Political Satire

Says it in the article you posted a link for:

"We can't keep funding the system for more and more people. It's challenging at every level

And so, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate worked together to put a solution in place.

but Trump and his MAGA Republicans killed it. Republicans got what they wanted and they killed it anyway. They owned this issue and could have claimed success but instead they gave it away. All because Trump -- who holds no elective office, has no official power and is not accountable to voters -- decided he'd rather the border be a wreck than allow government officials to fix the problems.

Again, there was a solution in place. Republicans didn't want a solution. They said they did but when a solution was found, they killed it.
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That graf shows that corporations now earn less on every dollar spent than before, despite the rise in prices.
Prisoner of the moment. Also change in subject/deflection.

That "graf" as you put it showed that a major source of inflation was corporate greed. Not the only cause but there is no other explanation for the spike in profits in 2020 and beyond other than undue profit taking by major corporations.

Those profits should to go where its needed. which is not more billions for billionaires. Better worker pay for starters. Roll back corporate welfare by eliminating tax subsidies for another. A minimum living wage for full time workers would be something to consider too. How about designating some to cut the ballooning national debt that was created by Trump's tax cut and profligacy?
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That graph shows that after Biden was elected real salaries had dropped significantly compared to last year of Trump presidency.

This graph shows that during Trump presidency real salaries were rising, not dropping like after Biden was elected.
Says it in the article you posted a link for:

"We can't keep funding the system for more and more people. It's challenging at every level

And so, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate worked together to put a solution in place.

but Trump and his MAGA Republicans killed it. Republicans got what they wanted and they killed it anyway. They owned this issue and could have claimed success but instead they gave it away. All because Trump -- who holds no elective office, has no official power and is not accountable to voters -- decided he'd rather the border be a wreck than allow government officials to fix the problems.

Again, there was a solution in place. Republicans didn't want a solution. They said they did but when a solution was found, they killed it.
The solution was to put $24b to fix the border and $90b to foreign aid. From which $60b should go to Ukraine. Now, when "goo killed it" border will receive zero, but Zelenskyy wil still receive his $49b of USS rax payers money. Because democrats say that help for Ukraine is US emergency and border crisis is not.
If they ask for asylum, they are not breaking the law. We do need to change the laws, but thanks to the house GOP that is not going to happen.
How many of those 2 millions people who crossed border illegally last year asked for asylum?
Not the only cause but there is no other explanation for the spike in profits in 2020 and beyond other than undue profit taking by major corporations.
Stimulus checks given by Trump's administration provoked more spending among citizens. As well as restrictions on travel in 2020 provoked more domestic spendings. Most profitable were streaming services and gaming industry with spike in game sales and game as a service booming.
The solution was to put $24b to fix the border and $90b to foreign aid. From which $60b should go to Ukraine. Now, when "goo killed it" border will receive zero, but Zelenskyy wil still receive his $49b of USS rax payers money. Because democrats say that help for Ukraine is US emergency and border crisis is not.
Another instance in which the Democrats are entirely correct.

The real problem here is that Republicans are placing their xenophobic and exaggerated pet issue ahead of the welfare and solidarity of the Western world in the face of an unprovoked war of aggression and conquest.
Another instance in which the Democrats are entirely correct
Really? Do you really think that your government should help foreign country before solving problems of their own?
And do you really think that your government should send $150b to foreign country without any accounting? Because nobody controls where those money are spent.
If you don't understand the severity of the problem, I will explain you. Last year, your government borrowed $100b to send to Ukraine and nobody counted or controlled where and how that money were spent. Now, your government wants to barrow $49b more to do the same. Barrowed means that you as a tax payer will have to pay this debt for a number of years, probably tens of years.
Your government barrows more and more money while it can barely pay interest on their existing debt. No regular person would be able to do that. And any financial advisor would tell that increasing your debt when you can't pay interest on existing is not a very smart move.
That graph shows that after Biden was elected real salaries had dropped significantly compared to last year of Trump presidency.

This graph shows that during Trump presidency real salaries were rising, not dropping like after Biden was elected.
You mean time is linear? When people lose a job for example, the month that they lose it would show them still having a paycheck, even the month after that too usually. It wouldn't show up in the numbers until the month after that one that they would start showing that they are not earning anything.

