Septoria Resistant Strains


Well-Known Member
My first casualty of this summer's septoria. Always amazes me how fast the sugar leaves die back into the plant! Will only be running strains that have shown resistance next summer, thankfully I have a few to choose from.leaf septoria (1).jpg
My first casualty of this summer's septoria. Always amazes me how fast the sugar leaves die back into the plant! Will only be running strains that have shown resistance next summer, thankfully I have a few to choose from.View attachment 5420640
yeah, I hear you... I did a full larf out and lollipopping today on 9, 1+ pounder sized girls........ we have about 8 days of good weather coming and I have found if I stay on top of things I can keep the Septoria from the sugar leaves, but at some point I loose it if the weather stays bad......

your plants are too big to get into a big larfing program..... but any amount helps in my experience.... Failure to snip down at the base of a leaf leaves the starting point for infections.... so proper larfing today was more work than I like on any one plant..... but it is what it is.......

Septoria resistance with an early finish, no ruderalis genes, 20+%, no heavy indica, is what I'm looking for.....

Ugh, found some powdery mildew on one side of a big MOH girl today..... just hacked that side of the plant off.....

Pineapple Muffin is really an all around champ for me this year, so far..... Tropicanna Poison is a septoria resistant champ, but ugh, aphids love her too.... I have a TP next to a PM in a row, not touching, and the PM has virtually zero aphids and barely any Spetoria ( had one split in another garden area and half the plant rested on the lawn for 12 hours before I could get to her and strap her back together... problems like that are always a sure start of infection problems... but minimal on the repaired bush).... next plant down, Made of Honor, Septoria and some aphids and now some PM,.... next plant down the row, Gorilla cookies Fast, both Septoria and Aphid problems..... I have two other GGF's which are much better, and 2 other MOH's having some septoria problems (and a late flowering start on all of them)...Odd though, if you looked at the plants from 20 feet away you;d think the Tropicannas are healthy as horses with sticky, purple flowers done in 3 weeks...get up close and turn those leaves over and there's an aphid party..... ugh.... Candy Store girls hanging tough but vulnerable.... mixed Nutz, mixed results, but an early flowerer, so done by 9/20. second round of autoflowers thriving, but not as much as the ones that had the june/july weather.... I have yet to see an auto flower that doesn't foster at least some septoria.... they move along quickly, so just hard larfing and regular LST work keeps them dry and lets them finish in the summer's sun, but work.

Read up on Super Wreck for septoria resistance , Mendo 20....also, some of Humboldts may be good to consider... it would be interesting to run Pineapple Upside down cake right next to Pineapple Muffin to see if they have different septori resistance... it would help clarify where the septoria resistance I am seeing in Pineapple Muffin is coming from. I gave 2 PMs to a buddy, one from seed, one a clone. They are both high septoria resistant like my 3. The cloned one started flowering a week earlier than all the other seed started girls. PM's only read as 22% so likely not the best wash/press material.... We'll see how they finish.

I think all these septoria problems are being fueled by wildfires and a humid planet.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I hear you... I did a full larf out and lollipopping today on 9, 1+ pounder sized girls........ we have about 8 days of good weather coming and I have found if I stay on top of things I can keep the Septoria from the sugar leaves, but at some point I loose it if the weather stays bad......

your plants are too big to get into a big larfing program..... but any amount helps in my experience.... Failure to snip down at the base of a leaf leaves the starting point for infections.... so proper larfing today was more work than I like on any one plant..... but it is what it is.......

Septoria resistance with an early finish, no ruderalis genes, 20+%, no heavy indica, is what I'm looking for.....

Ugh, found some powdery mildew on one side of a big MOH girl today..... just hacked that side of the plant off.....

Pineapple Muffin is really an all around champ for me this year, so far..... Tropicanna Poison is a septoria resistant champ, but ugh, aphids love her too.... I have a TP next to a PM in a row, not touching, and the PM has virtually zero aphids and barely any Spetoria ( had one split in another garden area and half the plant rested on the lawn for 12 hours before I could get to her and strap her back together... problems like that are always a sure start of infection problems... but minimal on the repaired bush).... next plant down, Made of Honor, Septoria and some aphids and now some PM,.... next plant down the row, Gorilla cookies Fast, both Septoria and Aphid problems..... I have two other GGF's which are much better, and 2 other MOH's having some septoria problems (and a late flowering start on all of them)...Odd though, if you looked at the plants from 20 feet away you;d think the Tropicannas are healthy as horses with sticky, purple flowers done in 3 weeks...get up close and turn those leaves over and there's an aphid party..... ugh.... Candy Store girls hanging tough but vulnerable.... mixed Nutz, mixed results, but an early flowerer, so done by 9/20. second round of autoflowers thriving, but not as much as the ones that had the june/july weather.... I have yet to see an auto flower that doesn't foster at least some septoria.... they move along quickly, so just hard larfing and regular LST work keeps them dry and lets them finish in the summer's sun, but work.

