer hasn't bust for like 5-7 times maybe, then bet and stick low, The dealer will eventually bust, that's laws of inevitable eventuality like i said in my 1st post.

There's a number the amount of times a dealer busts within 20 hands, if you can work the average out then it should be easy.

Best way I guess, or count cards half of the shoe
I don't play blackjack, not enough odds to play with, I guessing a good way to do is watch a table until the dealer hasn't bust for like 5-7 times maybe, then bet and stick low, The dealer will eventually bust, that's laws of inevitable eventuality like i said in my 1st post.

There's a number the amount of times a dealer busts within 20 hands, if you can work the average out then it should be easy.

Best way I guess, or count cards half of the shoe
only way to win at BJ is to follow the plan of the MIT people that did it and won huge. and i'm not nearly that smart.
BJ is to follow the plan of the MIT people
These guys ?

You can count cards if you can remember them all the 1st half of the shoe, so if the 1st half of the shoe has 80% more high cards then you know the 2nd half will have lots of lows, but if works both ways, the dealer will get the lows too so i don't get blackjack.

Roulette is king imho but i get other games, baccarat just melts my brain lol, no idea what the fucks going on there but i like all the odds, something i could relate to if i learn it.
got it.
<unfollows thread>

Look for symmetrical patterns 1/1 bets only in the history board, then bet against it, the longer the streak is the rarer they are, meaning the shorter they are the more often they break, breaking patterns is a thing my friend.

The more complex the pattern rbbrbbrbbrbbrbbrbbrbbr or any 1/1 bet will end/break eventually

No one has ever seen 22 reds(any 1/1) streak, eventually it'll go black

It's a law not a system/strategy
You can eliminate the martingale crash on 1/1 bets by alternating the bets, so if you're looking for black to drop and keep martingale then you might get stuck and ruin your BR, but if you alternate bets from red black red black then you get rid of that crash.

The only problem with this is you might get stuck behind a red,black,red,black,red,black streak.

The only way out of this is to alternate red,odd,low and black,even,high and all will make sense which pretty much eliminates martingale giving pushbacks and jackpots more than losses.

Call me insane, I'm good with it
Alternating your bets from odd red low, to even black high will eliminate the martingale crash only low rollers, big bank roll small bets

That jump in stats on bet 44 is just me betting off track/freestyle

Good luck


A nice simple bet for you all, 20's like to sit around each other, you'll see a few 30's and a few 1's then 20's just love to magnetize towards each other, when you see this just sit on 1st n 2nd dozen and it'll come in within 1st 2nd 3rd spin after.

There's order in chaos, meaning all roulette spins are random chaotic spins, but there's order in chaos like rbrbrbrbrbrb that's order, it's also random and chaotic, it just looks like it's in order.

Look at all the 20's they fucking love each other lol, when this happens i just sit pretty on 1st n 2nd dozen and chase the win :0

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Going for 1st n 2nd dozen away from the 20's


Pop pop baby ! low 6 comes in miles away from the 20's !


Another easy bet is looking for single digit double digit patterns, so 1,23,5,34,3,15,8,31,9,21 Is a pattern, there's more double digit numbers than single ones on the table so this pattern has more chance to break with 2 double digit numbers in a row.

Trust me It'll make sense eventually
Another little trick if you want, don't use real money always test on a sim.

So the dozens don't like to bounce back to each other, so 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st is rare, it likes to break, always bet on 2 dozens for this one.

So if 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd drops then bet on that bounce breaking to 3rd or 1st

Dozens don't like to bounce from one to the other too long, trust me it works low rollers £40-£60 per hour

Always bet responsibly