Well-Known Member
The anti-woke homophobic mega church-going christofascist political movement is dealing with something they never thought of before. The inclusive, multicultural civil rights respecting political movement represents a larger constituency and we can organize to vote too.
The link below contains a sordid story about the take-over of a school board in Rocklin California and the sleeping dragon they woke when they rammed dangerous, harmful and probably illegal measures through a public hearing that saw four school board members ignore their testimony against the measures that the right wing controlled board passed 4-to-1. Hupp, who is named in the passage extracted from the link below, is president of the school board, a teacher, a member of a reactionary right wing mega-church and says reasonable-sounding things until one realizes that like her form of Christianity what she says and what she does are two different things.
The spectrum of emotion and argument sounded a lot like what Rocklin’s conservatives were saying in 2019, during the Fair Act debate. But this time the conservatives in the room were clearly in the minority. That didn’t happen by accident.
Progressive parents had started organizing early in the summer. They grew even more angry ― and determined to act ― after Hupp wrote a Facebook post seeking volunteers to advise on curriculum issues and specifying that “we need as many Christ centered, family focused parents as we can get.” (After that post went viral, eventually drawing some national attention, Hupp said she was not trying to exclude or discourage anyone from stepping forward.)
Among those expressing outrage at the post was Price Johnson, 34, who is the father of a first grader and a third grader in the Rocklin schools. Johnson runs a game publishing company.
“If it’s your priority to put more emphasis on certain demographics of people, or certain types of marriages or relationships, that’s your prerogative to contextualize that for your children in your own home setting, and with your own religious beliefs,” Johnson told me. “But if you’re trying to form how the school talks about recognizing real-world people, that shouldn’t be up for debate.”
As I see it, this represents the next shoe to drop. At the national level, this is the last year of MAGA's ability to project power in Congress. At the local level, right wingers have been working to subvert our public school systems and the majority has seen enough. Placer County, CA -- MAGA is there too and they must be suppressed before our schools can be made safe for all of our kids.
The link below contains a sordid story about the take-over of a school board in Rocklin California and the sleeping dragon they woke when they rammed dangerous, harmful and probably illegal measures through a public hearing that saw four school board members ignore their testimony against the measures that the right wing controlled board passed 4-to-1. Hupp, who is named in the passage extracted from the link below, is president of the school board, a teacher, a member of a reactionary right wing mega-church and says reasonable-sounding things until one realizes that like her form of Christianity what she says and what she does are two different things.

The Gay Pastor, The Conservative Megachurch And The Fight Ripping Apart A Suburb
Two churches on opposite sides of the political spectrum have become focal points in a community's war over gender, sexuality and the well-being of children.
The spectrum of emotion and argument sounded a lot like what Rocklin’s conservatives were saying in 2019, during the Fair Act debate. But this time the conservatives in the room were clearly in the minority. That didn’t happen by accident.
Progressive parents had started organizing early in the summer. They grew even more angry ― and determined to act ― after Hupp wrote a Facebook post seeking volunteers to advise on curriculum issues and specifying that “we need as many Christ centered, family focused parents as we can get.” (After that post went viral, eventually drawing some national attention, Hupp said she was not trying to exclude or discourage anyone from stepping forward.)
Among those expressing outrage at the post was Price Johnson, 34, who is the father of a first grader and a third grader in the Rocklin schools. Johnson runs a game publishing company.
“If it’s your priority to put more emphasis on certain demographics of people, or certain types of marriages or relationships, that’s your prerogative to contextualize that for your children in your own home setting, and with your own religious beliefs,” Johnson told me. “But if you’re trying to form how the school talks about recognizing real-world people, that shouldn’t be up for debate.”
As I see it, this represents the next shoe to drop. At the national level, this is the last year of MAGA's ability to project power in Congress. At the local level, right wingers have been working to subvert our public school systems and the majority has seen enough. Placer County, CA -- MAGA is there too and they must be suppressed before our schools can be made safe for all of our kids.