What did you consumer fucks buy today?


Well-Known Member
They say, A single cow produces between 154 to 264 pounds of methane gas per year, . . . . . . . .
I heard a scientist dude on a TED Talk that mixed seaweed with cows' feed, and it cut methane emissions by over 80%. The food blend has been approved for sale in CA. This could be a real gamechanger. Now we need to get it into stores and let folks have the choice.

Fun fact: 98% of the methane a cow releases comes out of it's mouth. So the team of scientists built a machine that looks like a washing machine to test the cow's breath. A cow cookie drops inside and when they stick their head in for the cookie, the machine collects samples of their breath. There is always a line of cows waiting for their turn at what they see as the cookie machine.

In other cow related news, there is a cow dumping epidemic in one of India's biggest nature preserves. Farmers are allowed to use the milk from cows, but they can't kill them once they are to old to have calves. So they are dumping them in the nature preserve to keep from having to feed them. (India has the most cows in the world)


Well-Known Member
Make we wonder if we share a zip code. That is too funny.
When I worked IPM for a greenhouse in 2020. my boss handed those out in our Christmas gift bag. I gave them to my niece, I think it was the bacon and cheddar flavored ones. She took them to school and got in trouble daring other kids to eat them.

I had a good laugh when my sister called pissed off that I was the reason she had to go to the principal's office.


Well-Known Member
I bought some veggie burgers today, they dont look that appetizing but I'm saving a cow right :peace: