ounce limit (plant)

prop 215 in ca norml website says you can grow outdoor with a oz limit per plant if its over a oz it has to be indoors
Same site says "Proposition 64, The Adult Use Marijuana Act, permits adults over 21 years of age who are not participating in the state’s medical cannabis program to legally grow (up to six plants, including all of the harvest from those plants). The law took effect on November 9, 2016. "
Same site says "Proposition 64, The Adult Use Marijuana Act, permits adults over 21 years of age who are not participating in the state’s medical cannabis program to legally grow (up to six plants, including all of the harvest from those plants). The law took effect on November 9, 2016. "
keep reading, it a long read but it states prop 215 is still in effect and the judge wont go by prop 64. it also limit possession to 8 oz for medical users.
hello my state limit outdoor grows to one ounce per plant. how can i estimate or trim my plants to fit requirements without damaging them ?
Pretty insane. What is the logic of 1 oz per plant? Do they have to prove intent? Is that buds only dry weight? Why didn't they just say outdoor grows are illegal?

You can use the mainline technique with only two colas and trim from the bottom.
keep reading, it a long read but it states prop 215 is still in effect and the judge wont go by prop 64.
Pretty insane. What is the logic of 1 oz per plant? Do they have to prove intent? Is that buds only dry weight? Why didn't they just say outdoor grows are illegal?

You can use the mainline technique with only two colas and trim from the bottom.
its still weird in ca, though the law are the best in the world if you smoke cannabis.

check this out if its hemp or thca which ever you want to call it

Chapter 7.95 of the **(censored for privacy) Code requires an annual permit for the personal cultivation of cannabis by any qualified patient or primary caregiver. Personal cultivation may not exceed 100 square feet of canopy area on any one parcel. To obtain a permit for personal cultivation, an applicant must submit an application with the following information:
  1. Contact information (phone, email, and mailing address);
  2. A 24 hour or nighttime contact phone number;
  3. Written proof that the applicant is 18 years old or older;
  4. A site map showing the location, size, and setback from property lines of the cultivation on the property including the Assessor’s Parcel Number;
  5. Evidence of ownership of the parcel or permission to cultivate on the parcel from the property owner; and
  6. Evidence demonstrating where the cultivation is to occur, including information that the cultivation will take place in an area 100 square feet total canopy area or less, and will not exceed 10 feet in height (note: plants shall not be visible from off-site and should be located within a lockable fenced area or enclosed accessory structure on the site).

so its by canopy size not by patients or plant count. idk why but norml states it so i guess its what it is law wise.

the height requirement is wild xD what does that have to do with anything
its still weird in ca, though the law are the best in the world if you smoke cannabis.

check this out if its hemp or thca which ever you want to call it

Chapter 7.95 of the **(censored for privacy) Code requires an annual permit for the personal cultivation of cannabis by any qualified patient or primary caregiver. Personal cultivation may not exceed 100 square feet of canopy area on any one parcel. To obtain a permit for personal cultivation, an applicant must submit an application with the following information:
  1. Contact information (phone, email, and mailing address);
  2. A 24 hour or nighttime contact phone number;
  3. Written proof that the applicant is 18 years old or older;
  4. A site map showing the location, size, and setback from property lines of the cultivation on the property including the Assessor’s Parcel Number;
  5. Evidence of ownership of the parcel or permission to cultivate on the parcel from the property owner; and
  6. Evidence demonstrating where the cultivation is to occur, including information that the cultivation will take place in an area 100 square feet total canopy area or less, and will not exceed 10 feet in height (note: plants shall not be visible from off-site and should be located within a lockable fenced area or enclosed accessory structure on the site).

so its by canopy size not by patients or plant count. idk why but norml states it so i guess its what it is law wise.

the height requirement is wild xD what does that have to do with anything
A ten foot 1 oz. plant. LOL
prop 215 in ca norml website says you can grow outdoor with a oz limit per plant if its over a oz it has to be indoors
Here you go,

"Under Prop 215, patients are still entitled to grow and possess whatever amount of marijuana is consistent with their medical need, though this is subject to local limits and land-use restrictions, including bans. Locals may not ban 6-plant-per-parcel gardens under Prop. 64, though they may “reasonably regulate” them, including banning outdoor cultivation. Doctors’ notes stating that patients can grow 99 (or any other number) of plants are not legally valid, unless it can be proved in court that a patient required that amount."

From here: https://www.canorml.org/california-laws/california-cannabis-laws/#215Rights
Here you go,

"Under Prop 215, patients are still entitled to grow and possess whatever amount of marijuana is consistent with their medical need, though this is subject to local limits and land-use restrictions, including bans. Locals may not ban 6-plant-per-parcel gardens under Prop. 64, though they may “reasonably regulate” them, including banning outdoor cultivation. Doctors’ notes stating that patients can grow 99 (or any other number) of plants are not legally valid, unless it can be proved in court that a patient required that amount."

From here: https://www.canorml.org/california-laws/california-cannabis-laws/#215Rights
tricky wording huh :) ?
It certainly is when you're high. I'm still enjoying BobBitchen's Chicken Dinner. I love that strain. It's like smoking an orange creamsicle, yum.
it took a while to figure it out but im ready to start growing again within the next two months going for auto flowers havent decided on what strains ill be growing.