Root Gnats

Catching the adults is not useless since they lay the eggs that hatch into larvea, it doesn't matter where you break the life cycle as long as it's broken.
Using sticky traps will reduce the gnat population, but it most certainty doesn't break the gnat life cycle.

The larvae must be killed to stop the gnat life cycle; sticky traps are ineffective in this regard, BTi is 100% effective.
I’m battling them too. I’m using the microbe lift (2-3 drops per gallon every watering, plants are showing no issues from it) and I transplanted my moms out of plastic pots and into fabric pots. The little buggers just fly in and out of the holes in the bottom of the plastic pots :-(. I put a layer of perlite on top of everything, and put up fresh sticky traps. I hope the fuckers all die of sexual frustration.
Using sticky traps will reduce the gnat population, but it most certainty doesn't break the gnat life cycle.

The larvae must be killed to stop the gnat life cycle; sticky traps are ineffective in this regard, BTi is 100% effective.
Well, I had gnats after I watered when I up- potted, and I now do not have gnats so, I'm going to say that killing the adults certainly breaks the gnats life cycle and just using half of a sticky trap has been doing the trick without adding anything extra to the soil that could possibly be taken up by the plant or affect the microbial life going on in there.
I’m battling them too. I’m using the microbe lift (2-3 drops per gallon every watering, plants are showing no issues from it) and I transplanted my moms out of plastic pots and into fabric pots. The little buggers just fly in and out of the holes in the bottom of the plastic pots :-(. I put a layer of perlite on top of everything, and put up fresh sticky traps. I hope the fuckers all die of sexual frustration.
What soil are you using just out of curiosity? Maybe the fox farm gnats are just really easy to kill and you have stronger gnats? Kind of like buying bait at different bait shops?
Well, I had gnats after I watered when I up- potted, and I now do not have gnats so, I'm going to say that killing the adults certainly breaks the gnats life cycle and just using half of a sticky trap has been doing the trick without adding anything extra to the soil that could possibly be taken up by the plant or affect the microbial life going on in there.
I don't wish gnats upon anyone, but if you think the sticky traps eliminated your gnat problem, you're sorely mistaken.
What soil are you using just out of curiosity? Maybe the fox farm gnats are just really easy to kill and you have stronger gnats? Kind of like buying bait at different bait shops?

I use peat, a mix of perlite/vermiculite, worm castings, a bunch of dry amendments, and mix that with some of my old recycled soil. I pasteurize my old soil by running several gallons of boiling water through it and wrapping it in black plastic contractor bags to cook in the hot sun for a day. I sweep and vacuum my tent, Lysol wipe the sides, and start as fresh as I can for every new flower run. I keep tubs of soil with tight lids on them, and those all appear gnat-free. Every pot gets at least one sticky trap in it.

Life got busy (kids, sick wife) and I didn’t think I needed to put the layer of perlite on top because it was winter. I think it was because the weather was so mild that bugs were still active. I’ve since transplanted into fabric pots and put perlite on top. Between blocking the soil access and killing off all their young, I'm sure I’ll have it handled. If not, I’ll re-clone everything and transplant, and be more diligent with the precautions when I do.
Is there a point of toxicity with the BMC microbe lift? I just picked some up the other day and the instructions say something like 6 drops per 100 gallons. 2-3 drops per gallon sounds like something I’d do in my normally well-intentioned spirit of “fuck it, send it”. I tried using mosquito bits but they didn’t seem to do much and the plants don’t seem to like em.
It can't hurt the plant. I just pour a little in each gal but it's way over 2-3 drops.
It can't hurt the plant. I just pour a little in each gal but it's way over 2-3 drops.

A few drops of Microbe Lift BMC per gallon is an effective dose and far more concentrated than the recommended dosage.

The label states 6 drops per 100 gallons every other week.

I used a few drops per gallon with every watering; all gnats were eradicated after a month or so, it's quite effective.
A few drops of Microbe Lift BMC per gallon is an effective dose and far more concentrated than the recommended dosage.

The label states 6 drops per 100 gallons every other week.

I used a few drops per gallon with every watering; all gnats were eradicated after a month or so, it's quite effective.
Well you do you Billy. My point was that more than the recommended dose doesn't hurt anything. It probably actually works faster how I do it since they disappear in a week or so for me. Sometimes after one application if I catch them right away.
Well you do you Billy. My point was that more than the recommended dose doesn't hurt anything. It probably actually works faster how I do it since they disappear in a week or so for me. Sometimes after one application if I catch them right away.
I'd rather not waste the product or the money - you can't get 250% out of 100%, so why bother? Faith in good products is hard when there's a lot of bad ones - but both previously mentioned are very good to.