Need a new grinder


Well-Known Member
Not a growing question, but a question nonetheless.
I dropped my old grinder on the floor, dented, and it no longer works. I need a new one. Any new in hand grinders I should be looking at?
I have a Mendo Mulcher that I bought years ago. It doesn't really work for me because the buds I grow and smoke are waaaaay too sticky. They just end up gummed up in the teeth of the grinder and the screen gets covered in resin to the point nothing passes through it. I retired it and just use scissors now.
I wish someone would design a hand grinder that didn't jam so much. I have kicked that idea to a few engineers but so far no response.
I use a sharp paring knife to clean out the kief where it builds up on contact surfaces.
I use these.
I got the heedchef future for Christmas, still haven't used it yet.
The silver headchef xecellence is still going strong after much abuse!
You'd need to drop these 20ft to dent them.
I wish someone would design a hand grinder that didn't jam so much. I have kicked that idea to a few engineers but so far no response.
I use a sharp paring knife to clean out the kief where it builds up on contact surfaces.
I wish someone would design a hand grinder that didn't jam so much. I have kicked that idea to a few engineers but so far no response.
I use a sharp paring knife to clean out the kief where it builds up on contact surfaces.
how often do you do an alchohol bath to remove old resin from the edges?

The Brilliant Cut is far and away the best grinder I've ever used - never jams even when you pack the grinder full.

I thought I had great grinders but then a forum brother turned me on to the BC and I've never looked back.


Brilliant Cut Grinder Home - Brilliant Cut Grinders <<<Click

Nothing but love for ya brother, but $200.00 for a grinder can bite my ass. I'll manicure by hand at that price. I'm way too broke for that shit! My $15 grinder has lasted for 6 years? Irritates me that you can't seem to find the threaded top hand crank design very many places. I much prefer a handle over trying to spin the whole top piece.
i have the same grinder for 3 years now and it works.but last time i was in a coffee shop they gave me a new one and omg what a differance that was.