Kids say the darndest things...

A good friend of mine owns a daycare and they ” had “ one of those for years. Well there’s a little hole near the center and a matching hole in the frame so a locking pin can be put in for shipping. One day he gets a call and a three year old boy matched up the holes and thought it to fun to stick a finger in said hole….. he can only count to nine and a half now. So didn’t see that coming.
A good friend of mine owns a daycare and they ” had “ one of those for years. Well there’s a little hole near the center and a matching hole in the frame so a locking pin can be put in for shipping. One day he gets a call and a three year old boy matched up the holes and thought it to fun to stick a finger in said hole….. he can only count to nine and a half now. So didn’t see that coming.
Those were awesome as a kid they had em everywhere even 10 years ago we get stoned and hold on for dear life. That was the game to throw who ever was on flying off,lol definitely not safe but.....FUN :hump:
We never mentioned anything about gods or religion when my boy was growing up, so he came up with some pretty interesting insights without that world view. He only went into churches/mosques/temples when I, or others he knew, gave music recitals in them. So he thought every church was simply a music hall. He also used to watch fighters and other athletes point and look up when they won, so he thought that they really appreciated ceilings. Lol.