Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
greetings, friends! here's my last couple of weeks in photos:
a pot roast that i made in MI one rainy day. it was pretty awesome to come (rental) home to after a day of driving around, trying to find a few bits and bobs for the boat at various stores. i traded a few grams of weed for this, and i think it was quite fair. LOL
sunset over my dream lake that i'm currently manifesting a future upon...
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came home to a massive pile of trash that someone dumped on our property early saturday morning. thankfully the city is helping us take care of it, but a neighbor saw two guys and a uhaul dump this all. this is like 20ft deep and 12ft wide. living....
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but then we went sailing again when we got home and i forgot about the assholes for a few hours. i think we're gonna join the local sailing club at this little lake next month.
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ifkyk. these were my road snacks on the way there and back. best beef jerky EVER.
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sunflowers are finally blooming
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the three outdoor plants. they're huge, no flowers yet. i feel like i should thin them out or defoliate a bit? not sure what to do.