Read up on Super Wreck for septoria resistance , Mendo 20....also, some of Humboldts may be good to consider... it would be interesting to run Pineapple Upside down cake right next to Pineapple Muffin to see if they have different septori resistance... it would help clarify where the septoria resistance I am seeing in Pineapple Muffin is coming from. I gave 2 PMs to a buddy, one from seed, one a clone. They are both high septoria resistant like my 3. The cloned one started flowering a week earlier than all the other seed started girls. PM's only read as 22% so likely not the best wash/press material.... We'll see how they finish.

I think all these septoria problems are being fueled by wildfires and a humid planet.
Since I am seeing good resistance in my 2 The Work plants, I'll be running a bunch of his crosses outdoors next summer. He has crosses made with Deathstar, Dosi Mints, Gary Payton, Gorilla Glue and Coca Cola/Rootbeer. Plus crosses I made with the resistant Salvisas. I had aphids all over a plant a couple of months ago and left it alone. After about a week I went out and it was covered with lady bugs, and they cleaned the entire plant within a day. Sometimes nature surprises you!


Well-Known Member
Let's make a list of Septoria resistant photoperiod cannabis strains. I'll put up an autoflower list thread too.

Septoria leaf disease is becoming a growing problem that is literally killing outdoor, organic cannabis growing.

I have seen the following septoria related strain characteristics in the northeast, usa, western maine, this summer...

Tropicanna Poison - Sweet Seeds...... literally zero septoria this year, and it's getting tough out there.... she didn't clone easily.. flowered end of July and supposedly rippens early, so she'll be in 9/20-25, before cold, dank weather pushes stuff into the flower.... nice smells already.
Pineapple Muffin - Humboldt..... Higher septoria resistance, but small amount of under larfing needed to keep her clean in bad conditions...lots of inside larfing needed with these girls, like grab the first couple/few nodes after every split or you'll get socked in, but still septoria is low even with heavy inside growth.
Made of Honor - Mendo20....... Vigorous grower so she kinda stays ahead of it, but it's there and it will depend on how wet september is as to whether septoria will creep into the flower leaves and end her days before her time.... some plants better than others, either pheno or grow spot, who knows!
Candy Store..... Ethos...... again, great growth so she keeps ahead of it, but it's there and if you don;t larf it out, septoria will win....depends on Sept.... grown this girl before, seeing the same thing, but she had a great finish on a good fall.... I won;t run her again outside, too much risk and larfing, but in drier climates, surely a great choice.
Gorilla Cookies FF....... 420 Fastbuds........ no sir, had to larf her right up to the new growth last week.... yeah, she's vigorous, and supposedly flowers quick, but she's late to turn and full of septoria.... no sir, never again
Mixed Nutz .... NASC freebie........ aaaah, ran her with hopes...she's puckered up with septoria pretty good.... once I spread her out and larfed her better, she's hanging tough....early flower turn, so she won;t have to run out much beyond sept 20..... but nah, not the septoria resistance I want.

note: just cause something says fast flowering doesn't mean it's a good choice for northeastern usa..... your better choice parameter would be, septoria and PM resistance with an oct1-10 harvest... SOmetimes fasts flowers turn late so it doesn;t matter that they're fasts as you are still in mid Oct for her to finish right........some are vulnerable to light and heat stress flipping early in veg before you want...... some are more likely to hermie...... some host septoria it seems..... but yes, a fast flower, early finish, +20thc flower that is septoria resistance is ideal. Tropicanna Poison and Pinapple Muffin fit that bill...... let's see how they finish.

Add to the list..........
Good to no yes it's getting rough this Guicy banger is not resistant I'd take a closer pic but it's so bad might spread digitally
I hear you I just think septoria is a lot more widespread where you are Here it can be controlled easy with early prevention most people dont even see it until its all over a plant I can see one little spot a mile away because I have lost whole outdoor plots to it over the yrs.
What are you guys using to combat the sept this year a few of mine got it I think I ran out of soil
capacity aswell I no you two have been around and I respect your opinions



Well-Known Member
Good to no yes it's getting rough this Guicy banger is not resistant I'd take a closer pic but it's so bad might spread digitally

What are you guys using to combat the sept this year a few of mine got it I think I ran out of soil
capacity aswell I no you two have been around and I respect your opinions
I used copper to keep it in check for yrs,this yr i tried sulfur with great results but Iam growing a new strain so who knows one thing for sure you need to start spraying before you see damage same with pm. Because once flowering start copper an sulfur are a no go in flower I would use ho20 3% or citric acid in flower to hold it off.