What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Why should I listen to that? What can I possibly learn from it? That's all I'm asking.

There is a shit ton of crap on utube. If its not from a source I recognize, I'm not going to click on it.

Not that it should matter to you so stop insisting unless you want to provide context. Why did you post it? What can I learn from it that I don't already know?

why? because he's a a good teacher
What for? Knowledge

i never insisted anything at anytime, i just found his bible thumping style/message interesting. compared to fakers like Kenneth Copeland or Creflo asking for your dollars, this guy teaches without asking for your money
The difference between Ratublican and Democrat gun ownership isn't even close. That's why keeping elections free and easy to participate in is so important.
The demographics of gun ownership in the U.S. | Pew Research Center
Republicans are shrinking and growing more radical as the base is distilled down to the truly stupid, brainwashed and crazy. Donald is leading them to disaster IMO and it will be interesting to see what he does if the POTUS disqualifies him, and NY takes his money while exposing his finances. If the GOP nominated anybody else after he was disqualified Donald would attack them and the GOP for "betraying" him.

I don't think you need to be too concerned with republican gun owners a lot of other systems would have to break down first. Donald already tried to rally the faithful to the courthouse steps, but nobody showed up. The SCOTUS could fuck things up, but I doubt it, he is likely to be disqualified and convicted, but we should know a lot more about both by the end of this month.
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why? because he's a a good teacher
What for? Knowledge

i never insisted anything at anytime, i just found his bible thumping style/message interesting. compared to fakers like Kenneth Copeland or Creflo asking for your dollars, this guy teaches without asking for your money
with respect: listening to a preacher who feeds people’s hatreds distort what Jesus said (a profession that has its roots in Saul of Tarsus and his bs strictures) is actively retreating from knowledge.

Imagine what Jesus would say to a modern evangelical activist pastor. It would peel paint.
why? because he's a a good teacher
What for? Knowledge

i never insisted anything at anytime, i just found his bible thumping style/message interesting. compared to fakers like Kenneth Copeland or Creflo asking for your dollars, this guy teaches without asking for your money
Any text that demands one suspend disbelief before reading is not worth the paper it is printed on. Any utube video of a person screaming HIS interpretation of the bible is a waste of electrical power and the infrastructure of the internet. As with any declarative statement, there are always exceptions but when I add in that the link came from you, it's all over. Three strikes and you are out. That's the rule in the game I play.
Much hard-evangelical doctrine directly violates the recorded sayings of Jesus. Diametrically. . . . . . .
Not to mention the fact that the recorded sayings of Jesus were first written by Homer in his epic poems. Then later put into the Gospels using the scribal equivalent of find a name and change a name.
Hey, my god does stutter. That's why I picked him. Everyone knows folks who stutter talks to the animals, and that is what I was looking for in a god. Someone who could relate to non human animals. A god who's main concern is the earth and the folks who stay here. So after six months of searching, I've picked, Crown Prince Tutmosis and prayed him back to life. He was the actual guy that the Moses character from Jewish mythology is based. His mom was from Judea but his dad was the Egyptian Pharo that killed the first borns. Tutmosis did the whole teenage rebel against your father thing with an actual rebellion. (With help from the Judeans) he was able to hold his father's armies off for 13 or 18 years, then he and his allies took all they could carry and got the hell out of there.

And don't blame all the bullshit laws of Moses on him. All that was written down several hundred years later. I'm writing gospels for him now. I'm sure I will have someone saying it is impossible to drive a F-150 through the eye of a needle or something like that.
with respect: listening to a preacher who feeds people’s hatreds distort what Jesus said (a profession that has its roots in Saul of Tarsus and his bs strictures) is actively retreating from knowledge.

Imagine what Jesus would say to a modern evangelical activist pastor. It would peel paint.
At the same time, many laugh at the fact that so many manage their lives and beliefs based on one of the first fictional novels. Then it was added upon by further authors in several sequels to split the readers of the original into separate tribes
At the same time, many laugh at the fact that so many manage their lives and beliefs based on one of the first fictional novels. Then it was added upon by further authors in several sequels to split the readers of the original into separate tribes
When you read the Gospels in the order they are written, Mark 70 CE, Mathew 85 CE, Luke 90 CE and John 110 CE, the further you get away from the events, the more details there are. Whoever wrote Mark was very sparing with details. By the time John was written, there were wall to wall quotes.
My old priest was a very smart man and had a love for religions... All of them.
True religion comes down to faith.
It was created as the first set of rules to end tribalism... since then it has been used for the opposite reason time and time again
At the same time, many laugh at the fact that so many manage their lives and beliefs based on one of the first fictional novels. Then it was added upon by further authors in several sequels to split the readers of the original into separate tribes
Priests, pastors et al. got really good at psychological manipulation. Which is why for fifteen hundred years Catholics concealed the core texts from their laity. “What is here is not what you teach.”

The reaction (Martin Luther: go to the Bible!) overshot into today’s fundamentalism.
All this reminds me again that ultimately we’re talking about stories.

In consequence, I abandoned Christian-branded stories when I learned that for professional Christians, it’s strictly business…and the business is crowd-control for profit.

I have no quarrel w/ any who have read the freaking thing as is, w/out pastoral commissars making sure they get ‘the right message’ & attempt to learn from & live according to the example & teachings of Jesus

At root, tho, I see it as a story about a broken, dysfunctional family, not a healthy one - w/ the implication that heaven/the world/WE *should* be broken or we’re not doing it right. I can’t live out a story like that.

Tried, failed, burned up…still entertaining stories that suggest it’s not supposed to be so fucked-up, murderous, triumphalist, but….
Dig the subtitles :lol:

I have trouble believing in demons, devils, & evil…except for THAT thing, “Paula White”…

‘New Apostolic Reformation’, my *ass* - she is to Christianism what TFFG is to Americanism