Examples of GOP Leadership

WOW - Brainworm Kennedy has got some interesting “ hobbies “ …..

The two traveled to Squaw Island in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, not far from the Kennedy compound, after hearing that a whale had washed ashore.

According to Kick, her father had rushed to the scene with a chainsaw, where he cut off the whale’s head. He then proceeded to tie it to the roof of his family’s minivan and drive it five hours back to Mount Kisco, New York.

“Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet,” Kick told the outlet. “We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”

Last month, Kennedy tried to get ahead of a wild storyabout picking up a bear cub carcass off the side of the road, and then ditching the body in Central Park when he didn’t have time to take it home, and mutilating it to make it look like it had been hit by a biker because he thought it would be funny. After the story broke, Kennedy told a group of reporters that he picked up roadkill his “whole life” and has a “freezer full of it.” That seems more and more true every day.

While it’s not clear that it’s the same vehicle, in a 2023 interview with Kennedy, New York magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi noted that Kennedy’s “dog car”—a beat up Toyota minivan—smelled so rank she thought that she “might pass out after about 15 seconds riding shotgun.”


IMO the people leaving were the ones in the middle. Trump people will never leave. RFK's people will split evenly I think so he doesn't matter at all.

In the end it's the electoral that worries me. Dems have the majority vote again but not the states. Going to be close.
I seriously doubt that *anyone* in RFKJ’s ‘base’ will vote for Harris, now or ever, above the microfractional level - there are indeed nuts on both sides, but pseudo-conservatism has magnetized almost all of the nuts available

The people “truly” in the middle are supposed to be ‘the independents’; the way their balancing act plays out, they predictably come down harder on Dems & softer on Pugs. Their actions don’t herald fundamental shifts in the electorate, just the winds as they blow

There is a third, unacknowledged ‘force’ in play which I call the old-line, or principled, conservatives; they include people like Liz Cheney, of the paleo-con sort, as well as David Frum, a definite neo-con; they also include folks like Adam Kinzinger & Joe Walsh with no strong links to the conservative past & a need to acknowledge their failure as a party-like thing & move beyond who/what they have been

In modern times, they’ve only shown themselves once: following the fall of Richard Nixon, when they sat out in ‘74, ‘76, & ‘78. Only a 5% drop in participation, but that gave Dems an effective 10% boost @ the polls, which let them dominate the next 3 elections

The reason they don’t show themselves is due to the nature of true conservatism itself: they are uninclined to rock the boat once enough of a consensus is reached, despite their regard for their freedom of speech. To do so in the Reagan era in particular is to jeopardize family ties, friendships, work relationships - including job status: to risk personal ruin, IOW. The on-steroids nature of life in MAGAdonia makes it even more dangerous to (try to) jump ship…and it accelerates as things get darker

In the post-Chump era, though, we see an entirely different set of dynamics in action: the effing *awsome* repudiation of the *party leader and candidate* that was Nikki Haley’s primary run, for just one - she consistently pulled 20% in multiple states.

Add to that the *old* old-liners like Judge Luttig, & the elevation of John McCain & Dwight Eisenhower to a Lincolnesque status; the rate of retirement/resignation/refusal to re-seek office in protest; and the man’s unstoppable devolution into the kind of toxic asshole that made laws necessary in the first place.

Every day a few thousand Chump voters are reaching their limit of tolerance for his nasty bullying, his stupid horseshit, his lies so obvious that even the most indoctrinated are seeing through him.

This is unheard of in US politics. I know of no precedent where GOP political actors have generated an electoral pullback against themselves, other than the turning-away in the aftermath of the Senate Watergate hearings. The only data I have on that, is a 5% drop in turnout. From the current moment, we have Haley consistently hitting 20% - and in case you missed it, when Haley told her primary voters to vote for Trump, she got the middle finger down to the elbow.

my conclusion is that, if a 5% pullback led to a 10% gain for Dems, a 20% pullback would effectively be a 40% gain - even with none of her 20% voting for Harris; if even 10% *do* vote for Harris, it could leave Chump and his ex-party with a monumental defeat: 60/40 - or worse (for them)
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I seriously doubt that *anyone* in RFKJ’s ‘base’ will vote for Harris, now or ever, above the microfractional level - there are indeed nuts on both sides, but pseudo-conservatism has magnetized almost all of the nuts available

The people “truly” in the middle are supposed to be ‘the independents’; the way their balancing act plays out, they predictably come down harder on Dems & softer on Pugs. Their actions don’t herald fundamental shifts in the electorate, just the winds as they blow

There is a third, unacknowledged ‘force’ in play which I call the old-line, or principled, conservatives; they include people like Liz Cheney, of the paleo-con sort, as well as David Frum, a definite neo-con; they also include folks like Adam Kinzinger & Joe Walsh with no strong links to the conservative past & a need to acknowledge their failure as a party-like thing & move beyond who/what they have been

In modern times, they’ve only shown themselves once: following the fall of Richard Nixon, when they sat out in ‘74, ‘76, & ‘78. Only a 5% drop in participation, but that gave Dems an effective 10% boost @ the polls, which let them dominate the next 3 elections

The reason they don’t show themselves is due to the nature of true conservatism itself: they are uninclined to rock the boat once enough of a consensus is reached, despite their regard for their freedom of speech. To do so in the Reagan era in particular is to jeopardize family ties, friendships, work relationships - including job status: to risk personal ruin, IOW. The on-steroids nature of life in MAGAdonia makes it even more dangerous to (try to) jump ship…and it accelerates as things get darker

In the post-Chump era, though, we see an entirely different set of dynamics in action: the effing *awsome* repudiation of the *party leader and candidate* that was Nikki Haley’s primary run, for just one - she consistently pulled 20% in multiple states.