Trump shit handling of the economy melted it down, and he split, just like the last several Republican presidents. The right wing propagandists tried playing this game in 2008 after Bush left the shit economy on Obama's lap and started their 'Tea Party' astroturf nonsense.

Biden had to shore up local and state governments and the rest of our society, while Trump set up grifters to fleece us of billions after his crap handling of the pandemic.

The graph clearly shows that Trump maintained the same economy that Obama set up for the next 4 years and turned it into shit before his presidency was up.

The solution was to put $24b to fix the border and $90b to foreign aid. From which $60b should go to Ukraine. Now, when "goo killed it" border will receive zero, but Zelenskyy wil still receive his $49b of USS rax payers money. Because democrats say that help for Ukraine is US emergency and border crisis is not.
Who do you think that money gets paid to?

How many of those 2 millions people who crossed border illegally last year asked for asylum?
How many open jobs do you think we have currently in American that could use the people to help with?

Stimulus checks given by Trump's administration provoked more spending among citizens. As well as restrictions on travel in 2020 provoked more domestic spendings. Most profitable were streaming services and gaming industry with spike in game sales and game as a service booming.
True it did, thankfully the Democrats in office pushed to get them into the bill while Trump was trying to hurt city/state governments who dint bend a knee to him telling everyone to drink bleach and not to worry about the virus that ended up killing over a million of our fellow citizens.

The industries you mention that spiked, were because nobody could do shit because of how dangerous it was.

But hey thanks for the actual conversation and not just ignoring everything I spent time trying to not troll you, I look forward to one day figuring out what you mean by 'Bolshaviks'.
the welfare and solidarity of the Western world in the face of an unprovoked war of aggression and conquest
You mean the welfare of Zelenskyy? And sayin that invasion to Ukrain was unprovoked is, to put it lightly, misunderstanding of geopolitical situation in post cold war Europe.
Really? Do you really think that your government should help foreign country before solving problems of their own?
And do you really think that your government should send $150b to foreign country without any accounting? Because nobody controls where those money are spent.
If you don't understand the severity of the problem, I will explain you. Last year, your government borrowed $100b to send to Ukraine and nobody counted or controlled where and how that money were spent. Now, your government wants to barrow $49b more to do the same. Barrowed means that you as a tax payer will have to pay this debt for a number of years, probably tens of years.
Your government barrows more and more money while it can barely pay interest on their existing debt. No regular person would be able to do that. And any financial advisor would tell that increasing your debt when you can't pay interest on existing is not a very smart move.
Do you actually believe the things you take a few seconds to type? Because I would think you have b's mixed with m's and everything else is pretty much downhill from there.

btw im guessing by your use of 'your government' that you are not American?
Really? Do you really think that your government should help foreign country before solving problems of their own?
And do you really think that your government should send $150b to foreign country without any accounting? Because nobody controls where those money are spent.
If you don't understand the severity of the problem, I will explain you. Last year, your government borrowed $100b to send to Ukraine and nobody counted or controlled where and how that money were spent. Now, your government wants to barrow $49b more to do the same. Barrowed means that you as a tax payer will have to pay this debt for a number of years, probably tens of years.
Your government barrows more and more money while it can barely pay interest on their existing debt. No regular person would be able to do that. And any financial advisor would tell that increasing your debt when you can't pay interest on existing is not a very smart move.
It’s a matter of scale.
Repugs choosing not to govern, and killing a bipartisan deal that would have given them what they say they wanted at the behest of their shadow king … is the most serious problem facing this nation since a bloc of states seceded because slavery.

Ukraine comes a close second. Repugs are doing all they can not only to distract from the most serious world crisis since two dictators agreed to divide Poland between them — but actively promote Vladolf’s interests and propaganda.

Ukraine is way far more serious than our immigration situation. Your list of Murdoch-curated talking points does not change that.
The solution was to put $24b to fix the border and $90b to foreign aid. From which $60b should go to Ukraine. Now, when "goo killed it" border will receive zero, but Zelenskyy wil still receive his $49b of USS rax payers money. Because democrats say that help for Ukraine is US emergency and border crisis is not.
Says you, maybe who are you to make that claim? Not the Senators who put that package together. Some said they would vote for it because they didn't want Biden to succeed at the border. Trump even admitted it would have helped solve problems at the border which is why he ordered his cronies in Congress to kill the bill. .

