Big Game Hunters, Show Your Stuff

Time for me to put up the broadcast spreader - after a couple of days they get the timer figured out & show up just before it turns on.
It seems almost like cheating but I'm not looking for a booner - just a couple of adults to fill the freezer & thin the herd a bit.
i feed year around.

my son and does most of the hunting, i limit him to 3 deer a season and any pigs and coons

i dont shoot on the property unless its for hunting.

dont allow duck or squirel hunting , try to keep it nice and quiet for the deer.

corn is at about 13 bucks for 50 lbs i put down 100 lbs a month during summer and for the last few weeks until the deer season is over 100lbs a weekish.

also its a 52 mile one way trip.

fish get about 25lbs every couple of months, fish food aint cheap.

here at the house i feed the squirls and the birds

waste of money? probley, but to get out there and relax is worth it to me

"A common belief holds that, among foraging populations, men have typically hunted animals while women gathered plant products for food. However, mounting archaeological evidence from across human history and prehistory is challenging this paradigm; for instance, women in many societies have been found buried alongside big-game hunting tools."

"I stood up and grabbed the holster but was unable to remove the revolver regardless of how hard I tugged. When I looked up, the grizzly was charging toward me…The next minute seemed to last an eternity."