I want so badly for him to go to prison. Leave him there until he's carried out the back door would be my preference, but anything over a few months would still be great.

A few thoughts:
Given the narrative that he runs on uppers and who knows what else, I wonder if he'd have to go cold turkey and if so, how bad that would fuck him up?

How visible will his diaper be in his orange jumpsuit?
Who wipes and powders and changes the heiny when he's inside?:o
I want so badly for him to go to prison. Leave him there until he's carried out the back door would be my preference, but anything over a few months would still be great.

A few thoughts:
Given the narrative that he runs on uppers and who knows what else, I wonder if he'd have to go cold turkey and if so, how bad that would fuck him up?

How visible will his diaper be in his orange jumpsuit?
Who wipes and powders and changes the heiny when he's inside?:o
One possible hack

He's incited violence, he's been found in contempt, and he has repeatedly attacked the DAUGHTER of the guy who will be dropping the gavel. I wouldn't be quite so certain.

Hes not on trial, at the moment, for inciting violence, and has not been convicted for it. Yet.
His gag order violations, amount to a slap on the wrist.

I highly doubt a 78 years old person, convicted of First Time, Non-Violent Offense, is going to go to prison, when they have alternatives. House Arrest, for one. But, even on house arrest, they allow people to work.
While NOBODY, wants to see him behind bars, more than me.
He wont go to prison for these election law violation payments, if convicted.

Hes a first time offender, nonviolent, and he's 78 years old.
The nonviolent part is arguable.

And he's more like 5 years old. Assigning a guardian might be appropriate.

All humor aside, I agree that prison time behind bars is not going to be an outcome from this trial although parole and possibly house arrest with restrictions on who he can see and access to electronic communication might be a reasonable decision to impose on him if he continues to issue threats and menacing comments.
The nonviolent part is arguable.

And he's more like 5 years old. Assigning a guardian might be appropriate.

All humor aside, I agree that prison time behind bars is not going to be an outcome from this trial although parole and possibly house arrest with restrictions on who he can see and access to electronic communication might be a reasonable decision to impose on him if he continues to issue threats and menacing comments.

With all the shit he has going on, I dont see how he could pass a background check, for a security clearance. I guess if one gets elected, that is automatically overlooked.
My hope, and I only give it fifty-fifty, is that this exposure of corruption permeating the judicial branch will not go unaddressed.

Much bias toward enabling the minority-rule insurgents has been exposed. The people are watching. I cannot but hope they will see a housecleaning — and a move toward the representative government the Constitution was written to describe and protect.
I sure hope so C,best hope is changing demographics make this one last hurrah for white haters whose forebearers came here to escape tyranny,aristocracy,or better life in general and now want to change the game to keep diff. ethnicities out which is nuts as immigrants bring energy/hunger to succeed,which stimulates the economy.I'm also fearful of the template set by BOZO in what is now seemingly acceptable in politics,lying ass gutless people supporting a incompetent con artist,w/no policy or legislative talent,a veritable list that shocks and should live in infamy. Unfortunately it's like erosion off a beach of decency that can't be replaced as today's shock is tomorrow's norm.
The fact that he had a romp with a porn star or that he paid her to keep quiet is not illegal and not the issue in this case. It's why he paid her to keep quiet and how he tried to cover up the payment money as a tax deductible expense cheating Uncle Sam that is the issue.

The GOP's insistence that this is a political persecution and not a proper criminal prosecution is another blatant sign of their hypocrisy especially after the way they hounded Bill Clinton over a lousy blowjob. Their destruction of the people's faith in the judicial system to protect their orange messiah is another sign of how corrupt the party has become.

As much as I hate to think it my money is on a hung jury which will be used to falsely claim that tRump is innocent.

I agree,however it still seems petty and inconsequential considering the array of malice on the National Sec. and Constitutional issues as this guy has used his pecker to piss all over what are country is built on in the 3 other cases,acts which prior to his sorry ass coming into politics would unthinkable.
I agree,however it still seems petty and inconsequential considering the array of malice on the National Sec. and Constitutional issues as this guy has used his pecker to piss all over what are country is built on in the 3 other cases,acts which prior to his sorry ass coming into politics would unthinkable.

Once the election is over and the Dems have won the trifecta, House, Senate and Oval Office they need to push through legislation to make sure a gong show like this never happens again.

No one under criminal indictment should be allowed to run for office until their case(s) are settled. That will ensure speedy trials to get things over with so such people can get back in the race. tRump's usually delaying tactics work for him when being sued by contractors etc who don't have the deep pockets like the criminal justice system has to pursue their cases.

