trump assassination attempt? 2024

Thats actually NOT true, you are wildly bending it. its not "subjective" and no ones been banned for saying "oh well" you are being absolutely ridiculous and I think you are well aware of it

We dont allow violations of TOS if you cannot voice your opinion without violating the TOS than that is a problem you need to figure out yourself.
IF youd like to speak about this further my inbox is open to discuss what you cannot / can do here.
Lately my new favorite word is disingenuous. I think that's the word you're looking for.
I am fortunate enough to say i was able to trade mark the phrase “he missed “ . As it stands every time that phrase is communicated I get a nickel . The cash flow o lord the cash flow …

"Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination." - Donald's VP pick JD Vance

That reasoning applies to insane gun laws. If you allow nearly everyone to own a gun, or 20 guns..., that will lead directly to unnecessary gun deaths. Regarding what Vance calls rhetoric, however, he is right in the same way that allowing roads and vehicles to travel on them will too inevitably lead to accidents and deaths. It doesn't follow we got to stop building roads and vehicles.

It's not just rhetoric though. The 'stopped at all costs' would be, of course. So was the bullseye comment - nobody took that as a hint from Biden to point a gun at Trump. Even if someone would, that wouldn't be on Biden, that wouldn't be a reason to stop using figure of speech. Cause that would be like ending the idea of roads and traffic cause some mentally insane drunk driver causes casualties. Like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Aside from taking back the bullseye comment, I think Biden responded well in the NBC interview:

Pressed by Holt on whether he has used inciting language, Biden suggested that it was necessary to characterize Trump as a “threat to democracy.”

“How do you talk about the threat to democracy – which is real – when a [former] president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything – because it may incite somebody?

I watched many many politicians (and people across all levels of society, as well as social media companies and moderators) across several nations grapple with that very key question for decades and have not seen anyone provide a winning response. They don't just not saying anything, but they have to be careful how to phrase it. Just the fact they are forced to navigate a thin line already puts them in a disposition. Cause the other side doesn't have to, they can instead simply lie and bs their way out of losing voters over it. Heck, their supporters convinced themselves it's only fair.

Worse, Vance's tweet, Johnson's veiled comments and thousands of other examples by now, paint Biden and other dems as a danger to Trump, you know, the cult leader of millions of bat shit gun owners. The GOP and Trump got themselves a new trump card, one they won't hold back.

Typical for remakes of foreign movies (it's an analogy ffs, not suggesting it's like a movie...) is that the ending is often changed to be a happy one. Usually kills the story and makes it unrealistic but Americans love a happy ending. The situation where someone who referred to the demagogue as 'America's Hitler' becomes VP is definitely a new twist that was in no original, that would be way too unrealistic for fiction.
From the debate onward I hear the sound of a flushed toilet it's contents America as I knew it swirling down the FKN drain,Trump 2024 WTF were the odds on Jan 7,2021? disillusioned and depressed,from complicit judges,blind zombie like cool-aid drinking minions,and vile gutless rogue R politicians,I despise all of you.
Just like I am glad I didn't have to see my governor murped by a bunch of morons here in Michigan, I am just as glad that I didn't have to watch our last POTUS assassinated. I really did not need to see some mentally unstable radicalized goon hammer a old man in his own home, on and on. We need to stop the propaganda war that is attacking democracies all around the world.

It is killing us and needs to stop.

I've watched quite a few Demolition Ranch videos . Matt rarely if ever gets political .
Im not sure if this is that guy or not (pretty sure it is) but thought it was interesting when I came across it the other day.

This whole thing smells? Something doesn't add up with what i'm reading...and seeing...
I am curious if open carry issues with state laws is going to get brought up and pushed on.

Also how many people were walking around with long rifles outside the event, if you have dozens of these gravy seals walking around how can they tell who is just some idiot trying to get a better look and someone they need to stop from attacking in enough time?
Also how many people were walking around with long rifles outside the event, if you have dozens of these gravy seals walking around how can they tell who is just some idiot trying to get a better look and someone they need to stop from attacking in enough time?
Idk, how many were there? I'm a bit confused on this as you said you didn't watch? I've not seen one clip of people "walking around with long rifles" at the rally. This is a weird take considering anyone on a rooftop with a rifle should be considered a threat.

