Blaze & Daze

Son in law is out working on removing an old broken fencepost/concrete for me this morning. My son is out helping, at least when our daughter isn't out there. They are like oil and water together. My SIL is a beast, my shovel was no match. :shock: Oh well, needed a new one anyway I guess.
Son in law is out working on removing an old broken fencepost/concrete for me this morning. My son is out helping, at least when our daughter isn't out there. They are like oil and water together. My SIL is a beast, my shovel was no match. :shock: Oh well, needed a new one anyway I guess.
Sounds like a proper sibling shit show lol. I witness them on the daily
Sounds like a proper sibling shit show lol. I witness them on the daily
oh our sibling shitshow is in full effect with dad as sick as he's been. i have the following chats/text message convos in my phone:
1. all four siblings (M,M,F,F)
2. me and oldest brother
3. me and younger sister
4. me and mom
5. all four siblings and mom
6. me, younger sister, and mom
i've had to triple check things before i hit "send" because you KNOW there is shit-talk in more than one of those threads and i don't want to start unnecessary drama. i'm also fully aware that there are other threads that I'M not on, and likely there is shit-talk about me. LOL
oh our sibling shitshow is in full effect

I guess I'm lucky (?). Everyone else is dead but mom and me. I instantly went from the last-in-line, Black Sheep of the family who was gonna go to prison for growing weed/doing drugs to the Knight in Shining Armor. Now I'm even asked my opinion and am "Co-trustee"on all fianaces/houses/am executor of the will/sole inheritor/etc.

Hopin for the best for your dad. Thanks for sharing. A lot of us can relate to similar struggles and challenges.
Family story time oh great here's one for you uncle in St Charles Minnesota passed away was invited to the funeral got to the funeral home funeral director I guess came up to me and informed me that my father have been sitting on the shelf for 7 years and my sister had taken the insurance money got to love that family
Family story time

Yikes. It's amazing to see how some folks act. I'd have to go over...right now...and make sure "sis's" car never runs again. Paybacks are 10-fold...especially when you take me for a fool. :twisted:

We nixed the family drama/daily BS/nosiness/busy body crap by moving 700 miles West. It only took a couple of years as newlyweds to get tired of everyone being in our biz. Bye...bye. :finger: All of my BIL/SIL's always say "you were so smart to leave..." Yup. Agreed.