trump assassination attempt? 2024

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I saw a former student say the kid was the favorite of the bullies in high school.
I heard the gun he used was his father’s. Father should go to jail. The kid is so pissed about being bullied he tries an assassination of Trump? Something does not add up here. Father might be the one who set this up. This was planned and executed quite well. I have a hard time understanding how a young 20 year old could do this on his own. Also heard stories about how a local cop tried to stop him but the kid threatened him with his gun and the cop fell off the building? sound like a cover up story. The bullet picture also a photoshop job imo.


Well-Known Member
There is precedent for parents being charged after a child carried out a mass shooting in Michigan. Ethan Crumbley plead guilty to 24 counts, including four counts of murder, multiple counts of attempted murder and terrorism charges. He was 15 when he carried out the shooting. Then his parents were charged with four counts each of involuntary manslaughter after allegedly making the gun used in the shooting accessible to their son and failing to recognize warning signs about him before the shooting. They were convicted. Hard to say if this parent was as negligent, and this shooter is an adult. Guess we'll see in the future.
As far as the event being staged, it occurred to me also. First thing, I don't trust anything to do with Trump. Second, it just didn't seem like there was much blood for a gunshot wound. But, considering there were others hit and killed, or injured and no reports of anything else being fishy, it seems there is no conspiracy theory to follow. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I keep reading "there's no place for this kind of violence here".
Excuse me this is America and that was the most American thing ever.
There are hundreds of millions of guns in this country.
There are over a hundred firearm deaths in this country every day. Tens of thousands of people die from gunshots in the U.S. every year.
So when some nutcase takes a potshot at possibly the most reviled man on the planet, enough with the outrage, it's disingenuous.


Well-Known Member
The Difference is. Is a Hammer less deadly than a Bullet ? Republican's love the fact Paul Pelosi was Attacked with a hammer and almost killed, While when something happens to the other side it's wrong and the Democrats came out right away and said so. Yet Republican's Use the Death of someone to hopefully gain Traction. If you Supporters on the Republican side don't see that, Just look at the two sides right now, But Since Trump it's been Chaos and It's Rigged, everything he loses is Rigged, Them, Everyone Knows, The guy is full of shit and will Kill our Country with his rhetoric and evil ways. Although I don't want Biden as his time is up and this is true, but I'd still take Biden in a Box than Trump being a Dictator. Trump didn't want to leave last time, what do you think will happen this time ? His Buddy Kim Un the guy that just killed teenagers for watching tv from South Korea, Really that's they guy you want.. A Clear and Present Danger. Remember who said that, Judge J Michael Luttig, a former trump supporter