I would hope someone army crawling up a rooftop with an AR would cause a little concern. A SS sniper with a scope could easily make out a gun from 150 yards away.
This whole thing is corrupt and planned imo. We've been fooled too many times right before our own eyes. From Epstein to Diddy, it's always been a running joke, people knowing the heinous shit they've been up to, but left alone.
The USSS director didn't answer one question honestly , and was simply passing it off as confidential info she could not get into.
There are so many questions about this shooting. From how he got the ladder to the site( that looks like a 12 ft step ladder which are not that light) how he stashed the gun, why wasn't he confronted about the golf range finder and on and on. I'd also like to know if the cop who confronted Crooks on the rooftop had body cam on. I'm suspicious of that even happening.

Imo, there's just no way crooks was alone.
Per usual, I have not read the tread. But my take on the kid is that he is cut from the same cloth as your run of the mill school shooter. A loner who was picked on in school and has a fixation about guns and fame. He had searched for Trumpf and Joe Rob's schedule, along with the AG and a few other national folks. If you guys will recall, there was an event in PA a couple three weeks ago that Biden did not attend at the last minute. There was a strike going on, and he would have had to cross a picket line to participate, and well, you just don't do that. So being a good union man might have saved his life.

Anyway, I'm really glad Trumpf did not get killed. Enough folks are trying to lionize him already. He needs to be beat at the ballot box. (and now that Joe Rob has stepped up to save the country again, I think that is going to happen)
Idk, how many were there?
I don't know, there is no report out yet.

I'm a bit confused on this as you said you didn't watch?
Didnt watch what? In the sentence you decided to look at in your post I don't mention it anywhere.

If you meant when I posted this:
" I am just as glad that I didn't have to watch our last POTUS assassinated. " I was saying I was happy that I did not have to see Trump murdered on live tv. It was sick and as much of a issue I have with him for any number of reasons, assassinating him is a evil and pussy move imo.

I've not seen one clip of people "walking around with long rifles" at the rally.
Screen Shot 2024-07-23 at 7.54.25 AM.png

I didn't have to look to hard. Im sure it is very state specific with their specific gun laws allowing people to carry outside of the rally's.

This is a weird take considering anyone on a rooftop with a rifle should be considered a threat.
That would be a weird take, did someone do that? Because I had heard it was the range finder that they saw leading up to the confrontation with the dumbass shooter.

I would hope someone army crawling up a rooftop with an AR would cause a little concern. A SS sniper with a scope could easily make out a gun from 150 yards away.
This whole thing is corrupt and planned imo.
I agree destroy any attempt at slowing radicalized idiots like this kid from getting their hands on guns and showing up to every mass shooting event and crying about how 'they' are trying to take your guns, in order to scare the shit out of everyone who cares to keep them, then attack then further with carefully constructed propaganda until they lose their fucking minds and start killing innocent people. The ones who have been radicalize this and every other would be shooter are indeed corrupt.

And it was obviously planned since this kid planned it and pulled off getting some shots off at a presidential nominee. But my assumption would be more towards one of the terrorist nations led by murderous dictators like Putin working this kid through the online world.

I will be very interested in the report when the report does come out.

We've been fooled too many times right before our own eyes. From Epstein to Diddy, it's always been a running joke, people knowing the heinous shit they've been up to, but left alone.
You mean Bill Barr whose daddy first hired Epstein to be around underaged girls? I am not sure what he had to do with Diddy.

running joke, people knowing the heinous shit they've been up to, but left alone.
The USSS director didn't answer one question honestly , and was simply passing it off as confidential info she could not get into.
There are so many questions about this shooting. From how he got the ladder to the site( that looks like a 12 ft step ladder which are not that light) how he stashed the gun, why wasn't he confronted about the golf range finder and on and on. I'd also like to know if the cop who confronted Crooks on the rooftop had body cam on. I'm suspicious of that even happening.

