Root Aphids INSIDE My Germinating Seed.

I also used play sand, its cool. But looking back, when I had fungus gnats I was still using plastic pots. I suppose it'll be a bit more difficult to control in the fabric pots because they can wiggle through. I would try the sand for now since you have it on hand, but you should also look for some backup plans. Like mentioned earlier nematodes are great, I've used them too
Love me some plastic pots!!! I'll steer clear of the fabric ones!!!
Love me some plastic pots!!! I'll steer clear of the fabric ones!!!
I’ve never heard anyone say this unless its because they were using plastic pots to transfer to fabric pots. I’m curious about why you feel like that?
Nope. Just beneficial bacteria. Also beneficial nematodes work. They got me through flowering root aphid and fungus gnat free. Well that and imidacloprid treatment prior to flowering.
i heard imidaclorprid is the instant cure. :clap: