Choosing a rosin press


Well-Known Member
11gs more sift to 1.6gs rosin and .15 gs re press. 15%. Not that happy with it for couple reasons. Yield and plant matter. I think because I got all the good stuff first pass and then second pass is all small heads/empty stalcs that are harder to knock off.

So it was mostly those thats why yield so low? Then its not the purest taste but I dabbed the re press.

My theory is I also knock more plant matter which gets into the yield. Isnt it that way with bubble too? If you wash too hard? And with less filtered batches? Or separated batches where one is washed again? Idk.


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“a perfect cure every time” method. It cannot be too wet to dab or else what else is there to save it? Can water evap out the rosin? Anyway that method helps with this.

I did 6 days last time but today would be 5 days. So far its showing ready no spike whatsoever.

I was told there are terps in trich heads which makes sense. Without a freeze dryer your essentially almost getting same results as washing/air drying, no?

6 days vs a couple months night and day difference. What about air dried bubble for 3-5 days? This stuff is my cherry on top of the harvest. I cant believe I just now knew what to do with trim. To think people throw it away is crazy.

Im doing 2nd passes now too getting extra rosin but not as good but rosin is rosin. Im getting such good yields its adding to my budget allowing for more daily use.

Is it enough plant matter in 2nd pass sift that it could upset your stomach if you found that to be the cause? Its got to be good for something, edibles? Im getting rediculous sift yields.

The bud trimmer surely is shaking lots of heads off making a super trich rich trim. So far its also making the best edibles Ive ever made for myself.



Well-Known Member
Jeez. Lovin this strain how I can low ball it and it actually gives back close to what I estimate, a little more but was expecting it based on my first run.

For a newbie like me to do that is cool. I seen lots of weed growing up and eye balled a lot so Im kinda talented at it. Was estimating 4oz. Its 6.

Just need to see what it sifts and presses and go from there. Cant get excited yet.

If goes anything like last time Im gonna have a lot more rosin than I thought and its coming from a source I thought wouldnt yield nowhere near this much. Im expecting it now and thats bad lol.

I did learn alot from my 2nd pass. Learned a lot about hash rosin just going through that but now I know that sift/rosin wont be much. Might be better off savoring it some other way, 11 gs is a lot.

One last thing, so dry sift rosin really paved the way for hash rosin and live hash rosin. Its still really really good though, dispensaries would typically sell sift for 10/g to 30/g and these kinds of rosins for 60-80/g.

So this is pretty damn cool. Thanks for following along with me on my journey! Hope youre learning with me and growin in knowledge along side me!

Didnt realize till recently this thread is a good one in terms of info.



Well-Known Member
This strains drysift and flower rosin is gonna be hard to say farewell too. I took for granted the taste and potency. It almost has it all in one package. Ill probably always keep this around.

I was feening to dab it again as it grew especially properly made and Im just in watermelon ultra heaven right now.


Well-Known Member
Before I forget. Why does some kief just sit on top of the screen sifting? Like no matter what I do they wont go through the screen. Are the heads too big? Is it long stalcs?

Screen isnt clogged. I really dont know. Its like a quarter gram. I dont want to get impurities in it which is right around the time its due to stop.