Imo, there's just no way crooks was alone.
You ever think that is why they asked those questions was because they knew she couldn't answer about a ongoing investigation so they could grill her without any actual answers?

I agree about the body camera.
Per usual, I have not read the tread. But my take on the kid is that he is cut from the same cloth as your run of the mill school shooter. A loner who was picked on in school and has a fixation about guns and fame. He had searched for Trumpf and Joe Rob's schedule, along with the AG and a few other national folks. If you guys will recall, there was an event in PA a couple three weeks ago that Biden did not attend at the last minute. There was a strike going on, and he would have had to cross a picket line to participate, and well, you just don't do that. So being a good union man might have saved his life.

Anyway, I'm really glad Trumpf did not get killed. Enough folks are trying to lionize him already. He needs to be beat at the ballot box. (and now that Joe Rob has stepped up to save the country again, I think that is going to happen)
Just another bullied , "radicalized" stand alone shooter. That seems to be the narrative. I'm not buying it
What kind of setup do you suppose those fairgrounds needed for the event? All done the day before? I would think something like that would require a week of setting up, place full of both grounds workers and (hopefully) USSS. Strange that he was able to get everything in by himself to pull it off.

I don't know, there is no report out yet.

Didnt watch what? In the sentence you decided to look at in your post I don't mention it anywhere.

If you meant when I posted this:
" I am just as glad that I didn't have to watch our last POTUS assassinated. " I was saying I was happy that I did not have to see Trump murdered on live tv. It was sick and as much of a issue I have with him for any number of reasons, assassinating him is a evil and pussy move imo.

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I didn't have to look to hard. Im sure it is very state specific with their specific gun laws allowing people to carry outside of the rally's.

That would be a weird take, did someone do that? Because I had heard it was the range finder that they saw leading up to the confrontation with the dumbass shooter.

I agree destroy any attempt at slowing radicalized idiots like this kid from getting their hands on guns and showing up to every mass shooting event and crying about how 'they' are trying to take your guns, in order to scare the shit out of everyone who cares to keep them, then attack then further with carefully constructed propaganda until they lose their fucking minds and start killing innocent people. The ones who have been radicalize this and every other would be shooter are indeed corrupt.

And it was obviously planned since this kid planned it and pulled off getting some shots off at a presidential nominee. But my assumption would be more towards one of the terrorist nations led by murderous dictators like Putin working this kid through the online world.

I will be very interested in the report when the report does come out.

You mean Bill Barr whose daddy first hired Epstein to be around underaged girls? I am not sure what he had to do with Diddy.

You ever think that is why they asked those questions was because they knew she couldn't answer about a ongoing investigation so they could grill her without any actual answers?

I agree about the body camera.
Hanimal, I'm not going to quote each of your rebuttals. Bit of wordplay coming from you I don't feel mucking through. Appreciate your response none the less.
The kid didn't plan it himself. If he did, major negligence on the USSS. A joke of an organization if true.

I don't care who hired Epstein first, I wasnt being political about that but the fact is that both Dems / Rep were on the list as well as friends with Epstein if you want to go down that road. He was knowingly left alone by all. As far as Diddy, my point was that if a entertainer, worth millions can get with away with atrocious crimes, I can't imagine what billionaire/trillionaires are getting away with. All under our noses

I didn't watch your video, were there any people walking the fairgrounds with rifles? You strayed a bit when I stated your weird take about the ss snipers recognizing a rooftop shooter, when you did in fact state that it might be an issue for ss to determine who the "good/bad guy " is. They should be trained for this. Also, guns outside of a rally is a little different than inside , where metal detectors are used. But yeah, guns at a rally is just stupid. Inside or out.

Cheatle was grilled by both rep/dems. Glad to see both sides coming together on this. Also glad to see she stepped down. Hopefully she doesn't have a mysterious accident and die between now and when the report comes out. Like that will reveal anything.

Just from what we've been allowed to see from the news and some common sense, do you feel the USSS was negligent?