“This Bill is a great gift to the Democrats, and a Death Wish for The Republican Party.

If it was such a bad bill, why would he say that? Why did he say it was a death wish for the Republican Party if it was not going to help the government administer border security? hmmmm?

Republicans got everything they wanted and still killed the bill because it would actually have helped the US administer border security. They owned the border issue then lost it when they cancelled that bill. Now they are scrambling to find another issue and guess what? There is none. Biden has them completely boxed in.
You mean time is linear? When people lose a job for example, the month that they lose it would show them still having a paycheck, even the month after that too usually. It wouldn't show up in the numbers until the month after that one that they would start showing that they are not earning anything.
Yes, time is linear in our understanding of physics. Real salaries have nothing to do with unemployment rate. Real salary means how much goods you could buy with certain amount of money. Doesn't matter if there one million unemployed or two.

Who do you think that money gets paid to?
That is exactly my point. Nobody knows where those money goes.
How many open jobs do you think we have currently in American that could use the people to help with?
If there are so many open jobs why not employ all those unemployed citizens? Or, it could sound stupid for you, why not hire people from abroad the legal way?
I am not against immigration, I am for the controlled immigration. When you know who comes to your country and why. Not like it now goes on the border with Mexico.

The industries you mention that spiked, were because nobody could do shit because of how dangerous it was.
Exactly my point. And, by the way, with new data, the virus was not that dangerous and handling of pandemic did more harm than virus it self.
Stimulus checks given by Trump's administration provoked more spending among citizens. As well as restrictions on travel in 2020 provoked more domestic spendings. Most profitable were streaming services and gaming industry with spike in game sales and game as a service booming.
There is no justification given for that statement. Are you citing hard data or just making shit up? Link please.

The fact is, corporate profits went sky high due to their ability to raise prices and wages were still low. It's shown plain as day in the thing you referred to as a "graf".

It's stated plain as day and explained in this article

Corporate greed increasingly seen as ‘major cause’ of inflation: Poll


In contrast, companies have been posting large profits even amid rampant inflation. Corporate profits peaked during the third quarter of 2022, when inflation was at its worst, according to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, which also shows profits remain above pre-pandemic levels.

Normally, inflation causes profits to drop. But not in 2021. Explain that contradiction before launching another word salad post that contains nothing to justify your claims.

We saw it and we called it out for what it was. Corporate greed.
Ukraine is way far more serious than our immigration situation.
Can you explain why? Because from what I see nobody in Europe, except France, is rushing to send money to Ukraine.

killing a bipartisan deal that would have given them what they say they wanted
They want money for the border and don't want money for foreign aid. Now it's only foreign and on the vote, not the border bill. Because of democrats.
Yes, time is linear in our understanding of physics. Real salaries have nothing to do with unemployment rate. Real salary means how much goods you could buy with certain amount of money. Doesn't matter if there one million unemployed or two.
SHow much salary do you think people get if they are unemployed? They are very related.

That is exactly my point. Nobody knows where those money goes.

The money goes to American companies to produce the weapons Ukraine needs to fight off the invading Putin forces.

If there are so many open jobs why not employ all those unemployed citizens? Or, it could sound stupid for you, why not hire people from abroad the legal way?

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Because the GQP want to be able to scare our citizens about 'them' and actively stop any and all actual ability to solve the problems that arise from chaotic immigration.

I am not against immigration, I am for the controlled immigration. When you know who comes to your country and why. Not like it now goes on the border with Mexico.
Then voting against Republicans will go a long way in getting there, because it is them that keep it a mess to be able to use as propaganda.

Exactly my point. And, by the way, with new data, the virus was not that dangerous and handling of pandemic did more harm than virus it self.

The GQP telling people to take horse dewormer/not get vaccinated and general anti-mask fear mongering was far more harmful than helping the public to understand the very dangerous and highly contagious disease, but yeah I question your use of 'data' without any actual way to verify what it is you think you mean when you say that.