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“A Clumsy Slog Beyond Saving”
"...a numbingly long, incoherent disaster"
"...full of stultifyingly slow dialogue scenes"
"How can Horizon be so incoherent?"

Well, that's not so good is it, lol. Prolly wished he hadn't f'd up Yellowstone.

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GODZILLA MINUS ONE was just released worldwide on Netflix yesterday and gave it a go and loved it. If you got an Atmos sound setup, watch the original Japanese Atmos track and read along with the subtitles. Man the sound kicked some serious ass and was super immersive with the overhead speakers constantly engaged.
another cop reality show but this shows what tech is available and how they use it from helicopters.
Just saw A Quiet Place: Day One. I LOVE the Quiet Place movies by John Krasinski. The alien creatures are awesome, and the stories are pure suspense. Good writing, great acting. I recommend them all.

I love every movie that has his wife Emily Blunt in it. She’s def my favorite actress. Still haven’t seen that new one yet. Sucks that the two of them aren’t in it but i still want to see it.
I love every movie that has his wife Emily Blunt in it. She’s def my favorite actress. Still haven’t seen that new one yet. Sucks that the two of them aren’t in it but i still want to see it.

She's such a great actress. Very sexy, too. She carries that entire second movie on her back. You'll dig this one, my guess is there will be a bunch of them. Different experiences and perspectives in the same storied universe, like Black Mirror...
Just saw A Quiet Place: Day One. I LOVE the Quiet Place movies by John Krasinski. The alien creatures are awesome, and the stories are pure suspense. Good writing, great acting. I recommend them all.
I like them too, although in the latest one, wouldn't you at least stop wearing that damn tie and go into a clothing/boot store and pick up some more suitable duds? Alien special effects were great.
Finished The Boys season 4. I was hoping the season was more than 8 episodes, but it was pretty clear the 8th was the last. Such a great show, it went by too quickly.
Aw right, Tyler, I read a preview at the get go of the series and saw 'superhero' and thought.."Nah, I'll skip this one." Superhero burnout, you know? BUT, based on your rec, I'm starting to watch it... S1E1...here we go...

This was all right although it didn't have especially good reviews. I wanted more gladiators in the Penis Maximus and less talk. Death by nile croc was a good special effect. They should have kept Hopkins in it til the end but JC, he's almost 90 years old. Hope I'm just alive by that point much less working on a demanding shooting schedule.