Add to that the *old* old-liners like Judge Luttig, & the elevation of John McCain & Dwight Eisenhower to a Lincolnesque status; the rate of retirement/resignation/refusal to re-seek office in protest; and the man’s unstoppable devolution into the kind of toxic asshole that made laws necessary in the first place.

Every day a few thousand Chump voters are reaching their limit of tolerance for his nasty bullying, his stupid horseshit, his lies so obvious that even the most indoctrinated are seeing through him.
Women saved us in 2020. This year it really is the Republicans turn to save us from Trump and the current radicalized GQP.

This is unheard of in US politics. I know of no precedent where GOP political actors have generated an electoral pullback against themselves, other than the turning-away in the aftermath of the Senate Watergate hearings.
The more I read about it, the more I think there is a lot to learn from those years in the reconstruction/post reconstruction years. It is a shame that we tried to bury it for so long. I asked my wife about what she learned about it, and we both came to the conclusion that we really hadn't learned shit about it in those 1984ish-late 90s years in our different public schools here in metro-Detroit/rural Michigan.

I think it was basically jump from Lincolns assassination to the late 60s which was pretty much jumbled in with Vietnam.

The only data I have on that, is a 5% drop in turnout. From the current moment, we have Haley consistently hitting 20% - and in case you missed it, when Haley told her primary voters to vote for Trump, she got the middle finger down to the elbow.

my conclusion is that, if a 5% pullback led to a 10% gain for Dems, a 20% pullback would effectively be a 40% gain - even with none of her 20% voting for Harris; if even 10% *do* vote for Harris, it could leave Chump and his ex-party with a monumental defeat: 60/40 - or worse (for them)
It just gets so hard to be confident with the electoral college and how much vote suppression has mangled it into the advantage of the Republican Party atm.

The Democrats need to wipe the floor hard with the Republicans top to bottom of the ticket across all the states. This mess is still years away from being behind us, but hopefully we can make some very big strides in November.
Ok Buckle up - Massive Moronic Grift ahead.

Stinky is releasing “ new series 4 NFT “ digital cards - ( worth nothing ) and Platinum High Tops ( silver spray paint ).

There is a bunch of other swaggy bullshit listed on website but here is some to laugh at. He is offering a dinner package for “ card buyers “ - but look at the lame AI trump at dinner table photo.

What a fucking loser ! Stinky is definitely cash strapped- 30 to 40 million a month to cover all lawyers and current cases , approximately 151 million in cash based on campaign data. A “ paper billionaire “ not worth a square of shit paper.

Note : Video leak is not active ( screengrab )
Trust me it sucks.


Ok Buckle up - Massive Moronic Grift ahead.

Stinky is releasing “ new series 4 NFT “ digital cards - ( worth nothing ) and Platinum High Tops ( silver spray paint ).

There is a bunch of other swaggy bullshit listed on website but here is some to laugh at. He is offering a dinner package for “ card buyers “ - but look at the lame AI trump at dinner table photo.

What a fucking loser ! Stinky is definitely cash strapped- 30 to 40 million a month to cover all lawyers and current cases , approximately 151 million in cash based on campaign data. A “ paper billionaire “ not worth a square of shit paper.

Note : Video leak is not active ( screengrab )
Trust me it sucks.

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Time to fire up those totally real American PayPal accounts.

Screen Shot 2024-08-27 at 2.06.21 PM.png

Money is meaningless in this campaign. At least on Trump's end. When you have billionaires buying up all the media spaces it becomes moot.
I was actually starting to post this in a different thread, but pretty timely.

I was pretty bummed with this dude after watching this:

I was actually hopeful to see him dismantle some good left wing propaganda (like he did with the Hill YouTube trolls). I get that he leans right (at the least based on some things he said in other videos that made it pretty obvious), and have no problem with that at all, but this almost came off like a burnt sock account video. Or at least one whose mask is slipping pretty hard. I don't think that is the case based on this video, but if he got paid to do a video on it it wouldn't surprise me any more than it would that he did it to see how people/accounts would respond to it in his comment section.

I do think though that he kind of makes a great point at the beginning but left it behind and went a different direction. I could see the propagandists that created project 2025 made this meme to be able to do these bullshit 'factchecks' on the memes that they created to be left troll propaganda.

Which was pretty fantastic to read the comments on this video.

I don't know, it will be interesting to see what happens next with this guy, but if he just becomes a HQ anti-propaganda catfish it will suck.



