Will my girlfriend pass her drugtest on Jan 1st?


Well-Known Member
If she's not gonna be watched while she's pissing tell her to use Urine Luck
Do you think that is even necessary based on all the other precautions i listed at the top of the thread?

I did just google it...and it says its for nicotine test? and is only good w/ CG/MS tests, what does that mean? Do you know from personal experience this works well?


Well-Known Member
if she is pissing clear water before the test tell her to take a vitamin b complex. That will turn her piss yellow for sure.

home urine test can find thc in your system up to 90 days. Thc stores in your fat cells and won't get all out of your system in 36 days. It takes months but, you can beat drug tests by doing many diffrent things.


Well-Known Member
The jogging will be the best thing for her. The more weight she can lose the better off she is. THC is stored in your fat. The water wont do a god damn thing. THC isn't water soluble.


Well-Known Member
if she is pissing clear water before the test tell her to take a vitamin b complex. That will turn her piss yellow for sure.

home urine test can find thc in your system up to 90 days. Thc stores in your fat cells and won't get all out of your system in 36 days. It takes months but, you can beat drug tests by doing many diffrent things.

yo ur right. i just looked it up and most tests don't but some can detect up to 12 weeks for habitual use of marijuana. for single use its only 2-3 days i've had 3 different home tests and they all said up to 36 days. good to know!


Well-Known Member
Do you think that is even necessary based on all the other precautions i listed at the top of the thread?

I did just google it...and it says its for nicotine test? and is only good w/ CG/MS tests, what does that mean? Do you know from personal experience this works well?
lol They had to change it from drug test to nicotine test for legal reasons. But I used it to get my last job and I smoked 48 or so before the test. Pretty simple cause you just pour both of those little liquid capsules in the piss after you piss to the line on the cup. The lab techs mix it themselves when they transfer it from that cup to the test tubes. :wink: I heard horror stories about those fruity ass drinks and it had me scared to take anything I had to ingest.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
when i had to pass mine or got to jail, i had 4 weeks i weighed around 260, passed just fine with no special precautions, so your little itty bitty girlfriend will be fine.

i friend of my girlfriend, passed hers by drinking one of those detox drinks and she smoked the night before, she wasn't too much worried about getting the job, she passed the test and got the job


Active Member
This research might help, if you were under the gun and did not have time to purge. A little Lawry's® Adolph's Meat Tenderizer under the thumb nail that accidentally fell into the sample. Also allow the pee to flow before collecting your sample and you don't have to fill the cup. The smaller the sample the better for a negative result.


It's Papaya extract, sometimes called vegetable pepsin or carica papaya.


Active Member
Be careful with everything she is taking sounds like she just might flush her entire body clean out of her. She will be fine. A girl with a petite body like hers has a very high metabolism, she will kick that THC clean out the body in a few more days. Always be prepared, drug tests suck....What we do on our own time is our business, good luck....