Blaze & Daze


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Staff member
Got My car last night !
Dark out and shivery cold. Everything looks good, Soooo Shiny.
Today I'm sick.
Couch laden and nose explosions keeping me from even going out to play with it >:( .
That was a tough emoticon to choose. I went from loving the new car's arrival to being sad over your virus so went with like. Hurry up and feel better I NEED to see your new car.


Well-Known Member
Happy Veterans Day to my fellow vets. Gonna drive into town later and grab my free coffee at Starbucks, a free donut from Dunkin doughnut and maybe a free car wash. If I can muster the energy to go to the big town close to us I'll grab a free lunch from Mission BBQ too. Free is my favorite price lol.


Well-Known Member
Happy Veterans Day to my fellow vets. Gonna drive into town later and grab my free coffee at Starbucks, a free donut from Dunkin doughnut and maybe a free car wash. If I can muster the energy to go to the big town close to us I'll grab a free lunch from Mission BBQ too. Free is my favorite price lol.
I was just a a service with my dad.. he was awarded a plack for his service and a pin..

Thanks for your Service to all of thoughs who have served (:


Well-Known Member
Light smite! If I'm dropping shit on plants it better be for a purpose!
How's your feathered friend's doing? That was heart felt what I read what you did for them all. Especially poor raven with wing. :peace: