The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide


Well-Known Member

Loin Power Pee Spray for hosing your honeys !

10:1 pee dilute with a 1/4 cap of Liquid kelp shaken not stirred ….

Mist the Piss :bigjoint:

This is a micro nutrient heavy mix … chock full of essential growth hormones ( auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins ) plus urine has large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen content in urine is high, mostly in urea, which makes up more than 50 percent of the total organic acids. This includes urea from protein metabolism, sodium and potassium both of which come from food.

The Wonders of Wee :hump: dribbling from your hands !



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Staff member
How many ppm is pure pee? Assuming satisfactory hydration. Will it burn? Not does it burn
When I first started growing TDS meters were crazy expensive so I used a specific gravity bulb. Human urine has a normal specific gravity of 1.010 to 1.030. In medicine it's used as a rough measure of kidney performance.

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Well-Known Member
When I first started growing TDS meters were crazy expensive so I used a specific gravity bulb. Human urine has a normal specific gravity of 1.010 to 1.030. In medicine it's used as a rough measure of kidney performance.

Below is your PPT calculator :)

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Well-Known Member
How many ppm is pure pee? Assuming satisfactory hydration. Will it burn? Not does it burn
I dont measure “pee pee m “per say. I use a 10:1 water to pee dilute to start a as a baseline amount in a sport water bottle (16.9 oz ) - No exact measurements.

Dilution is infused with seaweed extract ( approximately 1/4 cap ) depending on amount of finished product. I tend to only make what i can use in a day or two. I do not store long term.

That’s why i said that i also do soil drenches ( Pee Tea :bigjoint: ) if you will. I pour the leftovers from sprayer into various soil containers to use up. Deep rinse spray bottle and its ready to go , if i desire to “ brew up “ some more.

This is nothing new to agriculture - just my small way to experiment. It works - i ran a whole thread on this subject and will plan more plants in future. I cannot discount the vigor / color and overall health from previous applications.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
The decomposed fish poop I clean out of my aquarium filters is probably better than human urine as it's already been converted from ammonia to nitrate
Also, it's rich in nitrifying bacteria, which although water-borne can survive at least a couple of days without water