Put the supreme court under the same ethic rules all other judges are bound by so it can re-become worthy of the respect it once justly deserved.

They don't need to send him to prison. Just take away his hairspray. That would be devastating to him.

Aint no hair spray in prison, thats for sure. It can make for a great, in close flame thrower. Though, its also hard to get any form of flame in prison. Make ones own, with batteries-ect.

AND, if they did send him to prison, he would most likely go into protective custody, at a STATE medical facility. And he wouldnt go to a Federal Prison Camp, for the main reason, this isnt a Federal Case. Halfway House is the next step down in State Prison Operation. Also, when one gets out of a Federal Prison Camp, for Federal, you have to do up to 6 months halfway house. Many on parole from the State, stay at the halfway house, until they get a job, and have a residence.
But all that would only cost the taxpayers a shitload of money, for extra security, and accommodations. Secret Service, will also be with him.
Once the election is over and the Dems have won the trifecta, House, Senate and Oval Office they need to push through legislation to make sure a gong show like this never happens again.

No one under criminal indictment should be allowed to run for office until their case(s) are settled. That will ensure speedy trials to get things over with so such people can get back in the race. tRump's usually delaying tactics work for him when being sued by contractors etc who don't have the deep pockets like the criminal justice system has to pursue their cases.

Put the supreme court under the same ethic rules all other judges are bound by so it can re-become worthy of the respect it once justly deserved.


I believe that would take a Constitutional Amendment. There's nothing in the Constitution that bars a convicted felon from running for office. Or even running, from prison.

Eugene V Debs ran for president, from prison, in 1920. He got 1 Million Votes. 3.4%, of the vote.

He was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917, after the prosecution argued that his antiwar speech obstructed military enrollment. The 1920 loss didn’t come as a surprise to Debs, who had run four times before. His fifth and final run, promoted with a campaign button that read “For President Convict No. 9653,” brought him nearly one million votes, says Claire Jerry, curator of political history at the National Museum of American History. President Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.
Once the election is over and the Dems have won the trifecta, House, Senate and Oval Office they need to push through legislation to make sure a gong show like this never happens again.

No one under criminal indictment should be allowed to run for office until their case(s) are settled. That will ensure speedy trials to get things over with so such people can get back in the race. tRump's usually delaying tactics work for him when being sued by contractors etc who don't have the deep pockets like the criminal justice system has to pursue their cases.

Put the supreme court under the same ethic rules all other judges are bound by so it can re-become worthy of the respect it once justly deserved.

To the last paragraph: how?

The only path by which I am aware any control can be exerted on a Scotus justice is via impeachment (by a simple majority in the House) followed by conviction by 67 or more senators. With red states handily outnumbering blue ones, and with Republicans now uniformly indifferent to misdeeds by their own, this is de facto never going to happen.

Something big would be needed, such as 37 states ratifying an amendment adding new and streamlined mechanisms for discipline and removal of criminal justices, like the four or more who got their posts by lying to Congress. Again, I estimate the likelihood of that happening as vanishingly small.

Unless you have a viable process that I missed, I don’t think it can be done without full-on pillow guy ideas, like a supervillain using some sort of brain-control-at-a-distance projector in an act of vigilantism.
I sure hope so C,best hope is changing demographics make this one last hurrah for white haters whose forebearers came here to escape tyranny,aristocracy,or better life in general and now want to change the game to keep diff. ethnicities out which is nuts as immigrants bring energy/hunger to succeed,which stimulates the economy.I'm also fearful of the template set by BOZO in what is now seemingly acceptable in politics,lying ass gutless people supporting a incompetent con artist,w/no policy or legislative talent,a veritable list that shocks and should live in infamy. Unfortunately it's like erosion off a beach of decency that can't be replaced as today's shock is tomorrow's norm.
I’ve said this before and weakly apologize for the redundancy, but the template was in place before that man ever set foot in the white house.

Republican legislators were all in for not-sure-how-long. They wore the exteriors of more or less reasonable humans — until that man’s getting away with any crime signaled their rather coordinated molt into late-stage neoliberal protofascists. The infamous “base” is still strong enough to keep most of them in power primarily to clog the jets of government.

Perhaps the worst damage that man and his flying monkeys wreaked was the installation of three reptilians (figuratively) in Scotus. Barring a radical move, like adding a few extra justices if the Democrats make big gains in the legislature (and hold a majority and the chairmanship of the judiciary committee), we are gonna have to outlast the Federalist Society parasites on the bench today. At the rate they are dismantling law and government, I’m not optimistic that the republic will escape lasting injury.