Choosing a rosin press

Damn I tried to micron bag it but just had one 37u bag and a funnel so it had junk in it. I tried to put back in water and dump again with 90u bag and 37 outside of it but it got stuck in the 90u barely made any to the 37u. Lost a lot in the process.

What happened here? Idk what order you put the bags but now that I recall with bubble the larger micron goes on the bottom or otherway around idk.
Id say 7-10% return. Not very good but not a empty handed washer right? Thats cool I can just do initial plan which is cool means I was heading in ok direction initially. Well see saturday but this stuff should be fire.

So/so yielder it can be 7% low temp 15% or 13-20% high temp. Something to start and pay off the grow costs. Not mess with success, having hard time as is with these. Had a magnificant first run but could beginners luck.

My dresser tent can be washed and maybe even get itsown reservoir dtw coco like it may anyway. Bean hunt for bubble washers. Just take it to that next level.

Start with this to get the hang of it. It yields and smelling it is other worldly if I pressed it.
Whats the strain/breeder and percent return? I like to keep tabs of that.

Porto Leche. Exotic Genetix. 120micron bag @ about 185 degrees. 5.7g flower. 1.6g return. 9 day dry of flower. Can that be possible? Might be off a little but pretty close. Just going by memory.

EDIT: next press I'll give you a more accurate reading.

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Porto Leche. Exotic Genetix. 120micron bag @ about 185 degrees. 5.7g flower. 1.6g return. 9 day dry of flower. Can that be possible? Might be off a little but pretty close. Just going by memory.

EDIT: next press I'll give you a more accurate reading.

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Thats freaking amazing! 28% return if not mistaken! Also really low temps which explains the butter consistancy. If you did 220F but limit the time on the press it may even yield much more.

Yea I dry for 5-7 days on average youll know you pressed too early if the rosin crackles in the rig when dabbing, its water. Some debate flower should be cured before pressing but Ive found it to be fine.

Also about de seeding nugs if they seeded making raunchy rosin but so far Ive been good. Ill see again this time, it was only raunchy from pressing too long at 220F and only at the end of the vaping experience.

Thanks for the data I am highly considering buying those beans if theyre still available. Only thing I wonder if the flavor is good sometimes it can be blah.
Most the time its good but had a few that were weird. Kongs krush but I chopped early and pressed before curing maybe thats an example. I pressed high temp post cure and it was better but still meh.

The bud gets me high and is the most smelly/flavorful that actually cured but the rosin just was far from what it tastes like smoking it.

I had one that was my first press and home grown source I was surprised with the weirdest flavor. Dryersheets and dust but I ended up loving it and missing it to this day.

Was an auto its on this thread. I realized its exclusive experience and unique. Damn autos and their inability to clone.
Thats freaking amazing! 28% return if not mistaken! Also really low temps which explains the butter consistancy. If you did 220F but limit the time on the press it may even yield much more.

Yea I dry for 5-7 days on average youll know you pressed too early if the rosin crackles in the rig when dabbing, its water. Some debate flower should be cured before pressing but Ive found it to be fine.

Also about de seeding nugs if they seeded making raunchy rosin but so far Ive been good. Ill see again this time, it was only raunchy from pressing too long at 220F and only at the end of the vaping experience.

Thanks for the data I am highly considering buying those beans if theyre still available. Only thing I wonder if the flavor is good sometimes it can be blah.

Ok so second press was 5g flower with only .97g return. So the truth is somewhere in the middle. haha As far as taste goes its very nice. Very terpy kind of perfumy and a slight burn on the nostrils. I'm no expert (just started dabbing) but I have to believe this one is a top notch plant.
Yea rosin is like that, the same flower pressed at different rh or same rh same plant can have varying results. Not like bho or washing not that id know but if you applied the same variables as with rosin it probably wouldnt be so random.

Down to the pressing mechanism presicely with a manual press. Even then. I shared a vid here of a guy testing it out showing random results.

I just grow extra weed set my expectations low like 3gs an oz of lower temp until I find a unicorn. That always gives me 15% or like a lot of youtuber pressers talking about 25% minimum lol it could take years to get there.

Hell this would be the first time a grower on RIU made me want to buy a certain bean. I see why wiser growers shop that way but not a lot of rosin pressers ya know?! lol.
Ok so second press was 5g flower with only .97g return. So the truth is somewhere in the middle. haha As far as taste goes its very nice. Very terpy kind of perfumy and a slight burn on the nostrils. I'm no expert (just started dabbing) but I have to believe this one is a top notch plant.
Nice avg of 23%. I'd take that, well done.
Got this to press saturday all day. Two more plants chop this friday, press following weekend. One more plant followed by that in same sequence. Staaaaaay tuned!

Im feeling the “second job” effect. Clock out from work, clock in to my next job. Crazy that dtw coco just ph or refill reservoir every 3 days for 11wks then the real job begins.

I like that I gradually got to this point as this can be stressful. Questioning if this is for me type thoughts. But a runners high when its all done.

Weed smokers your runners high is seeing larf and buds being trimmed when closing your eyes. I have to go through that plus visioning nugs being smashed and rosin oozing out of pucks when closing my eyes.

I cant wait to get to the winners circle Ive been scraping up the last screwed up batch rosin getting one last taste/buzz in. I may press an eigth tomorrow or thurs/friday. Should be good enough.

I just line it up so its for sure ready on a weekend. Put it in a 2gal bag if its starting to get too dry. Rh test it. Through back on shelf if too wet. Thats part why I like dry herb shelfing. Consistent dry. I got really bad water distribution hanging whole.


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7.4% from an eighth 180F 1.5 mins 2 tons. .26gs.

Not bad to start. Couldnt wait to press lol had to try if it will work and it did, only the slightest crackle so it could use another day or two but I can already start seeing what to do with it.

Hmm. How would I describe. Let me dab another one.


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Zesty earthy floral eucalyptus citrus some sweet. Potency is there. Lemon gassy after taste when coughing.

Edit Its got that fabric softener/dryer sheet taste too really hard to describe but I love it. Heck it actually might be dust and lint because this the 2nd time. But not all my weed/rosin did that.

I actually ended up having store bought recently that had that flavor. So its not my envoirment most likely.
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13% 220F 1 min 2 tons from eighth .46gs back. Yup I think Il do 70gs of this too bad too sad if it loses taste it still got me high and was actually really good before I got greedy and tried to yield 13% and 3mins when it just can only give what it gives.

Gives what it gives in short time on press at 220f it degrades fast but move quick it can boost yield (at least with my strain) and retain a lot of quality still. 1 min vs 3 min difference is night/day.

I could of done 11% 1 min 1.5 tops and been happy that time I screwed up trying to yield more. About to try this out.


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Tastes like money baby! Just what it comes down to with this strain. Oof if I really do get like 60-70 gs let alone more mission would be complete. Just maintain.

Easy to collect too so thats AWESOME nothin like losing shatters of rosin and the headache collecting or a battery mess. This is just how things lined up.

If I want better I need to bean hunt a washer and go from there. For now its what its lookin like, flower rosin jail.
8oz trim. Dry sift rosin on the way! Hmm. When do I want to do this. Tonight?! Fudge it! Clockin in for work!


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